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Self’s Assisted Treatment: Diagnosis or discernment (10th Divine inFORMED FReEDOM)
Diagnosis or discernment, and treatment in the case of Adam and Eve
In the divine will and plan and the scientific discourse, Adam and Eve informed about the human health, life, and medicine differently from the discourse found in religions and modern quantitative science.... To read the entire introduction click here..
Divine Principles
Learned in the Bible, for healthy being in qualitative life, the divine principles are the original principles for the hygiene in human health, life, and medicine economy. Now, in given situation of life, helped in the modern science progress, it is given to mature in the religious approach of the case of Adam and Eve to better the human health, life, and medicine economy (coded as HLME) inherited from given context of life.... To read more about this introduction click here
1. A motivational knowledge information (coded as MKI)
2. A good intended initiative (coded as GII)
3. Conscientious probing interview question-answers (coded as CPIQ)
4. A divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem (coded as DPUNE)
5. A monogamy in marriage (coded as MM)
6. A human procreation or reproduction (coded as HPR)
7. A sexual intercourse act (coded as SIA)
8. Recognition of the divine presence and action (coded as RDPA)
9. A use of the divine graces and mercy (coded as UDGM)
10. An available human being (coded as AHB)’s free spirit
Divine informed freedom
To minimize cultural confusions, the Bible in its diverse versions becomes the modern reference for the relationship of the humanity in given nurturing ecosystem including God for defining human health and life. Religious human beings had always referred to God in dealing with their limitations in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. As involved in the humanity process, being its biblical author, God revealed his pleased freedom in the human use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. In given situations and contexts of life (coded as SCL), in acknowledging the outcomes of the observance of divine principles as related to given diagnosis or discernment, and treatment (coded as DDT), the divine informed freedom (coded as DIF) allowed to experience given healthy happiness and improve given qualitative life. Those situations and contexts of life allowed to define the test of life and death (coded as TLD) and the test of health and life issues (coded as THLI). In the present real world, in regard to given limitations in the inevitable and wonderful support of the current conventional science, this freedom made possible given conscientious and informed choice (coded as CIC) that had allowed to experience healthy happiness and qualitative life (coded as HHQL) and to define a standard of a process of monitoring and fulfillment (coded as PMF), depending on a righteousness in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem…To read more about this introduction click here…
1. A divine informed freedom in divine instructions 2. A divine informed freedom in good intended initiative 3. A divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview questions-answers 4. A divine informed freedom in divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem 5. A divine informed freedom in marriage monogamy 6. A divine informed freedom in human procreation or reproduction 7. A divine informed freedom in sexual intercourse act 8. A divine informed freedom in recognition of the divine presence and action 9. A divine informed freedom in the use of the divine graces and mercy
10. A divine informed freedom in a given available human being’s free spirit allowed to experience and fulfill the divine image after the divine likeness for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. A perceptive analysis of the biblical report of the relationship between God and an available human being (coded as AHB)’s free spirit showed that this relationship was natural for revealing the divine will and plan (coded as DWP) in the use of the divine graces and mercy (coded as UDGM). The Bible reported how, in the beginning, God made clear for Adam and Eve his will and plan for the human spirit to comply with his prescriptions for experiencing the expected healthy outcomes as they were made in his image after his likeness. First, they complied with the divine prescription for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. The characteristic element of this biblical report as an element of reference of their health and life unit (coded as HLU) was that “The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame” (Genesis 2:24). Second, unfortunately, they listened to a cunning serpent against the divine will and plan and experienced a sin misfortune. The consequence of their sin allowed to define unhealthy, unhappy, and mediocre life (coded as UUML). Following their sin, the characteristic element in the biblical report as an element of reference of the health and life unit was that “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked” (Genesis 3:7). They showed the syndrome of given disharmony of their health and life. Their perception of their body dramatically changed in regard to their relation with their nurturing ecosystem. They felt ashamed and vulnerable. Even after their unfortunate experience with the animal spiritual infestation (coded as ASI) and the vegetal biological contamination (coded as VBC), as they still showed given reluctance in mindset, God still allowed the human spirit (i.e., human intelligence and human will) to perceive the truth of him in one’s human self (i.e., human spirit, soul, and body). Using a direct probing interview questionnaire (coded as PIQ), God brought forth his divine motivational knowledge information into their conscience. As prevention against distorted mindset, in the beginning of human creation, the motivational knowledge information was the guideline for the human spirit development to experience and fulfill the divine image after the divine likeness “for and in” healthy, happy, and qualitative life (See, wellbeing feeling as the natural state of a being that is like God). In the case of Adam and Eve, the direct probing interview questionnaire of God allowed to establish first, the human causality favoring factor in the expected healthy outcomes in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem, and, second the compliance with the motivational knowledge information in the use of these goods. In responding to the divine probing interview questionning, Adam’s freedom in his self’s free spirit allowed him to unveil his mindset when he accused God and his wife for his sin and its unhealthy consequences. In the depth of his mindset, Adam believed he was doing fine with God’s will and plan. Alone Adam showed his consent with the divine gifts including his wife, as it was God who found that he needed to be helped to undergo and achieve his spiritual being like the divine being. With the help of his wife he first experienced given healthy, happy, and qualitative life, when they complied with the divine instructions. With the help of his wife he second failed to fulfill his own human self’s divine image after the divine likeness, as he did not complied with the divine instructions when he did not dominate on her as she gave her the forbidden fruit to eat. In his free spirit, he showed his mindset in his accusation that, as wounded by his sin, he was not willing to be available to experience the divine help the same way as before the meeting with the serpent. Differently from Adam, Eve underwent an indepth meditation of the events before her sin. Eve’s freedom in her self’s free spirit allowed her to unveil her mindset that she perceived the animal and vegetal causality favoring factor for her sin and its consequent wounds. Even in her sin and its wounds, she showed and maintained her consent to help her husband fulfill the divine will and plan for him. Unfortunately, she was deceived in spite of her good willing. She showed her mindset to seek fixing her misfortune as it shall please God. Second, out of the paradise setting because of their sin, God allowed to highlight their spirit to correspond to his divine image after his likeness. At the birth of Cain, fruit of their sexual intercourse act (coded as SIA), Eve perceived that God had given her to be like her husband in giving life from her, a female, to another male human being. In her meditation monologue praise (coded as MMP) of God, she was willing to be available to experience the divine help to fulfill her likeness to God. As a reparation of their sin and its wounds, she again allowed to both of them, her husband and her, to experience and fulfill the divine image after the divine likeness for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. Their life as parents became related to the inevitable earthly death. In Adam and Eve God allowed to perceive his divine informed freedom in a given available human being’s free spirit. Through Eve God emphasized that a human free sprit allowed to experience and fulfill the divine image after the divine likeness for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. In a third time, God allowed to perceive the effects of his presence and action in relation with his human creatures. the heirs of Adam and Eve again offered to analyze the occasions for the expression of the divine will and plan in his words and his approval sign. God established with Cain the dialogue that he expected from his parents before their free decision to sin against him. Cain enacted what God warned his parents in his preventive motivational knowledge information. As his parents who listened to else one than God and to themselves in sinning, listening to himself, he listened into himself and put his young brother to death. Cain allowed to perceive that death was the inevitable consequence of sin, when resistance to the divine instructions developed in refusal to listen to God. The Bible reported that God had looked with favor at Abel and his gift and warned Cain in words about the prelude of sin manifested in him. Cain became the enacting causality favoring factor of death due to the transmission of the damaging effect of the human original sin of his parents who, tempted, ate the unhealthy fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil linked to inevitable earthly death. He experienced the unhealthy, unhappy, and mediocre life. He presented to describe the syndrome of death phenomenon (coded as SDP), of which characteristic symptoms were fear of God and others, and hiding from God and others. This syndrome was also obvious in phenomena such as mindset, sin, and wounds (coded as MSW), temptation and evil spirits (coded as TES), and fear and frustration (coded as FF). Like the cunning serpent and his parents, because of the consent to evil pretense and to his double sin of murdering his brother Abel and of lying to himself and to God, Cain allowed to perceive that, as his parents because of sin, he was put away and he was hiding himself from the divine sight. Through Cain God allowed to perceive his divine informed freedom in a given human being’s free spirit unwillingness to experience and fulfill the divine image after the divine likeness for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. With Cain, like his mother in her meditationprayer monologue, God also showed his divine will to respond favorably to the human will in meditationprayer dialogue with him, when asked for his supplementary extrinsic divine graces and mercy. Through Abel, God indicated his divine informed freedom in a given available human being’s free spirit willing to experience and fulfill the divine image after the divine likeness for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. Through Eve and their children, God revealed his divine informed freedom in a conscious available human being’s free spirit willing to experience his favorable response to the human will in meditationprayer monologue of him and dialogue with him, when his supplementary extrinsic divine graces and mercy were recognized for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. The Bible described the healthy outcomes of the divine informed freedom in a conscious available human being’s free spirit willing to experience his favorable response to the human will in meditationprayer monologue and dialogue, when his supplementary extrinsic divine graces and mercy were recognized and wanted for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. According to the Genesis Book in the Bible, Eve sinned under the influence of external influence contesting the divine motivational knowledge information stored in her soul (i.e., memory, imagination, and affection). She allowed to perceive the unhealthy motivational knowledge information (coded as UMKI) also stored in her soul, and its consequences on the human health and life unit. Freely in monologue, she used her spirit (i.e., intelligence and will) and meditated on her lost healthy life before her sin as stored in her soul. She built a given mindset reacting to the new situation of her health and life until God manifested anew. Following her unique dialogue with God in the divine probing interview questioning in which she identified the animal causality favoring factor of her sin and its consequential outcome as her unhealthy life, she later recognized the divine presence and action in her life. Fortunately, this time, as she became a parent, giving life to another human being like her husband, she freely praised the Lord God for making of her like him. Her meditation monologue praise in words allowed her to experience a divine favorable response to her human will to be like God as his supplementary extrinsic divine graces and mercy. The divine favorable response translated Eve’s meditation monologue praise as her will to experience his supplementary extrinsic divine graces and mercy already recognized and wanted; “I have produced a male child with the help of the Lord”, as Eve reacted becoming a mother and a parent. Therefore, God helped her with his supplementary extrinsic divine graces and mercy for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. The divine favorable response to Eve’s meditation monologue praise was personified in Eve’s second boy child. Later, the divine favorable reaction to the gift of Abel allowed to discern the difference between the outcomes following the parental sin and those following the parental meditation monologue praise. Although Cain’s offering was with no divine favor, its healthy outcomes revealed the divine will and plan in uttered words. “So Cain was very angry and dejected. Then the Lord said to Cain: Why are you angry? Why are you dejected? If you act rightly, you will be accepted; but if not, sin lies in wait at the door: its urge is for you, yet you can rule over it” (Genesis 4: 5-7). The divine response to Cain’s emotional reaction was to help always experience healthy outcomes in given situation of life. The healthy outcomes following the parental sin were first, their intercourses with each other in marriage monogamy and second later, their fruit (i.e., of intercourses) personified as Cain. Although victims of their own sin, Adam and Eve obeyed to the divine expectation addressed to Eve (See, fee spirit in enacting God’s say about Eve’s sexual urge). Cain was born to them. With Cain, God expressed in words his will and plan to deal with sin to prevent its unhealthy consequences. Later, experiencing given unhealthy consequences of his crime in sin, Cain corresponded to the divine expectation in establishing a dialogue with God. In this meditationprayer dialogue praise (coded as MDP), like his mother before him in meditation monologue praise, he recognized and wanted given supplementary extrinsic divine graces and mercy. God expressed again in words his divine favorable reaction to Cain’s prayer of demand. God assured him his protection against eventual enemies to his life. The healthy outcomes following Eve’s meditation monologue praise were parental intercourses with each other after Cain’s birth and their fruit a second time personified as Abel. Abel grew up with a human good spirit (coded as HGS), compared to his older brother. “The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering” (Genesis 4:4). Abel also corresponded to the divine expectation in meditation monologue praise (of which syndrome was healthy attitudes, emotions, and behaviors [coded as HAEB]), though not uttered in his words but shown in his described behavior as divine pleased use of the intrinsic divine graces and mercy. The unhealthy outcomes following the remote parental sin were expressed in Cain as urge to commit irreparable and grave sins, of which syndrome was unhealthy attitudes, emotions, and behaviors (coded as UAEB). He murdered his young brother and lied about it to God. The healthy outcomes following Cain’s double crime of sin were first, the highlight of the divine favorable reaction to his meditationprayer dialogue praise of God’s mercy, second, the confirmation of the divine warning about the inevitable earthly death, and third, the divine informed freedom in a conscious available human being’s free spirit willing to experience his favorable response to the human will in meditationprayer monologue and dialogue, when his supplementary extrinsic divine graces and mercy were recognized and wanted for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. As Adam was mentioned only in his involvement in intercourses, Eve and her sons (Cain and Abel) allowed to perceive the healthy outcomes of the divine informed freedom in a conscientious available human being’s free spirit as healthy health and medical psychology to treat unhealthy situations of life (coded as USL) such as mindset, sin, and their wounds, and the syndrome of death phenomenon. The Bible allowed to describe the divine informed freedom in a conscientious available human being’s free spirit for healthy health and medical psychology to treat unhealthy situations and contexts of life. The Bible allowed to perceive that due to the human original sin (coded as HOS), as started with Adam and Eve, the nurturing ecosystem of the world natural setting presented unhealthy contexts of life (coded as UCL) that, first favored evil pretense, second confused on good (See, notion of mindset), and third, truncated the economy of medicine and the human health and life (coded as HHL). This truncated economy favored unhealthy situations of health and life unit (See, genetics, anatomy, physiology, cell, and inner milieu), which were pathology sets translated in health and medical psychology (See, spiritual, psychosocial, behavioral, and medical science) as mindsets, sins, and wounds (coded as MSW), temptations and evil spirits (coded as TES), diseases and illnesses (coded as DI), fears and frustrations (coded as FF), indifference and ignorance (coded as II), unhealthy happiness (coded as UH), and unhealthy, unhappy, and mediocre life (coded as UUML). Those situations about health and life were the confusing pathological definition of the complication of suffering phenomenon in the worldly viewpoint, as started in the paradise setting with Adam and Eve without a dialogue with God who made them in his divine image after his likeness. Without God’s input and help, suffering phenomenon was unknown misunderstanding. Before, the evil pretense influence (coded as EPI) and the human original sin, the notion of medicine was equated with health and medical psychology of which healthy outcomes always led to human health, life, and medicine economy (coded as HLME) for human wellbeing in the divine likeness and eternal life, as Adam and Eve was entitled to have always access to the fruit of the tree of life. Their suffering phenomenon regrouped in an inevitable feeling syndrome (coded as IFS) was always well treated in the observance of the divine motivational knowledge information. Differently from the world’s viewpoint on health and life, the divine approach of health and life in the Genesis Book of the Bible allowed to diagnose or discern and treat first, fundamental elements of feeling (coded as FEF) as inevitable feeling syndrome of their human true being or self (coded as HIBS) to experience and fulfill human true being or self (coded as HTBS). The fundamental elements of feeling at the biological level of the human body were meditation, urge, stress, distress, pain, and suffering, that allowed to experience the healthy happiness (coded as HH) and improve the qualitative life (coded as QL), as in the divine will and plan in the biblical creation process (coded as BCP). At the spiritual level, the human spirit read the body signals of the inevitable fundamental elements of feeling and analyzed them at the light of the soul signals of the memory, imagination, and affection. In the paradise setting first, Adam’s free spirit only efforts were guided by the divine motivational knowledge information from the inconscience or unconsciousness through the subconscience to the conscience or conscientiousness as a given education-care to experience healthy, happy, and qualitative life, as it pleased God in the beginning of the humanity. Out of the paradise setting second, the divine approach of health and life allowed to diagnose or discern and treat, the complication of the inevitable feeling syndrome that was yielding the unhealthy situations of life (coded as USL) that were due to the contemporary contexts of life and remote contexts of life (coded as CRCL), confused about evil and sin issues (coded as ESI), as with Adam, Eve, and Cain. Proclaiming the truth of the nurturing ecosystem as in the paradise setting in the perspective of God and allowing the conscientious and informed choice (coded as CIC) of God, as with Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel, God initiated the self’s assisted treatment (coded as SAT) in human health, life, and medicine issues (coded as HLMI). First, instructing about the truth of God in regard to the humanity health and life, God allowed to perceive, how to heal from mindsets, sins, and wounds. In the paradise setting, Adam chose to listen to Eve even against God’s will. “The Lord God then called the man and asked him, ‘Where are you?’ He answered, ‘I heard you in the garden; but I was afraid, because I was naked, so I hid myself’. Then he (i.e., God) asked, ‘Who told you that you were naked? You have eaten, then, from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat!’” (Genesis 3:9-11). Again, in words, Adam allowed to perceive the divine informed freedom in a conscious and available human being’s free spirit, “The woman whom you put here with me−she gave me fruit from the tree, and so I ate it” (Genesis 3:12) Second, God allowed to perceive how to deliver from temptations and evil spirits. Differently as he probed his human creatures, the reaction of God toward the cunning animal was without mercy and God offered it no dialogue: “Because you have done this, I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; they will strike at your head, while you strike at their heel (Genesis 3:14b-15). Third, God allowed to perceive how to diagnose or discern and treat the inevitable feeling syndrome such as urge, stress, pain, and suffering. “To the woman (i.e., Eve), he (i.e., God) said: ‘I will intensify the pangs of your childbearing; in pain shall you bring forth children. Yet your urge shall be for your husband, and he shall be your master” (Genesis 3:16). Without considering God’s intervention as a punishment, compared with her husband’s mindset, Eve allowed to perceive the outcomes of the recognition of the divine presence and action linked to a divine informed freedom in a conscientious available human being’s free spirit. Eve allowed to describe how to live in the divine mercy and marriage monogamy, once she had taken conscience of her sin, as an act of contrition for her human original sin. She allowed to perceive how God responded to her praise meditationprayer, as she gave birth a second time to another boy child who showed that he was mentally healthy. Fourth, out of the paradise setting, God allowed to perceive how to liberate from fears and frustrations. “So Cain was very angry and dejected. Then the Lord said to Cain: Why are you angry? Why are you dejected? If you act rightly, you will be accepted; but if not, sin lies in wait at the door: its urge is for you, yet you can rule over it” (Genesis 4: 5-7). God expressed again in words his divine favorable reaction to Cain’s prayer of demand. He assured Cain his divine protection against eventual enemies to his life. Fifth, in the paradise setting, God allowed to perceive how to inspire knowledge and motivation to overcome indifference and ignorance. “The Lord God said: It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body. The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame. (Genesis 2:15-18, 24-25). Sixth, God allowed to perceive how to perform miracles to experience healthy, happy, and qualitative life (coded as HHQL). “The Lord God then took the man and settled him in the Garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it. The Lord God gave the man this order: You are free to eat from any of the trees of the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From that tree you shall not eat; when you eat from it you shall die. The Lord God said: It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body. The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame” (Genesis 1: 27; 2:15-18, 24). Seventh, God allowed to perceive how to empower for the work into the triumph of God (coded as WTG) to feel the peace, the joy, the wellness, the justice, the belief, the faith, the hope, the love, trust, and the freedom, as it pleased God to experience wellbeing and eternal life. In a scientific and technological progress, as in the case of Adam, the divine probing intervention questioning became significative to diagnose or discern the divine will and plan, when one feels the exascerbation of the inevitable feeling syndrome. Still, God was willing to help experience his favorable response to the human will in monologue and dialogue meditationprayer. “To the man he said: ‘Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, you shall not eat from it, cursed is the ground because of you! In toil you shall eat its yield all the days of your life. Thorns and thistles it shall bear for you, and you shall eat the grass of the field. By the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread, Until you return to the ground, from which you were taken; For you are dust, and to dust you shall return. The man gave his wife the name “Eve,” because she was the mother of all the living. The Lord God made for the man and his wife garments of skin, with which he clothed them (Genesis 3: 17 -21). There was always Good News in human unhealthy situations and contexts of life (coded as USCL). For, later, Jesus said, “These signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons, they will speak new languages. They will pick up serpents [with their hands], and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them. They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16: 17-18). What about you? (Test yourself: 1. What are your existential situations and contexts of life [coded as ESCL; Note that a context of life can be a setting of life]? 2. How do you feel your “self” [a. Spiritually {i.e., your spirit: intelligence and will; your soul: memory, imagination, and affection}; See, spiritually oriented impact {coded as SOI}];[b. Bodily {i.e., your physic and physiology}; See, biologically oriented impact{coded as BOI}]; and [c. In your context or setting {i.e., family, workplace, neighborhood, or belief structure or system: example church}? 3. How is your stand in the issue of life and death? 4. How do you feel in your lifestyle [a. Spiritual religious or non-religious]; [b. Religious traditional or non-traditional]; [c. Modern religious affiliated or non-religious-affiliated]; and [d. Married conventional or non-conventional; Single religious or non-religious; in union with no commitment]?) Email and send your story Acknowledging spiritual care and medicine (coded as SCM) allows the qualitative healthy dynamics (coded as QHD) personified by Jesus who harmlessly helps a willing human being (coded as WHB) silently experience the Healthy Happiness and Qualitative Life (coded as HHQL) in the presence and action of the Holy Spirit (coded as PAHS), treating one’s human inherited self or being (coded as HISB) to perceive and own one’s human true self or being (coded as HTSB). Learn through:Buy our books:WTGF Text Book (Please, help us with your donation (≥$1; ≥$30.00; ≥$80.00) for publishing, which will cost ≥ $ 8,000.00): Title: “Curing through the meditation of the Rosary mysteries: The story of George”“Work into the Triumph of God” with our store $17.00“Health Spirituality” with our store $15.00“Meditation-prayer as a healing complement for human spiritual and physical suffering” with our store Before leaving this page, allow us to thank you for your visit and time. We still expect your generosity to contribute to our research, because we believe that you are worthy as you want the world around you to be healthier and happier! Smile, feel HEALTHY feel HAPPY!
1. A divine informed freedom in divine instructions 2. A divine informed freedom in good intended initiative 3. A divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview questions-answers 4. A divine informed freedom in divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem 5. A divine informed freedom in marriage monogamy 6. A divine informed freedom in human procreation or reproduction 7. A divine informed freedom in sexual intercourse act 8. A divine informed freedom in recognition of the divine presence and action 9. A divine informed freedom in the use of the divine graces and mercy
10. A divine informed freedom in a given available human being’s free spirit allowed to experience and fulfill the divine image after the divine likeness for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. A perceptive analysis of the biblical report of the relationship between God and an available human being (coded as AHB)’s free spirit showed that this relationship was natural for revealing the divine will and plan (coded as DWP) in the use of the divine graces and mercy (coded as UDGM). The Bible reported how, in the beginning, God made clear for Adam and Eve his will and plan for the human spirit to comply with his prescriptions for experiencing the expected healthy outcomes as they were made in his image after his likeness. First, they complied with the divine prescription for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. The characteristic element of this biblical report as an element of reference of their health and life unit (coded as HLU) was that “The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame” (Genesis 2:24). Second, unfortunately, they listened to a cunning serpent against the divine will and plan and experienced a sin misfortune. The consequence of their sin allowed to define unhealthy, unhappy, and mediocre life (coded as UUML). Following their sin, the characteristic element in the biblical report as an element of reference of the health and life unit was that “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked” (Genesis 3:7). They showed the syndrome of given disharmony of their health and life. Their perception of their body dramatically changed in regard to their relation with their nurturing ecosystem. They felt ashamed and vulnerable. Even after their unfortunate experience with the animal spiritual infestation (coded as ASI) and the vegetal biological contamination (coded as VBC), as they still showed given reluctance in mindset, God still allowed the human spirit (i.e., human intelligence and human will) to perceive the truth of him in one’s human self (i.e., human spirit, soul, and body). Using a direct probing interview questionnaire (coded as PIQ), God brought forth his divine motivational knowledge information into their conscience. As prevention against distorted mindset, in the beginning of human creation, the motivational knowledge information was the guideline for the human spirit development to experience and fulfill the divine image after the divine likeness “for and in” healthy, happy, and qualitative life (See, wellbeing feeling as the natural state of a being that is like God). In the case of Adam and Eve, the direct probing interview questionnaire of God allowed to establish first, the human causality favoring factor in the expected healthy outcomes in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem, and, second the compliance with the motivational knowledge information in the use of these goods. In responding to the divine probing interview questionning, Adam’s freedom in his self’s free spirit allowed him to unveil his mindset when he accused God and his wife for his sin and its unhealthy consequences. In the depth of his mindset, Adam believed he was doing fine with God’s will and plan. Alone Adam showed his consent with the divine gifts including his wife, as it was God who found that he needed to be helped to undergo and achieve his spiritual being like the divine being. With the help of his wife he first experienced given healthy, happy, and qualitative life, when they complied with the divine instructions. With the help of his wife he second failed to fulfill his own human self’s divine image after the divine likeness, as he did not complied with the divine instructions when he did not dominate on her as she gave her the forbidden fruit to eat. In his free spirit, he showed his mindset in his accusation that, as wounded by his sin, he was not willing to be available to experience the divine help the same way as before the meeting with the serpent. Differently from Adam, Eve underwent an indepth meditation of the events before her sin. Eve’s freedom in her self’s free spirit allowed her to unveil her mindset that she perceived the animal and vegetal causality favoring factor for her sin and its consequent wounds. Even in her sin and its wounds, she showed and maintained her consent to help her husband fulfill the divine will and plan for him. Unfortunately, she was deceived in spite of her good willing. She showed her mindset to seek fixing her misfortune as it shall please God. Second, out of the paradise setting because of their sin, God allowed to highlight their spirit to correspond to his divine image after his likeness. At the birth of Cain, fruit of their sexual intercourse act (coded as SIA), Eve perceived that God had given her to be like her husband in giving life from her, a female, to another male human being. In her meditation monologue praise (coded as MMP) of God, she was willing to be available to experience the divine help to fulfill her likeness to God. As a reparation of their sin and its wounds, she again allowed to both of them, her husband and her, to experience and fulfill the divine image after the divine likeness for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. Their life as parents became related to the inevitable earthly death. In Adam and Eve God allowed to perceive his divine informed freedom in a given available human being’s free spirit. Through Eve God emphasized that a human free sprit allowed to experience and fulfill the divine image after the divine likeness for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. In a third time, God allowed to perceive the effects of his presence and action in relation with his human creatures. the heirs of Adam and Eve again offered to analyze the occasions for the expression of the divine will and plan in his words and his approval sign. God established with Cain the dialogue that he expected from his parents before their free decision to sin against him. Cain enacted what God warned his parents in his preventive motivational knowledge information. As his parents who listened to else one than God and to themselves in sinning, listening to himself, he listened into himself and put his young brother to death. Cain allowed to perceive that death was the inevitable consequence of sin, when resistance to the divine instructions developed in refusal to listen to God. The Bible reported that God had looked with favor at Abel and his gift and warned Cain in words about the prelude of sin manifested in him. Cain became the enacting causality favoring factor of death due to the transmission of the damaging effect of the human original sin of his parents who, tempted, ate the unhealthy fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil linked to inevitable earthly death. He experienced the unhealthy, unhappy, and mediocre life. He presented to describe the syndrome of death phenomenon (coded as SDP), of which characteristic symptoms were fear of God and others, and hiding from God and others. This syndrome was also obvious in phenomena such as mindset, sin, and wounds (coded as MSW), temptation and evil spirits (coded as TES), and fear and frustration (coded as FF). Like the cunning serpent and his parents, because of the consent to evil pretense and to his double sin of murdering his brother Abel and of lying to himself and to God, Cain allowed to perceive that, as his parents because of sin, he was put away and he was hiding himself from the divine sight. Through Cain God allowed to perceive his divine informed freedom in a given human being’s free spirit unwillingness to experience and fulfill the divine image after the divine likeness for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. With Cain, like his mother in her meditationprayer monologue, God also showed his divine will to respond favorably to the human will in meditationprayer dialogue with him, when asked for his supplementary extrinsic divine graces and mercy. Through Abel, God indicated his divine informed freedom in a given available human being’s free spirit willing to experience and fulfill the divine image after the divine likeness for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. Through Eve and their children, God revealed his divine informed freedom in a conscious available human being’s free spirit willing to experience his favorable response to the human will in meditationprayer monologue of him and dialogue with him, when his supplementary extrinsic divine graces and mercy were recognized for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. The Bible described the healthy outcomes of the divine informed freedom in a conscious available human being’s free spirit willing to experience his favorable response to the human will in meditationprayer monologue and dialogue, when his supplementary extrinsic divine graces and mercy were recognized and wanted for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. According to the Genesis Book in the Bible, Eve sinned under the influence of external influence contesting the divine motivational knowledge information stored in her soul (i.e., memory, imagination, and affection). She allowed to perceive the unhealthy motivational knowledge information (coded as UMKI) also stored in her soul, and its consequences on the human health and life unit. Freely in monologue, she used her spirit (i.e., intelligence and will) and meditated on her lost healthy life before her sin as stored in her soul. She built a given mindset reacting to the new situation of her health and life until God manifested anew. Following her unique dialogue with God in the divine probing interview questioning in which she identified the animal causality favoring factor of her sin and its consequential outcome as her unhealthy life, she later recognized the divine presence and action in her life. Fortunately, this time, as she became a parent, giving life to another human being like her husband, she freely praised the Lord God for making of her like him. Her meditation monologue praise in words allowed her to experience a divine favorable response to her human will to be like God as his supplementary extrinsic divine graces and mercy. The divine favorable response translated Eve’s meditation monologue praise as her will to experience his supplementary extrinsic divine graces and mercy already recognized and wanted; “I have produced a male child with the help of the Lord”, as Eve reacted becoming a mother and a parent. Therefore, God helped her with his supplementary extrinsic divine graces and mercy for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. The divine favorable response to Eve’s meditation monologue praise was personified in Eve’s second boy child. Later, the divine favorable reaction to the gift of Abel allowed to discern the difference between the outcomes following the parental sin and those following the parental meditation monologue praise. Although Cain’s offering was with no divine favor, its healthy outcomes revealed the divine will and plan in uttered words. “So Cain was very angry and dejected. Then the Lord said to Cain: Why are you angry? Why are you dejected? If you act rightly, you will be accepted; but if not, sin lies in wait at the door: its urge is for you, yet you can rule over it” (Genesis 4: 5-7). The divine response to Cain’s emotional reaction was to help always experience healthy outcomes in given situation of life. The healthy outcomes following the parental sin were first, their intercourses with each other in marriage monogamy and second later, their fruit (i.e., of intercourses) personified as Cain. Although victims of their own sin, Adam and Eve obeyed to the divine expectation addressed to Eve (See, fee spirit in enacting God’s say about Eve’s sexual urge). Cain was born to them. With Cain, God expressed in words his will and plan to deal with sin to prevent its unhealthy consequences. Later, experiencing given unhealthy consequences of his crime in sin, Cain corresponded to the divine expectation in establishing a dialogue with God. In this meditationprayer dialogue praise (coded as MDP), like his mother before him in meditation monologue praise, he recognized and wanted given supplementary extrinsic divine graces and mercy. God expressed again in words his divine favorable reaction to Cain’s prayer of demand. God assured him his protection against eventual enemies to his life. The healthy outcomes following Eve’s meditation monologue praise were parental intercourses with each other after Cain’s birth and their fruit a second time personified as Abel. Abel grew up with a human good spirit (coded as HGS), compared to his older brother. “The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering” (Genesis 4:4). Abel also corresponded to the divine expectation in meditation monologue praise (of which syndrome was healthy attitudes, emotions, and behaviors [coded as HAEB]), though not uttered in his words but shown in his described behavior as divine pleased use of the intrinsic divine graces and mercy. The unhealthy outcomes following the remote parental sin were expressed in Cain as urge to commit irreparable and grave sins, of which syndrome was unhealthy attitudes, emotions, and behaviors (coded as UAEB). He murdered his young brother and lied about it to God. The healthy outcomes following Cain’s double crime of sin were first, the highlight of the divine favorable reaction to his meditationprayer dialogue praise of God’s mercy, second, the confirmation of the divine warning about the inevitable earthly death, and third, the divine informed freedom in a conscious available human being’s free spirit willing to experience his favorable response to the human will in meditationprayer monologue and dialogue, when his supplementary extrinsic divine graces and mercy were recognized and wanted for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. As Adam was mentioned only in his involvement in intercourses, Eve and her sons (Cain and Abel) allowed to perceive the healthy outcomes of the divine informed freedom in a conscientious available human being’s free spirit as healthy health and medical psychology to treat unhealthy situations of life (coded as USL) such as mindset, sin, and their wounds, and the syndrome of death phenomenon. The Bible allowed to describe the divine informed freedom in a conscientious available human being’s free spirit for healthy health and medical psychology to treat unhealthy situations and contexts of life. The Bible allowed to perceive that due to the human original sin (coded as HOS), as started with Adam and Eve, the nurturing ecosystem of the world natural setting presented unhealthy contexts of life (coded as UCL) that, first favored evil pretense, second confused on good (See, notion of mindset), and third, truncated the economy of medicine and the human health and life (coded as HHL). This truncated economy favored unhealthy situations of health and life unit (See, genetics, anatomy, physiology, cell, and inner milieu), which were pathology sets translated in health and medical psychology (See, spiritual, psychosocial, behavioral, and medical science) as mindsets, sins, and wounds (coded as MSW), temptations and evil spirits (coded as TES), diseases and illnesses (coded as DI), fears and frustrations (coded as FF), indifference and ignorance (coded as II), unhealthy happiness (coded as UH), and unhealthy, unhappy, and mediocre life (coded as UUML). Those situations about health and life were the confusing pathological definition of the complication of suffering phenomenon in the worldly viewpoint, as started in the paradise setting with Adam and Eve without a dialogue with God who made them in his divine image after his likeness. Without God’s input and help, suffering phenomenon was unknown misunderstanding. Before, the evil pretense influence (coded as EPI) and the human original sin, the notion of medicine was equated with health and medical psychology of which healthy outcomes always led to human health, life, and medicine economy (coded as HLME) for human wellbeing in the divine likeness and eternal life, as Adam and Eve was entitled to have always access to the fruit of the tree of life. Their suffering phenomenon regrouped in an inevitable feeling syndrome (coded as IFS) was always well treated in the observance of the divine motivational knowledge information. Differently from the world’s viewpoint on health and life, the divine approach of health and life in the Genesis Book of the Bible allowed to diagnose or discern and treat first, fundamental elements of feeling (coded as FEF) as inevitable feeling syndrome of their human true being or self (coded as HIBS) to experience and fulfill human true being or self (coded as HTBS). The fundamental elements of feeling at the biological level of the human body were meditation, urge, stress, distress, pain, and suffering, that allowed to experience the healthy happiness (coded as HH) and improve the qualitative life (coded as QL), as in the divine will and plan in the biblical creation process (coded as BCP). At the spiritual level, the human spirit read the body signals of the inevitable fundamental elements of feeling and analyzed them at the light of the soul signals of the memory, imagination, and affection. In the paradise setting first, Adam’s free spirit only efforts were guided by the divine motivational knowledge information from the inconscience or unconsciousness through the subconscience to the conscience or conscientiousness as a given education-care to experience healthy, happy, and qualitative life, as it pleased God in the beginning of the humanity. Out of the paradise setting second, the divine approach of health and life allowed to diagnose or discern and treat, the complication of the inevitable feeling syndrome that was yielding the unhealthy situations of life (coded as USL) that were due to the contemporary contexts of life and remote contexts of life (coded as CRCL), confused about evil and sin issues (coded as ESI), as with Adam, Eve, and Cain. Proclaiming the truth of the nurturing ecosystem as in the paradise setting in the perspective of God and allowing the conscientious and informed choice (coded as CIC) of God, as with Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel, God initiated the self’s assisted treatment (coded as SAT) in human health, life, and medicine issues (coded as HLMI). First, instructing about the truth of God in regard to the humanity health and life, God allowed to perceive, how to heal from mindsets, sins, and wounds. In the paradise setting, Adam chose to listen to Eve even against God’s will. “The Lord God then called the man and asked him, ‘Where are you?’ He answered, ‘I heard you in the garden; but I was afraid, because I was naked, so I hid myself’. Then he (i.e., God) asked, ‘Who told you that you were naked? You have eaten, then, from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat!’” (Genesis 3:9-11). Again, in words, Adam allowed to perceive the divine informed freedom in a conscious and available human being’s free spirit, “The woman whom you put here with me−she gave me fruit from the tree, and so I ate it” (Genesis 3:12) Second, God allowed to perceive how to deliver from temptations and evil spirits. Differently as he probed his human creatures, the reaction of God toward the cunning animal was without mercy and God offered it no dialogue: “Because you have done this, I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; they will strike at your head, while you strike at their heel (Genesis 3:14b-15). Third, God allowed to perceive how to diagnose or discern and treat the inevitable feeling syndrome such as urge, stress, pain, and suffering. “To the woman (i.e., Eve), he (i.e., God) said: ‘I will intensify the pangs of your childbearing; in pain shall you bring forth children. Yet your urge shall be for your husband, and he shall be your master” (Genesis 3:16). Without considering God’s intervention as a punishment, compared with her husband’s mindset, Eve allowed to perceive the outcomes of the recognition of the divine presence and action linked to a divine informed freedom in a conscientious available human being’s free spirit. Eve allowed to describe how to live in the divine mercy and marriage monogamy, once she had taken conscience of her sin, as an act of contrition for her human original sin. She allowed to perceive how God responded to her praise meditationprayer, as she gave birth a second time to another boy child who showed that he was mentally healthy. Fourth, out of the paradise setting, God allowed to perceive how to liberate from fears and frustrations. “So Cain was very angry and dejected. Then the Lord said to Cain: Why are you angry? Why are you dejected? If you act rightly, you will be accepted; but if not, sin lies in wait at the door: its urge is for you, yet you can rule over it” (Genesis 4: 5-7). God expressed again in words his divine favorable reaction to Cain’s prayer of demand. He assured Cain his divine protection against eventual enemies to his life. Fifth, in the paradise setting, God allowed to perceive how to inspire knowledge and motivation to overcome indifference and ignorance. “The Lord God said: It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body. The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame. (Genesis 2:15-18, 24-25). Sixth, God allowed to perceive how to perform miracles to experience healthy, happy, and qualitative life (coded as HHQL). “The Lord God then took the man and settled him in the Garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it. The Lord God gave the man this order: You are free to eat from any of the trees of the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From that tree you shall not eat; when you eat from it you shall die. The Lord God said: It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body. The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame” (Genesis 1: 27; 2:15-18, 24). Seventh, God allowed to perceive how to empower for the work into the triumph of God (coded as WTG) to feel the peace, the joy, the wellness, the justice, the belief, the faith, the hope, the love, trust, and the freedom, as it pleased God to experience wellbeing and eternal life. In a scientific and technological progress, as in the case of Adam, the divine probing intervention questioning became significative to diagnose or discern the divine will and plan, when one feels the exascerbation of the inevitable feeling syndrome. Still, God was willing to help experience his favorable response to the human will in monologue and dialogue meditationprayer. “To the man he said: ‘Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, you shall not eat from it, cursed is the ground because of you! In toil you shall eat its yield all the days of your life. Thorns and thistles it shall bear for you, and you shall eat the grass of the field. By the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread, Until you return to the ground, from which you were taken; For you are dust, and to dust you shall return. The man gave his wife the name “Eve,” because she was the mother of all the living. The Lord God made for the man and his wife garments of skin, with which he clothed them (Genesis 3: 17 -21). There was always Good News in human unhealthy situations and contexts of life (coded as USCL). For, later, Jesus said, “These signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons, they will speak new languages. They will pick up serpents [with their hands], and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them. They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16: 17-18). What about you? (Test yourself: 1. What are your existential situations and contexts of life [coded as ESCL; Note that a context of life can be a setting of life]? 2. How do you feel your “self” [a. Spiritually {i.e., your spirit: intelligence and will; your soul: memory, imagination, and affection}; See, spiritually oriented impact {coded as SOI}];[b. Bodily {i.e., your physic and physiology}; See, biologically oriented impact{coded as BOI}]; and [c. In your context or setting {i.e., family, workplace, neighborhood, or belief structure or system: example church}? 3. How is your stand in the issue of life and death? 4. How do you feel in your lifestyle [a. Spiritual religious or non-religious]; [b. Religious traditional or non-traditional]; [c. Modern religious affiliated or non-religious-affiliated]; and [d. Married conventional or non-conventional; Single religious or non-religious; in union with no commitment]?) Email and send your story Acknowledging spiritual care and medicine (coded as SCM) allows the qualitative healthy dynamics (coded as QHD) personified by Jesus who harmlessly helps a willing human being (coded as WHB) silently experience the Healthy Happiness and Qualitative Life (coded as HHQL) in the presence and action of the Holy Spirit (coded as PAHS), treating one’s human inherited self or being (coded as HISB) to perceive and own one’s human true self or being (coded as HTSB). 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