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Self’s Assisted Treatment: Diagnosis or discernment (4th Divine Principle)
Diagnosis or discernment, and treatment in the case of Adam and Eve
In the divine will and plan and the scientific discourse, Adam and Eve informed about the human health, life, and medicine differently from the discourse found in religions and modern quantitative science. Reading in the Bible, they allowed a qualitative scientist to perceive the divine principles and informed freedom (coded as DPIF) opposed to the evil principles and informed freedom (coded as EPIF) of given alienation of the evil pretense in human health, life, and medicine economy (coded as HLME). In the beginning of their health, life, and medicine economy, Adam and Eve were given a choice between good and evil that they neglected or ignored, and they failed to analyze and own God’s instructions in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem.... To read the entire introduction click here..
Divine Principles
Learned in the Bible, for healthy being in qualitative life, the divine principles are the original principles for the hygiene in human health, life, and medicine economy. Now, in given situation of life, helped in the modern science progress, it is given to mature in the religious approach of the case of Adam and Eve to better the human health, life, and medicine economy (coded as HLME) inherited from given context of life. As a blame, the religious scientific approach (coded as RSA) of the case of the known first human beings (coded as FHB) in the Christian Bible (coded as CB) emphasizes their misfortune in the test with the unknown even believed known (See, God and given invisible world).... To read more about this introduction click here
1. A motivational knowledge information (coded as MKI)
2. A good intended initiative (coded as GII)
3. Conscientious probing interview question-answers (coded as CPIQ)
4. A divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem (coded as DPUNE) as a phenomenon that was clearly specified in the divine motivational knowledge information (coded as DMKI). In the Bible, Adam and Eve were clearly informed on what pleases God and on what is harmful in the nurturing ecosystem (coded as NE). It is written that, “Out of the ground the Lord God made grow every tree that was delightful to look at and good for food, with the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:9). Then God said: “Let us make human beings in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the tame animals, all the wild animals, and all the creatures that crawl on the earth” (Genesis 1:26). God blessed the human beings and God said to them: “Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that crawl on the earth” (Genesis 1:28). Following his instructions, God observed a silence. The silence of God in his relationship with his privileged human beings (coded as PHB) showed that he was pleased with them. The man and his wife were “both naked, yet they felt no shame” in his presence (Genesis 2:25). As long as they were animated by a good intended initiative (coded as GII), they well used the nurturing ecosystem and felt the outcomes of their well-intentioned action as their wellbeing. As shown by God at the creation of the first human being he had care for in human ordinary understanding, when breathing in him to give him life, this one also was to breathe passively and actively comply with the given motivational knowledge information in the use of the nurturing ecosystem (coded as UNE), to enjoy the good in the harmony of health and life. To enjoy the harmony of health and life then depended on the divine motivational knowledge information and the divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem. As the divine instructions were unchallenged in them, there seemed also to be the silence of God in his relationship with Adam and Eve as long as they observed an unconscious and informed choice (coded as UIC) of God. The divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem (coded as DPUNE) assured the nutrients necessary for the harmony of health and life. Those nutrients were, now well-known in modern biology (i.e., the logic of life) as fundamental elements (coded as FE) in biochemistry and biophysics. Among the nutrients were the natural respired hydrogen and oxygen (coded as NRHO) or breathed hydrogen and oxygen (coded as BHO), indispensable in the biophysics that allowed the metabolism of the biochemistry. The natural respired hydrogen and oxygen or breathed hydrogen and oxygen as the divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem allowed the ordinary renewal and care (coded as ORC) of given human health and life (coded as HHL) as the self’s autonomic regulatory system (coded as SARS), if no specific event of life (coded as SEL) such as a distortion in the ordinary hygiene of health and life. As in the biblical report of health and life in Adam and Eve living in the paradise setting, the divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem displayed as outcome the ordinary renewal and care of the human health and life as the self’s autonomic regulatory system in the ordinary of the harmony of health and life.
As a truth study approach of the divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem, the rationale behind this divine principle was that, God also helped Adam and Eve in the use of their selves’ body and life. Feeling shame to be naked following their disobedience to the divine instructions in the Genesis Book of the Bible, as Adam and Eve used leaves to cover their bodies, God showed them more sound vestments in durability and quality. They enjoyed their nakedness and, in silence, God allowed them to rejoice growing in number in addition to their natural couple and start their natural family. Differently from the assumed analysis in the truth study approach (coded as TSA) about God, it is comprehensible that, when he was silent in a given conventional and worldly understanding of things of life, in a perceptive analysis as a modern scientific approach (coded as MSA), this kind of the divine help followed always a divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem, minimizing given unchallenged assumptions in the religious scientific approach (coded as RSA). This divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem was also obvious in the divine probing interview question (coded as DPIQ) in the first dialogue with Adam, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat?” The divine help always followed a conscientious and informed choice (coded as CIC) of the divine motivational knowledge information. Although he showed his disapproval of their disobedience to his motivational knowledge information, God highlighted his concern with his made human beings (coded as HB) as they displayed a disease in the knowledge of good and evil as related to their nakedness. God had compassion and pity on them as they attempted a search for remedy in a use of their nurturing ecosystem. God made sound vestments for Adam and Eve. The divine help also was apparently silent in their emotional expression between each other. Following the assumed analysis in Adam’s verbal response to the divine probing interview question, a disagreement seemed obvious between the first human beings directly made by God. Adam had clearly accused God and his wife for his failure in the test with the unknown even believed known (See, God and given invisible world) as a blame, because he assumed to having had no part in the dialogue with the cunning serpent. In the human assumed analysis of the divine reaction, he misunderstood the divine commandment to “dominate over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that crawl on the earth” (See, Genesis 1:26-28). As Adam accused him, God seemed to favor him in the human ordinary understanding (See, the divine humour), predicting his domination on his wife in intercourse at the use of their likeness physical difference (coded as LPD). God seemed to indicate to Adam and Eve tthat the physical intercourse was a remedy for the sexual urge in given emotional expression as sexual attraction inherent to the human inherited self or being (coded as HISB). In the divine perceptive analysis of her reaction, as a revelation of her spirit sharpness and initiative in human relationships in the use of the nurturing ecosystem and in acquiring the knowledge of good and evil, Eve showed a stronger aptitude in the childbearing; that was consequence of their sexual urge. The childbearing will be in her a healing of her mindset toward God. Adam already showed to God his mindset, when God gave him to name the help that he had made to treat given human aloneness, as since his conception, Adam expressed no good intended self-initiative. Beyond their temptation and sin due to the evil pretense in the cunning serpent and the forbidden fruit, in the direction of his divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem, God predicted to his first human beings their future that would orient their in-depth attention toward the truth study approach of his divine motivational knowledge information.
In the beginning of his creation, the divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem was in the divine motivational knowledge information. Before the cunning serpent and the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, external causality favoring factor (coded as CFF) of secondary elements, dynamics, physics, forces, or phenomena in them, Adam and Eve displayed the divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem as an unconscientious and informed choice (coded as UIC) of the divine motivational knowledge information. The cunning serpent and the divine forbidden fruit (coded as DFF) revealed the weaknesses and assumptions in their relations with God. The serpent tempted them and they sinned eating of the forbidden fruit that induced given modifications in the internal metabolism and biochemistry that were the divine-based resulting graces in them. Those modifications determined the future human inherited self or being (coded as HISB)’s anatomy and physiology. God predicted to Adam and Eve the future of their truncated emotional expressions due to these inceptive modifications in feeling become, firstly, obligatory or inevitable onset feelings as onset empirical feeling symptoms (coded as OEFS) and empirical feeling symptoms (coded as EFS). Those onset empirical feeling symptoms and empirical feeling symptoms were qualified as dilemma, sadness, anguish, anxiety, shame, sorrow, compassion, sexual attraction, jealousy, fear, frustration, meditation, urge, stress, distress, pain, and suffering. Their truncated emotional expressions of the modifications of their pre-sin feelings became, secondly until nowadays, onset natural universal feelings (coded as ONUF), which were feelings such as sadness, anguish, dilemma, compassion, given initial inevitable feeling syndrome (coded as IFS; i.e., meditation, urge, stress, distress, pain, and suffering), sorrow, and grief. God also predicted to Adam and Eve that their truncated emotional expressions of the modifications of their feelings would become, thirdly, the human spiritual potential’s expression (coded as HSPE) as feelings such as peace, joy, wellness, justice, belief, faith, hope, love, trust, and freedom. As a creator, in assumtive analysis of the the truth study approach, God sets the onset feeling to alert about the situation of our human being in terms of health and life to seek a given healthy being in the earthly life (coded as HBEL) and a given healthy being in given spiritual care and medicine (coded as SCM). Therefore, as a standard of a process of monitoring and fulfillment (coded as PMF) of healthy being in the earthly life and spiritual care and medicine, depending on conscientious and informed choice (coded as CIC) of God and on righteousness in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem (coded as GNE) in a given real world (coded as RW), from a given onset feeling, a human being might move toward an induced experiential feeling (coded as IEF) such as the human spiritual potential’s expression of feelings, especially, healthy universal feelings (coded as HUF). In his predictions, confused in some religious interpretation as punitions, God also knew that Adam and Eve were not yet prompt to a dialogue with him in order to feel, experience, define, and own one’s human true being or self (coded as HTBS) in the divine image and likeness (coded as DIL). In discovering themselves in their biological appearances as their nakedness, minimizing the shame feeling, they learned to have intercourse, which resulted not only, firstly, in healthy universal feelings (See, pleasure and induced experiential feeling, sexual expression phenomenon [coded as SEP]), but also secondly, in the birth of a third human being, a male like Adam (See, human spiritual potential’s expression and sexuality physical expression [coded as SPE]). Despite or in the unconscious or conscious divine silence, healed from her mindset, sins, and wounds (coded as MSW), and become first time mother and parent, Eve recognized God in this first reported human co-procreation specific event of life (coded as SEL) that was their intercourse. She worded the first human meditationprayer monologue praise (coded as MMP), “saying, ‘I have produced a male child with the help of the Lord.’” (Genesis 4:2a). Following Eve’s meditationprayer monologue praise, God showed his approval of his first human being’s good intended initiative (coded as GII) in the exercise of their sexual and reproductive potential (coded as SRP). At the birth of Cain, Eve’s recognition of the divine presence and action (coded as RDPA) in their sexual and reproductive potential was rewarded by another birth. As a perceptive analysis, although a fruit in his silence as divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem (See, divine silence in human interaction with the nurturing ecosystem until the occurrence of the human original sin [coded as HOS]), the reported interactions between God and their offspring showed a given ordinary relationship between him and Cain as between a grandparent and a grandchild. As to confirm parents’ unconscious or conscious choice of ongoing sexuality physical expression that led to the human procreation or reproduction (coded as HPR), God expressed to children of the first human natural family (coded as HNF) his divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem. In a reported dialogue with Cain, God looked favorably the gift of the younger brother Abel and warned Cain about sin that was preventable by one’s free human spirit as intelligence and will (See, Genesis 4). As to his parents, God showed Cain, despite his grave sin (as he murdered his younger brother Abel), what pleased him as the creator and what was sin against his divine will and plan (coded as DWP) in human use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. Therefore, as the following truth studying approach (coded as TSA) of the divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem, God also wanted monogamy for Adam and Eve as a principle of the original human couple commitment (coded as HCC) and a divine pleased situation of life (coded as DPSL). To read more, click here...
What about you? (Test yourself:
1. What are your existential situations and contexts of life [coded as ESCL; Note that a context of life can be a setting of life]?
2. How do you feel your “self” [a. Spiritually {i.e., your spirit: intelligence and will; your soul: memory, imagination, and affection}; See, spiritually oriented impact {coded as SOI}];[b. Bodily {i.e., your physic and physiology}; See, biologically oriented impact{coded as BOI}]; and [c. In your context or setting {i.e., family, workplace, neighborhood, or belief structure or system: example church}?
3. How is your stand in the issue of life and death?
4. How do you feel in your lifestyle [a. Spiritual religious or non-religious]; [b. Religious traditional or non-traditional]; [c. Modern religious affiliated or non-religious-affiliated]; and [d. Married conventional or non-conventional; Single religious or non-religious; in union with no commitment]?) Email and send your story
Acknowledging spiritual care and medicine (coded as SCM) allows the qualitative healthy dynamics (coded as QHD) personified by Jesus who harmlessly helps a willing human being (coded as WHB) silently experience the Healthy Happiness and Qualitative Life (coded as HHQL) in the presence and action of the Holy Spirit (coded as PAHS), treating one’s human inherited self or being (coded as HISB) to perceive and own one’s human true self or being (coded as HTSB).
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