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Self’s Assisted Treatment: Diagnosis or discernment (8th Divine inFORMED FReEDOM)
Diagnosis or discernment, and treatment in the case of Adam and Eve
In the divine will and plan and the scientific discourse, Adam and Eve informed about the human health, life, and medicine differently from the discourse found in religions and modern quantitative science.... To read the entire introduction click here..
Divine Principles
Learned in the Bible, for healthy being in qualitative life, the divine principles are the original principles for the hygiene in human health, life, and medicine economy. Now, in given situation of life, helped in the modern science progress, it is given to mature in the religious approach of the case of Adam and Eve to better the human health, life, and medicine economy (coded as HLME) inherited from given context of life.... To read more about this introduction click here
1. A motivational knowledge information (coded as MKI)
2. A good intended initiative (coded as GII)
3. Conscientious probing interview question-answers (coded as CPIQ)
4. A divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem (coded as DPUNE)
5. A monogamy in marriage (coded as MM)
6. A human procreation or reproduction (coded as HPR)
7. A sexual intercourse act (coded as SIA)
8. Recognition of the divine presence and action (coded as RDPA)
9. A use of the divine graces and mercy (coded as UDGM)
10. An available human being (coded as AHB)’s free spirit
Divine informed freedom
To minimize cultural confusions, the Bible in its diverse versions becomes the modern reference for the relationship of the humanity in given nurturing ecosystem including God for defining human health and life. Religious human beings had always referred to God in dealing with their limitations in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. As involved in the humanity process, being its biblical author, God revealed his pleased freedom in the human use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. In given situations and contexts of life (coded as SCL), in acknowledging the outcomes of the observance of divine principles as related to given diagnosis or discernment, and treatment (coded as DDT), the divine informed freedom (coded as DIF) allowed to experience given healthy happiness and improve given qualitative life. Those situations and contexts of life allowed to define the test of life and death (coded as TLD) and the test of health and life issues (coded as THLI). In the present real world, in regard to given limitations in the inevitable and wonderful support of the current conventional science, this freedom made possible given conscientious and informed choice (coded as CIC) that had allowed to experience healthy happiness and qualitative life (coded as HHQL) and to define a standard of a process of monitoring and fulfillment (coded as PMF), depending on a righteousness in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem…To read more about this introduction click here…
1. A divine informed freedom in divine instructions 2. A divine informed freedom in good intended initiative 3. A divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview questions-answers 4. A divine informed freedom in divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem 5. A divine informed freedom in marriage monogamy 6. A divine informed freedom in human procreation or reproduction 7. A divine informed freedom in sexual intercourse act
8. A divine informed freedom in recognition of the divine presence and action allowed to shape and experience in a monologue or a dialogue a personal relationship with God who always responded with induced experiential feeling as treatment of given onset feeling. In the Bible, recognition of the divine presence and action (coded as RDPA) became a form of prayer that pleased God, as a means of his education-care in his relationship with his human creature. According to the Bible, God showed how he responded to the silent freedom of Adam in recognition of his divine presence and action in his divine natural laboratory setting (coded as NLS), which was the paradise. “The Lord God then took the man and settled him in the Garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it. The Lord God gave the man this order: ‘You are free to eat from any of the trees of the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From that tree you shall not eat; when you eat from it you shall die.’ The Lord God said: ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him’” (Genesis 2:15-18). Adam responded favorably to God’s expectation. “The man gave names to all the tame animals, all the birds of the air, and all the wild animals” (Genesis 2:20). As his enthusiasm was still implicit and introvert, God brought the man to its completion with triggering his mind explicit expression in his human own voiced words, “This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; this one shall be called ‘woman, for out of man this one has been taken” (Genesis 2:23). Although asleep at the time of the divine operation in making Eve from him, Adam had a spiritual infused science (coded as SIS) of its process, as God wanted him to be like him and live like him. In his own word, Adam expressed his being in the image of God after his likeness. The biblical phrasing showed Adam’s conscious and explicit choice among the divine gifts as his unique way of thanks to God. In freedom, Adam verbally consented to the divine treatment of his solitude by his mind monologue describing the divine conception of Eve as God used the cloning of Adam’s rib and the earthly material. Later, and following their consumption of the divine forbidden fruit (coded as DFF) of the tree of knowledge of good and evil linked to inevitable earthly death, responding to the divine probing interview question (coded as DPIQ), “Who told you that you were naked? You have eaten, then, from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat!” (Genesis 3:9-11), Adam reminded God about his prior consent to justify his refusal to endorse the responsibility of their sin, “The woman whom you put here with me−she gave me fruit from the tree, and so I ate it” (Genesis 3:12). Adam revealed his selfishness in right-doing. Without Eve, Adam would have silently complied with the divine preventive spiritual psychomedicine (coded as PSP) as the above preventive motivational knowledge information (coded as PMKI) that God mentioned in his intervew questioning. Adam allowed to discern given latent pathological or unhealthy situation that was ignorance and indifference (coded as II) of God in his silent freedom, as he chose to follow Eve and the serpent spiritual infestation, instead of insisting in complying with God’s motivational knowledge information. Omniscient of his human creature’s real being and for a natural healthy humanity regulation (coded as NHHR), God reacted to Adam’s justification, addressing Eve, “Yet your urge shall be for your husband, and he shall be your master” (Genesis 3:16). Contrasting with Adam’s distorted, developing, learning, or unapologetic mindset, the divine reaction was to inform on Eve’s freedom in conscious recognition of the divine presence and action that will shape given personal relationship with God, different from Adam’s silent one. In freedom but allowing to discern his existential situation of life (coded as ESL), as implicit unhealthy mindset in his desire to be like God, which was a kind of mind introverted monologue and a refusal to address God (See, ignorance and indifference), Adam still showed his silent consent and recognition of God’s will and plan, as he responded to Eve’s urge. He allowed God to highlight his rationale in his divine masterpiece in his second human creature as the best help for his man to carry on his human procreation or reproduction (coded as HPR) in the continuity of the human specimen in the divine image after the divine likeness (See, God shaped Adam and Eve using the earthly material; evolution in creation). “The man had intercourse with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain” (Genesis 4:1). As he was omniscient of his human specimen, in his will and plan, God created Eve to help Adam express his mind. In the silent freedom of Adam, God also allowed to perceive his will and plan that, without Eve, Adam would not be totally like God in creating another human being in the divine image after the divine likeness. In turn, as Adam silenced God’s action in his contentment with her as the divine gift, Eve also silenced Adam’s help, but, instead, recognized God and his divine action in her maternity, saying, ‘I have produced a male child with the help of the Lord” (Genesis 4:2a). Eve showed a reset of her mind about God and his prediction, which for her was never a punishment. In her pain alleviated by her childbirth-giving, the first woman Eve allowed to describe the divine induced experiential feeling, a relief feeling mode (coded as RFM), as she became a parent, co-donor like Adam and a co-procreator and a co-giver of life like God. In an assumed analysis of the truth study approach (coded as TSA), Eve allowed to identify the divine good intent in specific event of life (coded as SEL) that were their sexual intercourse acts (coded as SIA) and her becoming a mother and a parent, when “To the woman, he (i.e., God) said: ‘I will intensify the pangs of your childbearing; in pain shall you bring forth children” (Genesis 3:16). Eve’s childbearing would be otherwise, if she had also followed the divine motivational knowledge information opposing, resisting, and refusing the animal spiritual temptation (coded as AST). In the creation of Eve different from Adam, whom God made the co-progenitor of the human specimen with Eve, God’s plan was that he willed her to carry the womb (i.e., den or transformed earth material) of the human procreation or reproduction. The immediate outcome of God’s response to Eve’s good mind in her maternity was a spiritually oriented impact (coded as SOI) revealing in Eve a good attitude formation (coded as GAF), which she had before her sin, a good emotional formation (coded as GEF), and a good behavioral formation (coded as GBF) as before her misfortunate dialogue with the cunning serpent. Eve allowed to discern the contrast of her silent active freedom (coded as SAF) in God against Adam’s silent active freedom in God. Her freedom in God shaped human good spirit (coded as HGS) and good human soul (coded as GHS), as it pleased him (i.e., God). The remote outcome allowed to link her mind also different from Adam’s to the divine will and plan (coded as DWP) in human creation. As she freely voiced her mind at Cain’s birth, this remote outcome was Abel, whose future good intended initiative (coded as GII) would be favorable to God’s attention compared with the initiative of his brother first-born. God also through Abel showed his pleased silent active freedom differently from Adam’s one. In dialogue, God established a personal relationship with Cain different from the one with his parents. God specified to Cain his pleased health psychology that treated against the sin phenomenon. Eve also helped define a divine informed freedom in conscious recognition of the divine presence and action that allowed to shape and experience in a monologue or a dialogue a personal relationship with God who always responded with induced experiential feeling as a relief feeling mode of given unease or unwanted feeling. The Bible described a divine informed freedom in conscious recognition of the divine presence and action that allowed to shape and experience in a monologue or a dialogue a personal relationship with God who always responded with induced experiential feeling as a relief feeling mode of a given onset natural universal feeling or unsolved health and life questioning. Diagnosing or discerning and treating a given onset natural universal feeling (coded as ONUF) or unsolved health and life questioning (coded as UHLQ) in given situation and context of life (coded as SCL) depended on human spirit and soul or on a personal relationship with God in a given nurturing ecosystem. In the biblical scriptures, Adam and Eve allowed to define the human good spirit and the good human soul, according to God and to the world. The Bible reported that “God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1: 27). According to God, the human good spirit in his divine image after his likeness was made of intelligence and will as he (i.e., God) is spirit (i.e., intelligence and will). The good human soul was made of memory, imagination, and affection, because the soul was the humanity characteristic as in God’s will and plan. In the beginning, the human good spirit and good human soul shaped by God in a body made with the earthly material were to deal with God, his instructions in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem (i.e., the healthy goods of the nurturing ecosystem) for unlimited life (See, religious teaching). As long as the first human beings followed the divine instructions, “The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame” (Genesis 2:25). The divine instructions for unlimited life to live well were clearly stated, “The Lord God gave the man this order: ‘You are free to eat from any of the trees of the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From that tree you shall not eat; when you eat from it you shall die.’” (Genesis 2:15-17). The unlimited life depended on the observance not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil as it caused inevitable earthly death. According to the world ruled by the evil pretense as in the cunning serpent (See, Genesis 3 in the Bible), both depending on the nurturing ecosystem, because no need of the divine instructions, the human good spirit (also made of intelligence and will) and the good human soul (also made of memory, imagination, and affection) became operationally undifferentiated and confused in a same entity definition as mind confined in the body. Since the human original sin due to given alienation of evil as the pretense in animal infestation, those two distinct entities dealt with the goods of the nurturing ecosystem and vegetal contamination in the knowledge of good and evil that was linked to the inevitable earthly death as the end of the earthly life. Minimizing the religious approach as human health and medicine psychology (coded as HMP), Adam and Eve allowed to define and understand the relief feeling mode of phenomena such as onset natural universal feelings and unsolved health and life questioning in regard to the knowledge of good and evil in the Bible. Onset natural universal feelings were symptomatology such as sadness, anguish, dilemma, compassion, desire, fatigue, hunger, thirst, initial inevitable feeling syndrome (coded as IFS: meditation, urge, stress, distress, pain, and suffering), sorrow, and grief. Unsolved health and life questioning addressing those onset feelings was informed by the divine instructions and their negation effect in Eve’s dialogue with a cunning serpent. In the biblical paradise setting, the prior health and medicine psychology of Adam and Eve in their onset natural universal feelings that brought them to use freely healthy goods of the nurturing ecosystem became distorted, due to the animal spiritual influence, The woman saw that the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eyes, and the tree was desirable for gaining wisdom. So she took some of its fruit and ate it; and she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves. When they heard the sound of the Lord God walking about in the garden at the breezy time of the day, the man and his wife hid themselves from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. (Genesis 3:6-8)Hiding from God and making dresses to relieve their naked shame feeling constituted the characteristic symptomatology of the distorted health psychology as the behavioral science of Adam and Eve. It led them to start defined medicine psychology to remedy the unhealthy consequences of their sin and get relief in the exacerbation of their onset natural universal feelings. God reacted favorably at their good intended initiative (coded as GII). The divine direct intervention (coded as DDI) with the probing interview questioning (coded as PIQ) allowed to discern their inner physiology (See, related to the divine motivational knowledge information) from their unconsciousness, through their subconscience, to their conscience and inform on the divine rationale first, in placing the first human beings in the paradise, before their own choice of what to eat as it pleased them, and, second, in putting them in the common natural setting of the world, as they chose to be in their own without God. Yet, following the divine intervention putting them out of the paradise, in unconscious recognition of the divine presence and action, Adam’s silent action showed his natural concern more with the goods of the nurturing ecosystem (See, to acquire the knowledge of good and evil, so to be like God) than with his personal relationship with God. Still, he followed the divine instructions addressed to Eve, “To the woman he said: I will intensify your toil in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Yet your urge shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you” (Genesis 3:16). He allowed to discern the mutual sexuality in mariage monogamy as defined sexual drive such as sexual physical attraction (coded as SPA). “The man had intercourse with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain” (Genesis 4:1). That was still a good behavioral science (vestige of the biological infused science [coded as BIS] in his soul remnant situation in the paradise) due to the divine spiritual response addressed to Eve. This behavioral science allowed to relieve onset natural universal feelings associated with human sexuality. It led to Eve’s pregnancy and a childbirth sexual outcomes that made Adam’s paternity. Once again, God used his divine infused knowledge as goods in his human creature’s spirit and soul to do freely his divine will and plan (See, human procreation or reproduction). Adam’s human paternity pleased God. As in his implicit desire, he became like God in making another human being. Although the Bible reported just his action in his manhood linked to paternity, the specific event of childbirth healthily changed his wife Eve’s health psychology as spiritual science. Nothing was reported about the impact on Adam’s spiritual science. Reacting, to her having become a mother and a parent, Eve said, ‘I have produced a male child with the help of the Lord” (Genesis 4:2a). The immediate outcome of her maternity as spiritually and biologically oriented impact in her was that it formulated her struggle with the stress of her having been cloned from her husband who had accused her of their sin. Shaped in meditationprayer monologue praise (coded as MMP) of God’s help, Eve’s freely voiced her recognition of the divine presence and action in her allowed to identify first, her spirituality as her concern with her personal relationship with God, second, remotely, a biologically oriented impact (coded as BOI) of her monologue praise of God as shown in her body, and, later third, another remote outcome that was the brain silent monologue of Abel. Abel later demonstrated good attitude formation and genetic healthy inheritance (coded as GHI) compared to his older brother. Abel’s genetic healthy inheritance allowed the healthy phenotype like unconscious harmony of health and life (coded as UHHL). This genetic healthy inheritance contrasted with Cain’s genetic unhealthy inheritance (coded as GUI) of which unhealthy phenotype was unconscious spiritually oriented impact (coded as SOI) in him. This unconscious spiritually oriented impact was manifested in him by his evil attitude formation (coded as EAF), his evil emotional formation (coded as EEF), and his evil behavioral formation (coded as EBF) as he was angry at God, when God looked with favor at his brother and his gift and not at him (i.e., Cain) and his gift. God highlighted the above contrast in inheritance (See, genetic process in selectivity, deletion, or distribution of alleles) between those two brothers explaining in the dialogue with Cain his divine rationale in looking with favor at Abel and his gift. God also highlighted this contrast in inheritance to show the effect of Eve’s meditationprayer praise of him following Cain’s birth. Before Cain’s birth and the divine direct intervention in relation with those two brothers, as Adam and Eve were complying with the divine motivational knowledge information in the divine pleased use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem (coded as GNE), the relief feeling mode of onset natural universal feelings and unsolved health and life questioning in regard to the knowledge of good and evil was described in the Bible as their wellbeing or healthy being in the earthly life (coded as HBEL). In the silence of God, this induced experiential feeling as human wellbeing was simply reported, “The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame (Genesis 2:25). Opposing the divine biological infused science (coded as BIS), the relief feeling mode of their onset natural universal feelings and their unsolved health and life questioning in self’s unhealthy dynamics (coded as SUD) such as their desire to be like God in the knowledge of good and evil inspired by the cunning serpent through sin in eating the divine forbidden fruit brought Adam and Eve to experience unhealthy situations of life (coded as USL) such as mindset, sin, and wounds (coded as MSW) and ignorance and indifference (coded as II) of God. God’s direct intervention through his probing interview questioning allowed to discern first, their alienation by an animal persuasion (See, evil pretense) and vegetal contamination due to their lack of dialogue with him (i.e., God), and second, the introduction of the inevitable earthly death due to their sin. God’s rationale in putting Adam and Eve out of the paradise garden revealed the dependence of human health, life, medicine, and body on him (i.e., God) and on the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. God clearly stated the human acquisition of the knowledge of good and evil linked to the inevitable death (although different from his divine know linked to the eternal life), “Then the Lord God said: See! The man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil! Now, what if he also reaches out his hand to take fruit from the tree of life, and eats of it and lives forever?” (Genesis 3: 22). This statement of God allowed to discern the healthy choice of human beings that pleased him to live forever and their unhealthy choice that was linked to death. In the paradise setting, Adam and Eve were given a simple choice between the fruit from the tree of life and the fruit from the tree of unhealthiness leading to death. As in his will and plan God willed his human creature in his image after his likeness and despite their unhealthy situations of life due to their sin, he atested that the paradise setting was still a healthy context of life (coded as HCL). Expulsing them out of the paradise, God also willed his human creatures to heal from their unhealthy situations of life through healthy choice including his will and plan. Cain’s birth healed Eve from mindset, sin, wounds, and ignorance and indifference of God. Eve’s self’s effort to retrieve the harmony of health and life before the specific event of life (coded as SEL) as her unfortunate encounter with the cunning snake also allowed to define health and medicine psychology that emphasized and was centered on a conscientious recognition of divine presence and action, formulated in a meditationprayer monologue praise, as a conscientious specific event of life (coded as CSEL) that shaped the work into the triumph of God’s foundation (coded as WTGF) spiritual care and medicine (coded as SCM) to treat mindset, sin, and wounds, ignorance and indifference and else unhealthy situations of life. Acknowledging divine informed freedom in conscientious recognition of the divine presence and action allowed to shape the work into the triumph of God’s foundation spiritual care and medicine as health, life, and medicine care. Considering that Adam and Eve were the first described human beings to be directly created by God, they allowed to define onset natural universal feelings and unsolved health and life questioning of one’s human inherited being or self (coded as HIBS) as initial situations of life (coded as ISL) and transitional situations of life (coded as TSL) to experience and own one’s human true being or self (coded as HTBS)’s feelings. Eve allowed to discern two types of health and medicine psychology as health, life, and medicine care (coded as HLMC). Before the specific event of her life such as her interaction with the cunning serpent she experienced an unconscious healthy life feeling good in complying with the divine instructions in the use of the goods of her nurturing ecosystem. She ate fruit from any tree of the Garden of Eden avoiding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as she did feel that she want to die. Infuenced by the animal infestation and the vegetal contamination in the search for acquisition of the knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve introduced health and medicine psychology that led to the inevitable death. Using their bodily selves to soothe and enjoy their lives they were surprised by their ability to give life to new human beings discovering their true selves. Unfortunately, their son will confirm their fear and frustration (coded as FF) to discover the reality of death as an inevitable phenomenon in sin. Cain whose birth followed their lack of defined and mutual relationship with God put to death his brother. He also displeased God and sought to cope with his fear and frustration of death using a distorted health and medicine psychology. Abel whose birth occurred after his mother’s meditationprayer praise of God and his gift pleased God and that set his fate of the first to experience death. Both brothers’ relationship with God revealed their true beings or selves. Following the healthy resolution of onset natural universal feelings and unsolved health and life questioning, the feelings of human true being or self defined illbeing and wellbeing as induced experiential situations of life (coded as IESL) or final relief feeling mode of the disharmony of health and life corresponding to the unhealthy being in the earthly life (coded as UBEL), and of the harmony of health and life corresponding to the divine will and plan at the creation of the first human beings such as Adam and Eve. Although unconsciously or consciously, obeying to the divine will and plan in their treatment, onset natural universal feelings were to help regulate the relationship with God, with his divine instructions in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem, and the interelation with the nurturing ecosystem. Those onset feelings were sadness, anguish, dilemma, compassion, desire, fatigue, hunger, thirst, initial inevitable feeling syndrome (coded as IFS: meditation, urge, stress, distress, pain, and suffering), sorrow, and grief. In the beginning, This is the story of the heavens and the earth at their creation. When the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, there was no field shrub on earth and no grass of the field had sprouted, for the Lord God had sent no rain upon the earth and there was no man to till the ground, but a stream was welling up out of the earth and watering all the surface of the ground; then the Lord God formed the man out of the dust of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. The Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and placed there the man whom he had formed. Out of the ground the Lord God made grow every tree that was delightful to look at and good for food, with the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. (Genesis 2: 4-9)As God made Adam and Eve and gave them his instructions in the use of the goods of his nurturing ecosystem they experienced the related feeling mode of the onset feelings of their human inherited being or self as wellbeing in interacting with their ecosystem. Unfortunately, there had been a given alienation as related to their human original sin (coded as HOS) that helped discern given unsolved health and life questioning due to first, their modern unhealthy dynamics (coded as MUD) as they consumed the unhealthy fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and second, their self’s unhealthy dynamics (coded as SUD) related to their disobedience to the divine warning. Despite their unhealthy situations of life due to their sin, contrasting with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the paradise setting was still a healthy context of life (coded as HCL), as in his will and plan God willed his human creature in his image after his likeness to live forever. They were to fulfill the divine image after the divine likeness that was feeling like in the divine healthy situations of life (coded as HSL). As they were put out of the Garden of Eden, because they disregarded his warning, the common natural laboratory setting (coded as NLS) will be a transitional context of life (coded as TCL) as willed by him for them to experience his pleased human health, life, and medicine care, when they willed and chose his help. As written in the Bible, To the man he said: “Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, you shall not eat from it, cursed is the ground because of you! In toil you shall eat its yield all the days of your life. Thorns and thistles it shall bear for you, and you shall eat the grass of the field. By the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread, Until you return to the ground, from which you were taken; For you are dust, and to dust you shall return”. The man gave his wife the name “Eve,” because she was the mother of all the living. The Lord God made for the man and his wife garments of skin, with which he clothed them. (Genesis 3: 17-21)Before, putting them out of his paradise, respecting their freedom in choice, God still showed them his merciful goodness and love and bettered their clothing to protect their naked and vulnerable bodies. The introduction of vestment or clothing was the first materialistic medicine instituted to protect the body from outside invasion (See, health and medicine psychology). As God allowed to know him through the biblical description of Adam and Eve, he made also known his education-care as the work into the triumph of God’s foundation spiritual care and medicine that defined given health, life, and medicine care. They already experienced the relief feeling mode of this care as induced feelings or feelings of the divine foundation spiritual care and medicine in the paradise situation and context of life that were the divine pleased ideal (coded as DPI) for them. The Bible described the prior health, life, and medicine economy (coded as HLME) of Adam and Eve in the paradise before their sin as an ideal model that allowed to perceive a genetic healthy inheritance (coded as GHI). In the biblical natural setting out of the paradise, following Eve’s conscious meditationprayer monologue praise of God’s help in her maternity, it was allowed to discern that this genetic healthy inheritance can be retrieved (See, Abel). The experienced health, life, and medicine economy of Adam and Eve in the paradise setting allowed them to live “both naked, yet they felt no shame” (Genesis 2:25). This economy changed in them, reflected by a consequent distorted health and medicine psychology, when, tempted by the animal persuasion, they sinned, and having eaten the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil against the divine warning. As in the biblical writing, “The woman saw that the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eyes, and the tree was desirable for gaining wisdom. So she took some of its fruit and ate it; and she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves” (Genesis 3:6-7). Later, they became parents and givers of life to Cain and Abel. Abel was born following his mother’s monologue praise of God’s help in her maternity of Cain. As both the children offered to God the products of their work, God looked with favor the gift of the younger brother (See, the divine pleased health and medicine psychology). The older brother got angry and terminated his younger brother’s life health and medicine psychology distorted health and medicine psychology). Differently from his brother whom he killed, he showed that he inherited a tendency to sin and authored the first human perpetrated death (coded as HPD), in spite of the divine warning (See, as his parents). Through Cain and his brother God highlighted his pleased health and medicine psychology. In the course of time Cain brought an offering to the Lord from the fruit of the ground, while Abel, for his part, brought the fatty portion of the firstlings of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry and dejected. Then the Lord said to Cain: Why are you angry? Why are you dejected? If you act rightly, you will be accepted; but if not, sin lies in wait at the door: its urge is for you, yet you can rule over it. (Genesis 4: 3-7)The first human family allowed to perceive a divine informed freedom in conscientious recognition of the divine presence and action constitutive of given divine spiritual psychomedicine (coded as DSP) as the spiritual and behavioral science (coded as SBS) or work into the triumph of God’s foundation spiritual care and medicine (coded as WTGF SCM) to experience the relief feeling mode in given onset natural universal feelings and unsolved health and life questioning of given human inherited being or self. Through each one of the first human family (coded as FHF), God defined the spiritual care and medicine that yielded given wellbeing defining his divine pleased relief feeling mode, which diagnosed or discerned and treated given onset feelings and unsolved health and life questioning inherent to a human self and their complications as unhealthy situations of life. God also allowed to establish a process of monitoring and fulfillment (coded as PMF) of this wellbeing that measured ten (10) relief feeling modes reflecting given healthy universal feelings (coded as HUF) as peace, joy, wellness, justice, and belief, and given human spiritual potential’s expression (coded as HSPE) as faith, hope, love, trust, and freedom. To be continued… What about you? (Test yourself: 1. What are your existential situations and contexts of life [coded as ESCL; Note that a context of life can be a setting of life]? 2. How do you feel your “self” [a. Spiritually {i.e., your spirit: intelligence and will; your soul: memory, imagination, and affection}; See, spiritually oriented impact {coded as SOI}];[b. Bodily {i.e., your physic and physiology}; See, biologically oriented impact{coded as BOI}]; and [c. In your context or setting {i.e., family, workplace, neighborhood, or belief structure or system: example church}? 3. How is your stand in the issue of life and death? 4. How do you feel in your lifestyle [a. Spiritual religious or non-religious]; [b. Religious traditional or non-traditional]; [c. Modern religious affiliated or non-religious-affiliated]; and [d. Married conventional or non-conventional; Single religious or non-religious; in union with no commitment]?) Email and send your story Acknowledging spiritual care and medicine (coded as SCM) allows the qualitative healthy dynamics (coded as QHD) personified by Jesus who harmlessly helps a willing human being (coded as WHB) silently experience the Healthy Happiness and Qualitative Life (coded as HHQL) in the presence and action of the Holy Spirit (coded as PAHS), treating one’s human inherited self or being (coded as HISB) to perceive and own one’s human true self or being (coded as HTSB). Learn through:Buy our books:WTGF Text Book (Please, help us with your donation (≥$1; ≥$30.00; ≥$80.00) for publishing, which will cost ≥ $ 8,000.00): Title: “Curing through the meditation of the Rosary mysteries: The story of George”“Work into the Triumph of God” with our store $17.00“Health Spirituality” with our store $15.00“Meditation-prayer as a healing complement for human spiritual and physical suffering” with our store Before leaving this page, allow us to thank you for your visit and time. We still expect your generosity to contribute to our research, because we believe that you are worthy as you want the world around you to be healthier and happier! Smile, feel HEALTHY feel HAPPY!
1. A divine informed freedom in divine instructions 2. A divine informed freedom in good intended initiative 3. A divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview questions-answers 4. A divine informed freedom in divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem 5. A divine informed freedom in marriage monogamy 6. A divine informed freedom in human procreation or reproduction 7. A divine informed freedom in sexual intercourse act
8. A divine informed freedom in recognition of the divine presence and action allowed to shape and experience in a monologue or a dialogue a personal relationship with God who always responded with induced experiential feeling as treatment of given onset feeling. In the Bible, recognition of the divine presence and action (coded as RDPA) became a form of prayer that pleased God, as a means of his education-care in his relationship with his human creature. According to the Bible, God showed how he responded to the silent freedom of Adam in recognition of his divine presence and action in his divine natural laboratory setting (coded as NLS), which was the paradise. “The Lord God then took the man and settled him in the Garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it. The Lord God gave the man this order: ‘You are free to eat from any of the trees of the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From that tree you shall not eat; when you eat from it you shall die.’ The Lord God said: ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him’” (Genesis 2:15-18). Adam responded favorably to God’s expectation. “The man gave names to all the tame animals, all the birds of the air, and all the wild animals” (Genesis 2:20). As his enthusiasm was still implicit and introvert, God brought the man to its completion with triggering his mind explicit expression in his human own voiced words, “This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; this one shall be called ‘woman, for out of man this one has been taken” (Genesis 2:23). Although asleep at the time of the divine operation in making Eve from him, Adam had a spiritual infused science (coded as SIS) of its process, as God wanted him to be like him and live like him. In his own word, Adam expressed his being in the image of God after his likeness. The biblical phrasing showed Adam’s conscious and explicit choice among the divine gifts as his unique way of thanks to God. In freedom, Adam verbally consented to the divine treatment of his solitude by his mind monologue describing the divine conception of Eve as God used the cloning of Adam’s rib and the earthly material. Later, and following their consumption of the divine forbidden fruit (coded as DFF) of the tree of knowledge of good and evil linked to inevitable earthly death, responding to the divine probing interview question (coded as DPIQ), “Who told you that you were naked? You have eaten, then, from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat!” (Genesis 3:9-11), Adam reminded God about his prior consent to justify his refusal to endorse the responsibility of their sin, “The woman whom you put here with me−she gave me fruit from the tree, and so I ate it” (Genesis 3:12). Adam revealed his selfishness in right-doing. Without Eve, Adam would have silently complied with the divine preventive spiritual psychomedicine (coded as PSP) as the above preventive motivational knowledge information (coded as PMKI) that God mentioned in his intervew questioning. Adam allowed to discern given latent pathological or unhealthy situation that was ignorance and indifference (coded as II) of God in his silent freedom, as he chose to follow Eve and the serpent spiritual infestation, instead of insisting in complying with God’s motivational knowledge information. Omniscient of his human creature’s real being and for a natural healthy humanity regulation (coded as NHHR), God reacted to Adam’s justification, addressing Eve, “Yet your urge shall be for your husband, and he shall be your master” (Genesis 3:16). Contrasting with Adam’s distorted, developing, learning, or unapologetic mindset, the divine reaction was to inform on Eve’s freedom in conscious recognition of the divine presence and action that will shape given personal relationship with God, different from Adam’s silent one. In freedom but allowing to discern his existential situation of life (coded as ESL), as implicit unhealthy mindset in his desire to be like God, which was a kind of mind introverted monologue and a refusal to address God (See, ignorance and indifference), Adam still showed his silent consent and recognition of God’s will and plan, as he responded to Eve’s urge. He allowed God to highlight his rationale in his divine masterpiece in his second human creature as the best help for his man to carry on his human procreation or reproduction (coded as HPR) in the continuity of the human specimen in the divine image after the divine likeness (See, God shaped Adam and Eve using the earthly material; evolution in creation). “The man had intercourse with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain” (Genesis 4:1). As he was omniscient of his human specimen, in his will and plan, God created Eve to help Adam express his mind. In the silent freedom of Adam, God also allowed to perceive his will and plan that, without Eve, Adam would not be totally like God in creating another human being in the divine image after the divine likeness. In turn, as Adam silenced God’s action in his contentment with her as the divine gift, Eve also silenced Adam’s help, but, instead, recognized God and his divine action in her maternity, saying, ‘I have produced a male child with the help of the Lord” (Genesis 4:2a). Eve showed a reset of her mind about God and his prediction, which for her was never a punishment. In her pain alleviated by her childbirth-giving, the first woman Eve allowed to describe the divine induced experiential feeling, a relief feeling mode (coded as RFM), as she became a parent, co-donor like Adam and a co-procreator and a co-giver of life like God. In an assumed analysis of the truth study approach (coded as TSA), Eve allowed to identify the divine good intent in specific event of life (coded as SEL) that were their sexual intercourse acts (coded as SIA) and her becoming a mother and a parent, when “To the woman, he (i.e., God) said: ‘I will intensify the pangs of your childbearing; in pain shall you bring forth children” (Genesis 3:16). Eve’s childbearing would be otherwise, if she had also followed the divine motivational knowledge information opposing, resisting, and refusing the animal spiritual temptation (coded as AST). In the creation of Eve different from Adam, whom God made the co-progenitor of the human specimen with Eve, God’s plan was that he willed her to carry the womb (i.e., den or transformed earth material) of the human procreation or reproduction. The immediate outcome of God’s response to Eve’s good mind in her maternity was a spiritually oriented impact (coded as SOI) revealing in Eve a good attitude formation (coded as GAF), which she had before her sin, a good emotional formation (coded as GEF), and a good behavioral formation (coded as GBF) as before her misfortunate dialogue with the cunning serpent. Eve allowed to discern the contrast of her silent active freedom (coded as SAF) in God against Adam’s silent active freedom in God. Her freedom in God shaped human good spirit (coded as HGS) and good human soul (coded as GHS), as it pleased him (i.e., God). The remote outcome allowed to link her mind also different from Adam’s to the divine will and plan (coded as DWP) in human creation. As she freely voiced her mind at Cain’s birth, this remote outcome was Abel, whose future good intended initiative (coded as GII) would be favorable to God’s attention compared with the initiative of his brother first-born. God also through Abel showed his pleased silent active freedom differently from Adam’s one. In dialogue, God established a personal relationship with Cain different from the one with his parents. God specified to Cain his pleased health psychology that treated against the sin phenomenon. Eve also helped define a divine informed freedom in conscious recognition of the divine presence and action that allowed to shape and experience in a monologue or a dialogue a personal relationship with God who always responded with induced experiential feeling as a relief feeling mode of given unease or unwanted feeling. The Bible described a divine informed freedom in conscious recognition of the divine presence and action that allowed to shape and experience in a monologue or a dialogue a personal relationship with God who always responded with induced experiential feeling as a relief feeling mode of a given onset natural universal feeling or unsolved health and life questioning. Diagnosing or discerning and treating a given onset natural universal feeling (coded as ONUF) or unsolved health and life questioning (coded as UHLQ) in given situation and context of life (coded as SCL) depended on human spirit and soul or on a personal relationship with God in a given nurturing ecosystem. In the biblical scriptures, Adam and Eve allowed to define the human good spirit and the good human soul, according to God and to the world. The Bible reported that “God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1: 27). According to God, the human good spirit in his divine image after his likeness was made of intelligence and will as he (i.e., God) is spirit (i.e., intelligence and will). The good human soul was made of memory, imagination, and affection, because the soul was the humanity characteristic as in God’s will and plan. In the beginning, the human good spirit and good human soul shaped by God in a body made with the earthly material were to deal with God, his instructions in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem (i.e., the healthy goods of the nurturing ecosystem) for unlimited life (See, religious teaching). As long as the first human beings followed the divine instructions, “The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame” (Genesis 2:25). The divine instructions for unlimited life to live well were clearly stated, “The Lord God gave the man this order: ‘You are free to eat from any of the trees of the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From that tree you shall not eat; when you eat from it you shall die.’” (Genesis 2:15-17). The unlimited life depended on the observance not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil as it caused inevitable earthly death. According to the world ruled by the evil pretense as in the cunning serpent (See, Genesis 3 in the Bible), both depending on the nurturing ecosystem, because no need of the divine instructions, the human good spirit (also made of intelligence and will) and the good human soul (also made of memory, imagination, and affection) became operationally undifferentiated and confused in a same entity definition as mind confined in the body. Since the human original sin due to given alienation of evil as the pretense in animal infestation, those two distinct entities dealt with the goods of the nurturing ecosystem and vegetal contamination in the knowledge of good and evil that was linked to the inevitable earthly death as the end of the earthly life. Minimizing the religious approach as human health and medicine psychology (coded as HMP), Adam and Eve allowed to define and understand the relief feeling mode of phenomena such as onset natural universal feelings and unsolved health and life questioning in regard to the knowledge of good and evil in the Bible. Onset natural universal feelings were symptomatology such as sadness, anguish, dilemma, compassion, desire, fatigue, hunger, thirst, initial inevitable feeling syndrome (coded as IFS: meditation, urge, stress, distress, pain, and suffering), sorrow, and grief. Unsolved health and life questioning addressing those onset feelings was informed by the divine instructions and their negation effect in Eve’s dialogue with a cunning serpent. In the biblical paradise setting, the prior health and medicine psychology of Adam and Eve in their onset natural universal feelings that brought them to use freely healthy goods of the nurturing ecosystem became distorted, due to the animal spiritual influence, The woman saw that the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eyes, and the tree was desirable for gaining wisdom. So she took some of its fruit and ate it; and she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves. When they heard the sound of the Lord God walking about in the garden at the breezy time of the day, the man and his wife hid themselves from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. (Genesis 3:6-8)Hiding from God and making dresses to relieve their naked shame feeling constituted the characteristic symptomatology of the distorted health psychology as the behavioral science of Adam and Eve. It led them to start defined medicine psychology to remedy the unhealthy consequences of their sin and get relief in the exacerbation of their onset natural universal feelings. God reacted favorably at their good intended initiative (coded as GII). The divine direct intervention (coded as DDI) with the probing interview questioning (coded as PIQ) allowed to discern their inner physiology (See, related to the divine motivational knowledge information) from their unconsciousness, through their subconscience, to their conscience and inform on the divine rationale first, in placing the first human beings in the paradise, before their own choice of what to eat as it pleased them, and, second, in putting them in the common natural setting of the world, as they chose to be in their own without God. Yet, following the divine intervention putting them out of the paradise, in unconscious recognition of the divine presence and action, Adam’s silent action showed his natural concern more with the goods of the nurturing ecosystem (See, to acquire the knowledge of good and evil, so to be like God) than with his personal relationship with God. Still, he followed the divine instructions addressed to Eve, “To the woman he said: I will intensify your toil in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Yet your urge shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you” (Genesis 3:16). He allowed to discern the mutual sexuality in mariage monogamy as defined sexual drive such as sexual physical attraction (coded as SPA). “The man had intercourse with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain” (Genesis 4:1). That was still a good behavioral science (vestige of the biological infused science [coded as BIS] in his soul remnant situation in the paradise) due to the divine spiritual response addressed to Eve. This behavioral science allowed to relieve onset natural universal feelings associated with human sexuality. It led to Eve’s pregnancy and a childbirth sexual outcomes that made Adam’s paternity. Once again, God used his divine infused knowledge as goods in his human creature’s spirit and soul to do freely his divine will and plan (See, human procreation or reproduction). Adam’s human paternity pleased God. As in his implicit desire, he became like God in making another human being. Although the Bible reported just his action in his manhood linked to paternity, the specific event of childbirth healthily changed his wife Eve’s health psychology as spiritual science. Nothing was reported about the impact on Adam’s spiritual science. Reacting, to her having become a mother and a parent, Eve said, ‘I have produced a male child with the help of the Lord” (Genesis 4:2a). The immediate outcome of her maternity as spiritually and biologically oriented impact in her was that it formulated her struggle with the stress of her having been cloned from her husband who had accused her of their sin. Shaped in meditationprayer monologue praise (coded as MMP) of God’s help, Eve’s freely voiced her recognition of the divine presence and action in her allowed to identify first, her spirituality as her concern with her personal relationship with God, second, remotely, a biologically oriented impact (coded as BOI) of her monologue praise of God as shown in her body, and, later third, another remote outcome that was the brain silent monologue of Abel. Abel later demonstrated good attitude formation and genetic healthy inheritance (coded as GHI) compared to his older brother. Abel’s genetic healthy inheritance allowed the healthy phenotype like unconscious harmony of health and life (coded as UHHL). This genetic healthy inheritance contrasted with Cain’s genetic unhealthy inheritance (coded as GUI) of which unhealthy phenotype was unconscious spiritually oriented impact (coded as SOI) in him. This unconscious spiritually oriented impact was manifested in him by his evil attitude formation (coded as EAF), his evil emotional formation (coded as EEF), and his evil behavioral formation (coded as EBF) as he was angry at God, when God looked with favor at his brother and his gift and not at him (i.e., Cain) and his gift. God highlighted the above contrast in inheritance (See, genetic process in selectivity, deletion, or distribution of alleles) between those two brothers explaining in the dialogue with Cain his divine rationale in looking with favor at Abel and his gift. God also highlighted this contrast in inheritance to show the effect of Eve’s meditationprayer praise of him following Cain’s birth. Before Cain’s birth and the divine direct intervention in relation with those two brothers, as Adam and Eve were complying with the divine motivational knowledge information in the divine pleased use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem (coded as GNE), the relief feeling mode of onset natural universal feelings and unsolved health and life questioning in regard to the knowledge of good and evil was described in the Bible as their wellbeing or healthy being in the earthly life (coded as HBEL). In the silence of God, this induced experiential feeling as human wellbeing was simply reported, “The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame (Genesis 2:25). Opposing the divine biological infused science (coded as BIS), the relief feeling mode of their onset natural universal feelings and their unsolved health and life questioning in self’s unhealthy dynamics (coded as SUD) such as their desire to be like God in the knowledge of good and evil inspired by the cunning serpent through sin in eating the divine forbidden fruit brought Adam and Eve to experience unhealthy situations of life (coded as USL) such as mindset, sin, and wounds (coded as MSW) and ignorance and indifference (coded as II) of God. God’s direct intervention through his probing interview questioning allowed to discern first, their alienation by an animal persuasion (See, evil pretense) and vegetal contamination due to their lack of dialogue with him (i.e., God), and second, the introduction of the inevitable earthly death due to their sin. God’s rationale in putting Adam and Eve out of the paradise garden revealed the dependence of human health, life, medicine, and body on him (i.e., God) and on the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. God clearly stated the human acquisition of the knowledge of good and evil linked to the inevitable death (although different from his divine know linked to the eternal life), “Then the Lord God said: See! The man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil! Now, what if he also reaches out his hand to take fruit from the tree of life, and eats of it and lives forever?” (Genesis 3: 22). This statement of God allowed to discern the healthy choice of human beings that pleased him to live forever and their unhealthy choice that was linked to death. In the paradise setting, Adam and Eve were given a simple choice between the fruit from the tree of life and the fruit from the tree of unhealthiness leading to death. As in his will and plan God willed his human creature in his image after his likeness and despite their unhealthy situations of life due to their sin, he atested that the paradise setting was still a healthy context of life (coded as HCL). Expulsing them out of the paradise, God also willed his human creatures to heal from their unhealthy situations of life through healthy choice including his will and plan. Cain’s birth healed Eve from mindset, sin, wounds, and ignorance and indifference of God. Eve’s self’s effort to retrieve the harmony of health and life before the specific event of life (coded as SEL) as her unfortunate encounter with the cunning snake also allowed to define health and medicine psychology that emphasized and was centered on a conscientious recognition of divine presence and action, formulated in a meditationprayer monologue praise, as a conscientious specific event of life (coded as CSEL) that shaped the work into the triumph of God’s foundation (coded as WTGF) spiritual care and medicine (coded as SCM) to treat mindset, sin, and wounds, ignorance and indifference and else unhealthy situations of life. Acknowledging divine informed freedom in conscientious recognition of the divine presence and action allowed to shape the work into the triumph of God’s foundation spiritual care and medicine as health, life, and medicine care. Considering that Adam and Eve were the first described human beings to be directly created by God, they allowed to define onset natural universal feelings and unsolved health and life questioning of one’s human inherited being or self (coded as HIBS) as initial situations of life (coded as ISL) and transitional situations of life (coded as TSL) to experience and own one’s human true being or self (coded as HTBS)’s feelings. Eve allowed to discern two types of health and medicine psychology as health, life, and medicine care (coded as HLMC). Before the specific event of her life such as her interaction with the cunning serpent she experienced an unconscious healthy life feeling good in complying with the divine instructions in the use of the goods of her nurturing ecosystem. She ate fruit from any tree of the Garden of Eden avoiding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as she did feel that she want to die. Infuenced by the animal infestation and the vegetal contamination in the search for acquisition of the knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve introduced health and medicine psychology that led to the inevitable death. Using their bodily selves to soothe and enjoy their lives they were surprised by their ability to give life to new human beings discovering their true selves. Unfortunately, their son will confirm their fear and frustration (coded as FF) to discover the reality of death as an inevitable phenomenon in sin. Cain whose birth followed their lack of defined and mutual relationship with God put to death his brother. He also displeased God and sought to cope with his fear and frustration of death using a distorted health and medicine psychology. Abel whose birth occurred after his mother’s meditationprayer praise of God and his gift pleased God and that set his fate of the first to experience death. Both brothers’ relationship with God revealed their true beings or selves. Following the healthy resolution of onset natural universal feelings and unsolved health and life questioning, the feelings of human true being or self defined illbeing and wellbeing as induced experiential situations of life (coded as IESL) or final relief feeling mode of the disharmony of health and life corresponding to the unhealthy being in the earthly life (coded as UBEL), and of the harmony of health and life corresponding to the divine will and plan at the creation of the first human beings such as Adam and Eve. Although unconsciously or consciously, obeying to the divine will and plan in their treatment, onset natural universal feelings were to help regulate the relationship with God, with his divine instructions in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem, and the interelation with the nurturing ecosystem. Those onset feelings were sadness, anguish, dilemma, compassion, desire, fatigue, hunger, thirst, initial inevitable feeling syndrome (coded as IFS: meditation, urge, stress, distress, pain, and suffering), sorrow, and grief. In the beginning, This is the story of the heavens and the earth at their creation. When the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, there was no field shrub on earth and no grass of the field had sprouted, for the Lord God had sent no rain upon the earth and there was no man to till the ground, but a stream was welling up out of the earth and watering all the surface of the ground; then the Lord God formed the man out of the dust of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. The Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and placed there the man whom he had formed. Out of the ground the Lord God made grow every tree that was delightful to look at and good for food, with the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. (Genesis 2: 4-9)As God made Adam and Eve and gave them his instructions in the use of the goods of his nurturing ecosystem they experienced the related feeling mode of the onset feelings of their human inherited being or self as wellbeing in interacting with their ecosystem. Unfortunately, there had been a given alienation as related to their human original sin (coded as HOS) that helped discern given unsolved health and life questioning due to first, their modern unhealthy dynamics (coded as MUD) as they consumed the unhealthy fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and second, their self’s unhealthy dynamics (coded as SUD) related to their disobedience to the divine warning. Despite their unhealthy situations of life due to their sin, contrasting with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the paradise setting was still a healthy context of life (coded as HCL), as in his will and plan God willed his human creature in his image after his likeness to live forever. They were to fulfill the divine image after the divine likeness that was feeling like in the divine healthy situations of life (coded as HSL). As they were put out of the Garden of Eden, because they disregarded his warning, the common natural laboratory setting (coded as NLS) will be a transitional context of life (coded as TCL) as willed by him for them to experience his pleased human health, life, and medicine care, when they willed and chose his help. As written in the Bible, To the man he said: “Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, you shall not eat from it, cursed is the ground because of you! In toil you shall eat its yield all the days of your life. Thorns and thistles it shall bear for you, and you shall eat the grass of the field. By the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread, Until you return to the ground, from which you were taken; For you are dust, and to dust you shall return”. The man gave his wife the name “Eve,” because she was the mother of all the living. The Lord God made for the man and his wife garments of skin, with which he clothed them. (Genesis 3: 17-21)Before, putting them out of his paradise, respecting their freedom in choice, God still showed them his merciful goodness and love and bettered their clothing to protect their naked and vulnerable bodies. The introduction of vestment or clothing was the first materialistic medicine instituted to protect the body from outside invasion (See, health and medicine psychology). As God allowed to know him through the biblical description of Adam and Eve, he made also known his education-care as the work into the triumph of God’s foundation spiritual care and medicine that defined given health, life, and medicine care. They already experienced the relief feeling mode of this care as induced feelings or feelings of the divine foundation spiritual care and medicine in the paradise situation and context of life that were the divine pleased ideal (coded as DPI) for them. The Bible described the prior health, life, and medicine economy (coded as HLME) of Adam and Eve in the paradise before their sin as an ideal model that allowed to perceive a genetic healthy inheritance (coded as GHI). In the biblical natural setting out of the paradise, following Eve’s conscious meditationprayer monologue praise of God’s help in her maternity, it was allowed to discern that this genetic healthy inheritance can be retrieved (See, Abel). The experienced health, life, and medicine economy of Adam and Eve in the paradise setting allowed them to live “both naked, yet they felt no shame” (Genesis 2:25). This economy changed in them, reflected by a consequent distorted health and medicine psychology, when, tempted by the animal persuasion, they sinned, and having eaten the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil against the divine warning. As in the biblical writing, “The woman saw that the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eyes, and the tree was desirable for gaining wisdom. So she took some of its fruit and ate it; and she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves” (Genesis 3:6-7). Later, they became parents and givers of life to Cain and Abel. Abel was born following his mother’s monologue praise of God’s help in her maternity of Cain. As both the children offered to God the products of their work, God looked with favor the gift of the younger brother (See, the divine pleased health and medicine psychology). The older brother got angry and terminated his younger brother’s life health and medicine psychology distorted health and medicine psychology). Differently from his brother whom he killed, he showed that he inherited a tendency to sin and authored the first human perpetrated death (coded as HPD), in spite of the divine warning (See, as his parents). Through Cain and his brother God highlighted his pleased health and medicine psychology. In the course of time Cain brought an offering to the Lord from the fruit of the ground, while Abel, for his part, brought the fatty portion of the firstlings of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry and dejected. Then the Lord said to Cain: Why are you angry? Why are you dejected? If you act rightly, you will be accepted; but if not, sin lies in wait at the door: its urge is for you, yet you can rule over it. (Genesis 4: 3-7)The first human family allowed to perceive a divine informed freedom in conscientious recognition of the divine presence and action constitutive of given divine spiritual psychomedicine (coded as DSP) as the spiritual and behavioral science (coded as SBS) or work into the triumph of God’s foundation spiritual care and medicine (coded as WTGF SCM) to experience the relief feeling mode in given onset natural universal feelings and unsolved health and life questioning of given human inherited being or self. Through each one of the first human family (coded as FHF), God defined the spiritual care and medicine that yielded given wellbeing defining his divine pleased relief feeling mode, which diagnosed or discerned and treated given onset feelings and unsolved health and life questioning inherent to a human self and their complications as unhealthy situations of life. God also allowed to establish a process of monitoring and fulfillment (coded as PMF) of this wellbeing that measured ten (10) relief feeling modes reflecting given healthy universal feelings (coded as HUF) as peace, joy, wellness, justice, and belief, and given human spiritual potential’s expression (coded as HSPE) as faith, hope, love, trust, and freedom. To be continued… What about you? (Test yourself: 1. What are your existential situations and contexts of life [coded as ESCL; Note that a context of life can be a setting of life]? 2. How do you feel your “self” [a. Spiritually {i.e., your spirit: intelligence and will; your soul: memory, imagination, and affection}; See, spiritually oriented impact {coded as SOI}];[b. Bodily {i.e., your physic and physiology}; See, biologically oriented impact{coded as BOI}]; and [c. In your context or setting {i.e., family, workplace, neighborhood, or belief structure or system: example church}? 3. How is your stand in the issue of life and death? 4. How do you feel in your lifestyle [a. Spiritual religious or non-religious]; [b. Religious traditional or non-traditional]; [c. Modern religious affiliated or non-religious-affiliated]; and [d. Married conventional or non-conventional; Single religious or non-religious; in union with no commitment]?) Email and send your story Acknowledging spiritual care and medicine (coded as SCM) allows the qualitative healthy dynamics (coded as QHD) personified by Jesus who harmlessly helps a willing human being (coded as WHB) silently experience the Healthy Happiness and Qualitative Life (coded as HHQL) in the presence and action of the Holy Spirit (coded as PAHS), treating one’s human inherited self or being (coded as HISB) to perceive and own one’s human true self or being (coded as HTSB). Learn through:Buy our books:WTGF Text Book (Please, help us with your donation (≥$1; ≥$30.00; ≥$80.00) for publishing, which will cost ≥ $ 8,000.00): Title: “Curing through the meditation of the Rosary mysteries: The story of George”“Work into the Triumph of God” with our store $17.00“Health Spirituality” with our store $15.00“Meditation-prayer as a healing complement for human spiritual and physical suffering” with our store Before leaving this page, allow us to thank you for your visit and time. We still expect your generosity to contribute to our research, because we believe that you are worthy as you want the world around you to be healthier and happier! Smile, feel HEALTHY feel HAPPY!