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Self’s Assisted Treatment: Diagnosis or discernment (3rd Divine inFORMED FReEDOM)
Diagnosis or discernment, and treatment in the case of Adam and Eve
In the divine will and plan and the scientific discourse, Adam and Eve informed about the human health, life, and medicine differently from the discourse found in religions and modern quantitative science.... To read the entire introduction click here..
Divine Principles
Learned in the Bible, for healthy being in qualitative life, the divine principles are the original principles for the hygiene in human health, life, and medicine economy. Now, in given situation of life, helped in the modern science progress, it is given to mature in the religious approach of the case of Adam and Eve to better the human health, life, and medicine economy (coded as HLME) inherited from given context of life.... To read more about this introduction click here
1. A motivational knowledge information (coded as MKI)
2. A good intended initiative (coded as GII)
3. Conscientious probing interview question-answers (coded as CPIQ)
4. A divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem (coded as DPUNE)
5. A monogamy in marriage (coded as MM)
6. A human procreation or reproduction (coded as HPR)
7. A sexual intercourse act (coded as SIA)
8. Recognition of the divine presence and action (coded as RDPA)
9. A use of the divine graces and mercy (coded as UDGM)
10. An available human being (coded as AHB)’s free spirit
Divine informed freedom
To minimize cultural confusions, the Bible in its diverse versions becomes the modern reference for the relationship of the humanity in given nurturing ecosystem including God for defining human health and life. Religious human beings had always referred to God in dealing with their limitations in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem.…To read more about this introduction click here…
1. A divine informed freedom in divine instructions
2. A divine informed freedom in good intended initiative
3. A divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview questions-answers allowed a human self’s insight of the motivational knowledge information from the inconscience or unconsciousness through the subconscience to the conscience or conscientiousness as a given education-care and self’s treatment to experience healthy, happy, and qualitative life, as it pleased God in the beginning of the humanity. As in the second report of the Bible about the creation, in the paradise laboratory setting, the human mind was unconsciously like God but seeking to understand how what was as perceived and how to be like God without God or his divine help, when God expected a dialogue to reveal it, unless voiced in a monologue. As the first experimental man Adam was showing no will of dialogue with him God put him to sleep and bring him, in freedom, to voice his human self’s mind made in the divine image and likeness. Still according to the Bible, as in the first description of the divine monologue in creation, God implicitly unfolded his divine will and plan of how he expected his human creatures to discover and own his divine image after his likeness as they were created by him, when they freely experienced his divine principles. First, in his image after his likeness God made Adam’s self coupled with the earthly contribution. Without Adam’s informed consent and knowledge, he used Adam’s self and the earthly contribution to create Eve’s self with a constitutional nuance. This nuance was to marry Adam’s likeness to him God to procreate another human being also in his divine image after his likeness. His divine motivational knowledge information was fundamental in the conscientious use of the nurturing ecosystem that included now on his divine self, his made human beings, and his other specimen beings. Only a dialogue or monologue related to him elucidated his divine mystery in his creation as his definition of the nurturing ecosystem. As a human uniqueness was the phenomenon of soul as human insight that included the human spirit (i.e., the divine likeness) and body (i.e., divine image materialized by the earthly material sustenance). The human self’s inside abided the divine mystery as divine image after the divine likeness that was manifested in the inconscience or unconsciousness and the subconscience through the infused science in the interaction with the nurturing ecosystem to be brought into the conscience, consciousness, or conscientiousness. The world to be real was in this human self’s inside and in the nurturing ecosystem as in the mystery of the divine will and plan in the beginning of the biblical divine creation. As illustrated in the Bible, Adam and Eve were the prototypes as in the divine will and plan stated in his divine monologue. Adam and Eve were the conception of the divine will and plan of the human being. For a human being to correspond to the divine will and plan in the nurturing ecosystem, Adam determined and provided the selection of a part of the human self’s genetics to be and Eve completed the other part necessary for this self’s genetic uniqueness (i.e., a man or a woman). As in the divine monologue that was that Adam’s aloneness not good, the illustration of the human self’s inside movement to agree with the divine presence and action as the divine will and plan to be in the divine image after the divine likeness from the human self’s inconscience to this self’s conscience was revealed when the voice of Adam was the first time heard as he woke up and found Eve, whom God presented to him. According to his own words, this first experimental man was obviously satisfied with the divine treatment of his human self’s inner desire, although without his human informed consent and knowledge. He agreed with God that he needed help to a wholeness corresponding the divine expectation and the help was like him and God. God’s presence and action and his reading of Adam’s mind and inner desire then corresponded in harmony and corresponding to his human expectation. Since then, Adam ungratefully returned to his silent relationship with God, as if refusing to give satisfaction to God’s expectation of a loving dialogue with him. Adam allowed to define the divine informed freedom. Adam never votively showed that he minded of God. Obviously, God cared for his image and his likeness that his human being was like him God, meaning a human being that was a spirit made of intelligence and will, a soul made memory, imagination, and affection, and a body made of the same earthly material as the animals, the plants, and the earthly inert substances. Later, as he did with Eve, God used animals, plants, and earthly inert substances to bring forth Adam’s self’s insight in obvious expression, using the method or education-care of probing interview questioning (coded as PIQ). Adam showed as if he were not concerned with his being but tacitly felt well with as it was in the divine will and plan for him. In his silence, later, without expressed concern, Adam obviously cautioned any help like the following animal and vegetal help to acquire the knowledge of good and evil and be like God. He was confused in experiencing the outcomes of the misuse of his freedom, although refusing to enter the divine dialogue to be like God in tilling and caring for the creation. A second time God allowed him to talk and express his human self’s mind in answering his divine probing interview question (coded as DPIQ) as, in their search for being like God without God’s help, they had eaten the divine forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil linked to inevitable earthly death. As they were already informed about the unhealthy help and inevitable consequence of the forbidden fruit, they also allowed the diagnosis or discernment of evil pretense, temptation, and sin. The Bible also reported given divine education-care in the divine probing interview questioning that brought forth to acknowledgement given situation of one’s human inherited self or being (coded as HISB), to help discover, experience, and own one’s human true self or being (coded as HTSB) in the divine image and likeness (coded as DIL), however given context of life. Unlike Eve who tried to bring forth the accurate divine words, Adam failed to dominate on the animal and vegetal help as well as Eve’s unhealthy help against the divine will and plan (coded as DWP) in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. In an assumed analysis of the truth study approach, the divine education-care was a follow up as an evaluation process of the developmental process of the human being interacting with the divine creation in given silent freedom, as God found that all his creation was very good. The motivational knowledge information (coded as MKI) in the beginning of the human life was the starting point of the divine education-care as a supplementary divine graces and mercy (coded as DGM), external divine spiritual help, and a tool to activate the fundamental divine graces and mercy inherent in a human being’s spirit, soul, and body. The motivational knowledge information was to help the human being in the divine image form given good intended initiative (coded as GII) in the tilling and caring for the nurturing ecosystem. The nurturing ecosystem as a context of life offered spiritual and material goods, also supplementary divine graces and mercy that were to influence intended initiative to remedy given situation of life in term of fundamental human harmony of health, life, and medicine economy (coded as HLME) for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. The intended initiative was supported by a conscious and informed choice (coded as CIC) between one’s human self’s ongoing inside and the human insight of the divine motivational knowledge information (coded as DMKI). Due to the evil pretense in the cunning serpent, tempted, when the first human beings Adam and Eve sinned, the human self’s insight of one’s self’s inside situation of life and the human conscious and informed choice of God’s motivational knowledge information became a routine or an uneasy pattern that triggered human intended initiative in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. They were an unconscious or conscious routine, when “good” and God was silent in his divine education-care for the human being. They were an unconscious or conscious pattern, when “evil” and the remnant or vestige of God’s motivational knowledge information (See, physiology of the human spirit, soul, and body) that always questioned in the movement of the self’s insight and inside from the inconscience to the conscience. That “evil” pattern was voluntarily silenced, refused, ignored, or neglected against God. In the paradisiac context of life and their privileged individual situation as in direct contact with God, Adam and Eve showed this conscious uneasy pattern, when they sought to refuse the relationship with God by hiding behind a tree at the sound of God. By his probing interview questioning God invited them to take conscience of first, the evil pretense supporting their sin and wound linked to their shame feeling, and second, the inevitable earthly death linked to their sin and wound, unless he allowed them to eat from the fruit of the tree of life only present in his divine setting. If God had remained silent and allowed the access to the fruit of life following the consumption of the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, by the human being’s own action and conscious informed choice of death, the triggered human intended initiative had already formed a potential sinful and evil mindset that easily had contradicted God’s warning of death and wounded the human spirit and soul. After ousting them from the paradisiac context of life, Adam and Eve lived in the common and earthly setting of life with the other divine creatures, where there was the real competition for the goods of the creation or universe. The divine voiced action and the conscious divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers (coded as CPIQ) showed that, although the divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem (coded as DPUNE) eased the treatment of given shame feeling and met the divine approval, the divine will and plan and the ingestion of the fruit of the paradisiac tree of life were the only antidote against the inevitable earthly death linked to the human original sin (coded as HOS) in consuming the unhealthy forbidden fruit. The death of Abel perpetrated by Cain showed the immediate illustration of the death linked to given inherited parental original sin and the human self’s sin and wound, when refusing the divine motivational knowledge information in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. As the book of the divine education-care, the Bible reported no dialogue or voiced monologue of Abel’s need of God’s help, although God inquired with Cain about this last one’s murder of his brother. If the longevity of Adam and Eve explained the durable effect of given paradisiac fruit of which they ate before their sin, their death showed the inevitable earthly death linked to first, their human original sin and wound, and second, following human self’s mindset, sin, and wound. The Bible allowed to diagnose or discern and treat given confusion of conscious divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers. Influenced, with time and since Adam and Eve, through the religious science approach (coded as RSA) in the truth of God, it became difficult in a common sense to understand, in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem, the value of the divine motivational knowledge information that followed the human creation in regard to situations of life (i.e., harmony of the phenomenon of health, life, and medicine economy) due to human self’s mindset, sin, and wound. In spite of given technological progress, confused in the modern science approach (coded as MSA) of remedy to given situations and contexts of life, minimizing the notion of inevitable earthly death, nowadays, anytime since the negated or ignored human original sin of Adam and Eve to acquire the knowledge of good and evil, the human self was gripped in unsolved health and life questioning (coded as UHLQ) of modern unhealthy dynamics (coded as MUD) and self’s unhealthy dynamics (coded as SUD). The use of technology from the goods of the nurturing ecosystem such as fig leafy dresses started with Adam and Eve seeking to hide their insight of their inside shame feeling of their nakedness. Eve was deceived by the serpent’s influence and Adam ashamed of the truth in the presence of God. In regard to shame feeling, the technological progress continued with Cain become a shelter builder, fleeing the truth of his murderer sin, and using a lying skill as the human self’s knowledge of good and evil without the divine help, but with the help of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. Early in human beings the relief feeling mode (coded as RFM) of given remedy to inner feeling movement, the material support of medicine took over the spiritual means of remedy as related to God. As the material means of remedy was directly in human immediate power and reach or grasp (See, example of ingestion of divine forbidden fruit), from external shelters or covers as internal hiding of given situation to incorporated and invasive medicine, the search for a self’s wellbeing was human endeavor in life. Using the material goods of the nurturing ecosystem as the supplementary external divine graces and mercy for maintenance and regulation of the intrinsic or internal divine graces and mercy, a human self’s wellbeing was the induced experiential feeling as the first human beings’ primary privilege individual situation of life in the divine will and plan in the creation setting (See, context of life). The human self’s situation of life such as shame feeling of nakedness happened and were secondary induced experiential feelings in the search for relief feeling mode of another human self’s situation of life that was “the desire to acquire the knowledge of good and evil through the material support, which was the divine forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil linked to death” (See, divine motivational knowledge information). Although the human intended initiative was first to use the material-oriented means of medicine, the divine probing interview questioning allowed to perceive the spiritual means of medicine as the divine spiritual help to diagnose or discern and treat the human self’s situation of life due to mindset, sin, and wound. In the Bible, the first human natural family displayed conscious divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers following the parental first misuse of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem that rose in them given unconscious disharmony of health and life (coded as UDHL). Treating this disharmony and preventing the initial confusion and eventual worsening of given conscious disharmony of health and life (coded as CDHL) due to unknown evil pretense phenomenon, God interrupted the unconscious and conscious silence of his relationship with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the paradise natural laboratory setting. The context of life in the paradise was subjected to given test of freedom in the divine instructions in regard to “the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:9) in the middle of the garden. The rationale in the answers of Adam and Eve explained first, the developmental process in their silent freedom, second, the education-care in the divine probing interview question, and third, the confusion of the common sense in given alienation and the evil pretense in regard to the treatment of given human self’s health situations that were given initial inevitable feeling syndrome (coded as IFS) that displayed phenomena such as meditation, urge, stress, distress, pain, and suffering. From their answers God showed the level of their spiritual maturation and their understanding of his instructions in the use of the goods of their nurturing ecosystem. Adam’s answer showed his spiritual wound and his failure to be like God, welcome properly his involuntarily and received supplementary help, and relate to God in a dialogue to fulfill his human mission to cultivate and care for the paradise setting. Eve’s answer showed the wound of her soul in her mistake for having listened to the evil pretense in the cunning serpent that misled her away from her meditation of the divine instructions of how to fulfill her helping Adam to till and care for the divine garden. The reaction of God was to show them his divine will and plan for them in a loving dialogue to discover and own their divine image and likeness in his divine righteousness. Following the human original sin, the divine reaction sharing his mercy and sorrow with the human beings created in his divine image and likeness was, first, to chase out the infesting serpent vector of the evil pretense (as they were to dominate on the creation), second, to define Eve’s help in given education-care of her husband and of the process leading to childbearing, and third, to improve Adam’s contribution to the human wellbeing, and help him perceive the difference between the lost divine paradise setting and the common natural laboratory setting (coded as NLS). God showed his love for his human creatures beyond their temptation, sin, and evildoing. He entrusted them with their privileged individual situation of being in the divine image and likeness (See, spirit), but, he just put them away from his divine self’s finished setting where the outcomes of the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem included wellbeing that was healthy, happy, and qualitative life as an induced experiential feeling (coded as IEF). That induced experiential feeling followed an unconscious or conscious and informed choice of the divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem such as consuming the fruit of the tree of life only present in the paradise setting. The Bible reported that God always gave his beloved human beings multiple opportunities, when missed, ignored, or refused his divine help first, at the onset natural universal feelings (coded as ONUF; feelings such as sadness, anguish, dilemma, compassion, desire, fatigue, hunger, thirst, initial inevitable feeling syndrome [coded as IFS: meditation, urge, stress, distress, pain, and suffering], sorrow, and grief), and second, in unsolved health and life questioning of modern unhealthy dynamics and self’s unhealthy dynamics. In the common natural laboratory setting competitively shared with the other earthly creatures and the unknown world, the following outcomes of the divine reaction in his education-care revealed first, God’s expectation in the human being as self’s effort and monologue or dialogue seeking the divine help as supplementary external divine graces and mercy (coded as EDGM; see, prayers such as spiritual psychomedicine or spiritual care and medicine), second, the human contribution to acknowledge the divine will and plan in the biblical described creation, using human self’s intrinsic divine graces and mercy (coded as IDGM), for instance, the good intended initiative in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem (See, religion, intellectual and manual education, work disciplines), and third, also intrinsic divine graces and mercy, the conscientious divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers that treated the confusion of the common sense in given alienation and the evil pretense in regard to the infused spiritual and behavioral science in the health psychology dealing with given initial inevitable feeling syndrome (See, religion, intellectual and manual education, work disciplines, prayers, spiritual psychomedicine or spiritual care and medicine). The first described human beings as in the first human natural family in the Bible allowed to identify the divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers that treated the confusion of the common sense, the temptation, and the evil pretense in regard to the infused spiritual and behavioral science in the health psychology dealing with given initial inevitable feeling syndrome and its resulting induced experiential feeling. The Bible reported given spiritual psychomedicine that yielded to the self’s wellbeing as no shame feeling of nakedness of Adam and Eve before their self’s illbeing as shame feeling of nakedness due to their having consumed the divine forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil after they believed the suggestion of the cunning snake against God. The biblical description of the self’s freedom to choose the self’s wellbeing due to the divine motivational knowledge information was as it follows: God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. The Lord God then took the man and settled him in the Garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it. The Lord God gave the man this order: You are free to eat from any of the trees of the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From that tree you shall not eat; when you eat from it you shall die. The Lord God said: It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body. The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame. (Genesis 1: 27; 2:15-18, 24-25) In the biblical description of the first human natural family given initial inevitable feeling syndrome triggered in them the search for relief modes that informed about given freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers. Truncated stress by an animal help was linked to the desire of the parents to be like God without God in the knowledge of good and evil as they were seduced to eat the forbidden fruit and they misused their freedom. Their death even delayed confirmed the predictions in God’s motivational knowledge information. Before their death they underwent situations of life like self’s illbeing as shame feeling of nakedness as given induced experienced feeling due to the ingested forbidden fruit. The silent freedom of Adam in action following his voiced answer to God was revealed by the outcomes of his action such as, when through his intercourses with his wife, children were born of her to them. Those births triggered Eve’s voiced reactions of gratitude to God’s mercy. The outcomes of the voiced freedom of Eve revealed her relief since her answer to God’s probing interview question following her deceit by her dialogue with the cunning serpent. In her monologue recognition of God she allowed to discern the divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers that triggered God’s action-responses. God’s action-responses were first, spiritually oriented impact, which allowed the good attitude formation, the good emotional formation, and the good behavioral formation, and second, biologically oriented impact that allowed the unconscious and conscious harmony of health, life, and medicine economy (coded as HLME). If Cain allowed to perceive the inherited sin, Eve allowed to perceive the divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers that treated in Abel her animal spiritual internal contamination and vegetal biological internal contamination. Although he refused God’s warning and killed his brother Abel, Cain allowed to perceive the divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers as dialogue with God and the divine spiritual psychomedicine meditationprayer (coded as SPM) that treated given initial inevitable feeling syndrome, mindset, sin, wound, self’s illbeing, temptation, and evildoing. Through the first human natural family in the common natural laboratory setting, the induced experienced feelings as relief feeling mode, using conscientious divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers allowed the healthy universal feelings (coded as HUF) as peace, joy, wellness, justice, and belief, and the human spiritual potential’s expression (coded as HSPE) as faith, hope, love, trust, and freedom… To be continued... What about you? (Test yourself: 1. What are your existential situations and contexts of life [coded as ESCL; Note that a context of life can be a setting of life]? 2. How do you feel your “self” [a. Spiritually {i.e., your spirit: intelligence and will; your soul: memory, imagination, and affection}; See, spiritually oriented impact {coded as SOI}];[b. Bodily {i.e., your physic and physiology}; See, biologically oriented impact{coded as BOI}]; and [c. In your context or setting {i.e., family, workplace, neighborhood, or belief structure or system: example church}? 3. How is your stand in the issue of life and death? 4. How do you feel in your lifestyle [a. Spiritual religious or non-religious]; [b. Religious traditional or non-traditional]; [c. Modern religious affiliated or non-religious-affiliated]; and [d. Married conventional or non-conventional; Single religious or non-religious; in union with no commitment]?) Email and send your story Acknowledging spiritual care and medicine (coded as SCM) allows the qualitative healthy dynamics (coded as QHD) personified by Jesus who harmlessly helps a willing human being (coded as WHB) silently experience the Healthy Happiness and Qualitative Life (coded as HHQL) in the presence and action of the Holy Spirit (coded as PAHS), treating one’s human inherited self or being (coded as HISB) to perceive and own one’s human true self or being (coded as HTSB). Learn through:Buy our books:WTGF Text Book (Please, help us with your donation (≥$1; ≥$30.00; ≥$80.00) for publishing, which will cost ≥ $ 8,000.00): Title: “Curing through the meditation of the Rosary mysteries: The story of George”“Work into the Triumph of God” with our store $17.00“Health Spirituality” with our store $15.00“Meditation-prayer as a healing complement for human spiritual and physical suffering” with our store Before leaving this page, allow us to thank you for your visit and time. We still expect your generosity to contribute to our research, because we believe that you are worthy as you want the world around you to be healthier and happier! Smile, feel HEALTHY feel HAPPY!
3. A divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview questions-answers allowed a human self’s insight of the motivational knowledge information from the inconscience or unconsciousness through the subconscience to the conscience or conscientiousness as a given education-care and self’s treatment to experience healthy, happy, and qualitative life, as it pleased God in the beginning of the humanity. As in the second report of the Bible about the creation, in the paradise laboratory setting, the human mind was unconsciously like God but seeking to understand how what was as perceived and how to be like God without God or his divine help, when God expected a dialogue to reveal it, unless voiced in a monologue. As the first experimental man Adam was showing no will of dialogue with him God put him to sleep and bring him, in freedom, to voice his human self’s mind made in the divine image and likeness. Still according to the Bible, as in the first description of the divine monologue in creation, God implicitly unfolded his divine will and plan of how he expected his human creatures to discover and own his divine image after his likeness as they were created by him, when they freely experienced his divine principles. First, in his image after his likeness God made Adam’s self coupled with the earthly contribution. Without Adam’s informed consent and knowledge, he used Adam’s self and the earthly contribution to create Eve’s self with a constitutional nuance. This nuance was to marry Adam’s likeness to him God to procreate another human being also in his divine image after his likeness. His divine motivational knowledge information was fundamental in the conscientious use of the nurturing ecosystem that included now on his divine self, his made human beings, and his other specimen beings. Only a dialogue or monologue related to him elucidated his divine mystery in his creation as his definition of the nurturing ecosystem. As a human uniqueness was the phenomenon of soul as human insight that included the human spirit (i.e., the divine likeness) and body (i.e., divine image materialized by the earthly material sustenance). The human self’s inside abided the divine mystery as divine image after the divine likeness that was manifested in the inconscience or unconsciousness and the subconscience through the infused science in the interaction with the nurturing ecosystem to be brought into the conscience, consciousness, or conscientiousness. The world to be real was in this human self’s inside and in the nurturing ecosystem as in the mystery of the divine will and plan in the beginning of the biblical divine creation. As illustrated in the Bible, Adam and Eve were the prototypes as in the divine will and plan stated in his divine monologue. Adam and Eve were the conception of the divine will and plan of the human being. For a human being to correspond to the divine will and plan in the nurturing ecosystem, Adam determined and provided the selection of a part of the human self’s genetics to be and Eve completed the other part necessary for this self’s genetic uniqueness (i.e., a man or a woman). As in the divine monologue that was that Adam’s aloneness not good, the illustration of the human self’s inside movement to agree with the divine presence and action as the divine will and plan to be in the divine image after the divine likeness from the human self’s inconscience to this self’s conscience was revealed when the voice of Adam was the first time heard as he woke up and found Eve, whom God presented to him. According to his own words, this first experimental man was obviously satisfied with the divine treatment of his human self’s inner desire, although without his human informed consent and knowledge. He agreed with God that he needed help to a wholeness corresponding the divine expectation and the help was like him and God. God’s presence and action and his reading of Adam’s mind and inner desire then corresponded in harmony and corresponding to his human expectation. Since then, Adam ungratefully returned to his silent relationship with God, as if refusing to give satisfaction to God’s expectation of a loving dialogue with him. Adam allowed to define the divine informed freedom. Adam never votively showed that he minded of God. Obviously, God cared for his image and his likeness that his human being was like him God, meaning a human being that was a spirit made of intelligence and will, a soul made memory, imagination, and affection, and a body made of the same earthly material as the animals, the plants, and the earthly inert substances. Later, as he did with Eve, God used animals, plants, and earthly inert substances to bring forth Adam’s self’s insight in obvious expression, using the method or education-care of probing interview questioning (coded as PIQ). Adam showed as if he were not concerned with his being but tacitly felt well with as it was in the divine will and plan for him. In his silence, later, without expressed concern, Adam obviously cautioned any help like the following animal and vegetal help to acquire the knowledge of good and evil and be like God. He was confused in experiencing the outcomes of the misuse of his freedom, although refusing to enter the divine dialogue to be like God in tilling and caring for the creation. A second time God allowed him to talk and express his human self’s mind in answering his divine probing interview question (coded as DPIQ) as, in their search for being like God without God’s help, they had eaten the divine forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil linked to inevitable earthly death. As they were already informed about the unhealthy help and inevitable consequence of the forbidden fruit, they also allowed the diagnosis or discernment of evil pretense, temptation, and sin. The Bible also reported given divine education-care in the divine probing interview questioning that brought forth to acknowledgement given situation of one’s human inherited self or being (coded as HISB), to help discover, experience, and own one’s human true self or being (coded as HTSB) in the divine image and likeness (coded as DIL), however given context of life. Unlike Eve who tried to bring forth the accurate divine words, Adam failed to dominate on the animal and vegetal help as well as Eve’s unhealthy help against the divine will and plan (coded as DWP) in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. In an assumed analysis of the truth study approach, the divine education-care was a follow up as an evaluation process of the developmental process of the human being interacting with the divine creation in given silent freedom, as God found that all his creation was very good. The motivational knowledge information (coded as MKI) in the beginning of the human life was the starting point of the divine education-care as a supplementary divine graces and mercy (coded as DGM), external divine spiritual help, and a tool to activate the fundamental divine graces and mercy inherent in a human being’s spirit, soul, and body. The motivational knowledge information was to help the human being in the divine image form given good intended initiative (coded as GII) in the tilling and caring for the nurturing ecosystem. The nurturing ecosystem as a context of life offered spiritual and material goods, also supplementary divine graces and mercy that were to influence intended initiative to remedy given situation of life in term of fundamental human harmony of health, life, and medicine economy (coded as HLME) for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. The intended initiative was supported by a conscious and informed choice (coded as CIC) between one’s human self’s ongoing inside and the human insight of the divine motivational knowledge information (coded as DMKI). Due to the evil pretense in the cunning serpent, tempted, when the first human beings Adam and Eve sinned, the human self’s insight of one’s self’s inside situation of life and the human conscious and informed choice of God’s motivational knowledge information became a routine or an uneasy pattern that triggered human intended initiative in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. They were an unconscious or conscious routine, when “good” and God was silent in his divine education-care for the human being. They were an unconscious or conscious pattern, when “evil” and the remnant or vestige of God’s motivational knowledge information (See, physiology of the human spirit, soul, and body) that always questioned in the movement of the self’s insight and inside from the inconscience to the conscience. That “evil” pattern was voluntarily silenced, refused, ignored, or neglected against God. In the paradisiac context of life and their privileged individual situation as in direct contact with God, Adam and Eve showed this conscious uneasy pattern, when they sought to refuse the relationship with God by hiding behind a tree at the sound of God. By his probing interview questioning God invited them to take conscience of first, the evil pretense supporting their sin and wound linked to their shame feeling, and second, the inevitable earthly death linked to their sin and wound, unless he allowed them to eat from the fruit of the tree of life only present in his divine setting. If God had remained silent and allowed the access to the fruit of life following the consumption of the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, by the human being’s own action and conscious informed choice of death, the triggered human intended initiative had already formed a potential sinful and evil mindset that easily had contradicted God’s warning of death and wounded the human spirit and soul. After ousting them from the paradisiac context of life, Adam and Eve lived in the common and earthly setting of life with the other divine creatures, where there was the real competition for the goods of the creation or universe. The divine voiced action and the conscious divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers (coded as CPIQ) showed that, although the divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem (coded as DPUNE) eased the treatment of given shame feeling and met the divine approval, the divine will and plan and the ingestion of the fruit of the paradisiac tree of life were the only antidote against the inevitable earthly death linked to the human original sin (coded as HOS) in consuming the unhealthy forbidden fruit. The death of Abel perpetrated by Cain showed the immediate illustration of the death linked to given inherited parental original sin and the human self’s sin and wound, when refusing the divine motivational knowledge information in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. As the book of the divine education-care, the Bible reported no dialogue or voiced monologue of Abel’s need of God’s help, although God inquired with Cain about this last one’s murder of his brother. If the longevity of Adam and Eve explained the durable effect of given paradisiac fruit of which they ate before their sin, their death showed the inevitable earthly death linked to first, their human original sin and wound, and second, following human self’s mindset, sin, and wound. The Bible allowed to diagnose or discern and treat given confusion of conscious divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers. Influenced, with time and since Adam and Eve, through the religious science approach (coded as RSA) in the truth of God, it became difficult in a common sense to understand, in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem, the value of the divine motivational knowledge information that followed the human creation in regard to situations of life (i.e., harmony of the phenomenon of health, life, and medicine economy) due to human self’s mindset, sin, and wound. In spite of given technological progress, confused in the modern science approach (coded as MSA) of remedy to given situations and contexts of life, minimizing the notion of inevitable earthly death, nowadays, anytime since the negated or ignored human original sin of Adam and Eve to acquire the knowledge of good and evil, the human self was gripped in unsolved health and life questioning (coded as UHLQ) of modern unhealthy dynamics (coded as MUD) and self’s unhealthy dynamics (coded as SUD). The use of technology from the goods of the nurturing ecosystem such as fig leafy dresses started with Adam and Eve seeking to hide their insight of their inside shame feeling of their nakedness. Eve was deceived by the serpent’s influence and Adam ashamed of the truth in the presence of God. In regard to shame feeling, the technological progress continued with Cain become a shelter builder, fleeing the truth of his murderer sin, and using a lying skill as the human self’s knowledge of good and evil without the divine help, but with the help of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. Early in human beings the relief feeling mode (coded as RFM) of given remedy to inner feeling movement, the material support of medicine took over the spiritual means of remedy as related to God. As the material means of remedy was directly in human immediate power and reach or grasp (See, example of ingestion of divine forbidden fruit), from external shelters or covers as internal hiding of given situation to incorporated and invasive medicine, the search for a self’s wellbeing was human endeavor in life. Using the material goods of the nurturing ecosystem as the supplementary external divine graces and mercy for maintenance and regulation of the intrinsic or internal divine graces and mercy, a human self’s wellbeing was the induced experiential feeling as the first human beings’ primary privilege individual situation of life in the divine will and plan in the creation setting (See, context of life). The human self’s situation of life such as shame feeling of nakedness happened and were secondary induced experiential feelings in the search for relief feeling mode of another human self’s situation of life that was “the desire to acquire the knowledge of good and evil through the material support, which was the divine forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil linked to death” (See, divine motivational knowledge information). Although the human intended initiative was first to use the material-oriented means of medicine, the divine probing interview questioning allowed to perceive the spiritual means of medicine as the divine spiritual help to diagnose or discern and treat the human self’s situation of life due to mindset, sin, and wound. In the Bible, the first human natural family displayed conscious divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers following the parental first misuse of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem that rose in them given unconscious disharmony of health and life (coded as UDHL). Treating this disharmony and preventing the initial confusion and eventual worsening of given conscious disharmony of health and life (coded as CDHL) due to unknown evil pretense phenomenon, God interrupted the unconscious and conscious silence of his relationship with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the paradise natural laboratory setting. The context of life in the paradise was subjected to given test of freedom in the divine instructions in regard to “the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:9) in the middle of the garden. The rationale in the answers of Adam and Eve explained first, the developmental process in their silent freedom, second, the education-care in the divine probing interview question, and third, the confusion of the common sense in given alienation and the evil pretense in regard to the treatment of given human self’s health situations that were given initial inevitable feeling syndrome (coded as IFS) that displayed phenomena such as meditation, urge, stress, distress, pain, and suffering. From their answers God showed the level of their spiritual maturation and their understanding of his instructions in the use of the goods of their nurturing ecosystem. Adam’s answer showed his spiritual wound and his failure to be like God, welcome properly his involuntarily and received supplementary help, and relate to God in a dialogue to fulfill his human mission to cultivate and care for the paradise setting. Eve’s answer showed the wound of her soul in her mistake for having listened to the evil pretense in the cunning serpent that misled her away from her meditation of the divine instructions of how to fulfill her helping Adam to till and care for the divine garden. The reaction of God was to show them his divine will and plan for them in a loving dialogue to discover and own their divine image and likeness in his divine righteousness. Following the human original sin, the divine reaction sharing his mercy and sorrow with the human beings created in his divine image and likeness was, first, to chase out the infesting serpent vector of the evil pretense (as they were to dominate on the creation), second, to define Eve’s help in given education-care of her husband and of the process leading to childbearing, and third, to improve Adam’s contribution to the human wellbeing, and help him perceive the difference between the lost divine paradise setting and the common natural laboratory setting (coded as NLS). God showed his love for his human creatures beyond their temptation, sin, and evildoing. He entrusted them with their privileged individual situation of being in the divine image and likeness (See, spirit), but, he just put them away from his divine self’s finished setting where the outcomes of the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem included wellbeing that was healthy, happy, and qualitative life as an induced experiential feeling (coded as IEF). That induced experiential feeling followed an unconscious or conscious and informed choice of the divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem such as consuming the fruit of the tree of life only present in the paradise setting. The Bible reported that God always gave his beloved human beings multiple opportunities, when missed, ignored, or refused his divine help first, at the onset natural universal feelings (coded as ONUF; feelings such as sadness, anguish, dilemma, compassion, desire, fatigue, hunger, thirst, initial inevitable feeling syndrome [coded as IFS: meditation, urge, stress, distress, pain, and suffering], sorrow, and grief), and second, in unsolved health and life questioning of modern unhealthy dynamics and self’s unhealthy dynamics. In the common natural laboratory setting competitively shared with the other earthly creatures and the unknown world, the following outcomes of the divine reaction in his education-care revealed first, God’s expectation in the human being as self’s effort and monologue or dialogue seeking the divine help as supplementary external divine graces and mercy (coded as EDGM; see, prayers such as spiritual psychomedicine or spiritual care and medicine), second, the human contribution to acknowledge the divine will and plan in the biblical described creation, using human self’s intrinsic divine graces and mercy (coded as IDGM), for instance, the good intended initiative in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem (See, religion, intellectual and manual education, work disciplines), and third, also intrinsic divine graces and mercy, the conscientious divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers that treated the confusion of the common sense in given alienation and the evil pretense in regard to the infused spiritual and behavioral science in the health psychology dealing with given initial inevitable feeling syndrome (See, religion, intellectual and manual education, work disciplines, prayers, spiritual psychomedicine or spiritual care and medicine). The first described human beings as in the first human natural family in the Bible allowed to identify the divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers that treated the confusion of the common sense, the temptation, and the evil pretense in regard to the infused spiritual and behavioral science in the health psychology dealing with given initial inevitable feeling syndrome and its resulting induced experiential feeling. The Bible reported given spiritual psychomedicine that yielded to the self’s wellbeing as no shame feeling of nakedness of Adam and Eve before their self’s illbeing as shame feeling of nakedness due to their having consumed the divine forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil after they believed the suggestion of the cunning snake against God. The biblical description of the self’s freedom to choose the self’s wellbeing due to the divine motivational knowledge information was as it follows: God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. The Lord God then took the man and settled him in the Garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it. The Lord God gave the man this order: You are free to eat from any of the trees of the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From that tree you shall not eat; when you eat from it you shall die. The Lord God said: It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body. The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame. (Genesis 1: 27; 2:15-18, 24-25) In the biblical description of the first human natural family given initial inevitable feeling syndrome triggered in them the search for relief modes that informed about given freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers. Truncated stress by an animal help was linked to the desire of the parents to be like God without God in the knowledge of good and evil as they were seduced to eat the forbidden fruit and they misused their freedom. Their death even delayed confirmed the predictions in God’s motivational knowledge information. Before their death they underwent situations of life like self’s illbeing as shame feeling of nakedness as given induced experienced feeling due to the ingested forbidden fruit. The silent freedom of Adam in action following his voiced answer to God was revealed by the outcomes of his action such as, when through his intercourses with his wife, children were born of her to them. Those births triggered Eve’s voiced reactions of gratitude to God’s mercy. The outcomes of the voiced freedom of Eve revealed her relief since her answer to God’s probing interview question following her deceit by her dialogue with the cunning serpent. In her monologue recognition of God she allowed to discern the divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers that triggered God’s action-responses. God’s action-responses were first, spiritually oriented impact, which allowed the good attitude formation, the good emotional formation, and the good behavioral formation, and second, biologically oriented impact that allowed the unconscious and conscious harmony of health, life, and medicine economy (coded as HLME). If Cain allowed to perceive the inherited sin, Eve allowed to perceive the divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers that treated in Abel her animal spiritual internal contamination and vegetal biological internal contamination. Although he refused God’s warning and killed his brother Abel, Cain allowed to perceive the divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers as dialogue with God and the divine spiritual psychomedicine meditationprayer (coded as SPM) that treated given initial inevitable feeling syndrome, mindset, sin, wound, self’s illbeing, temptation, and evildoing. Through the first human natural family in the common natural laboratory setting, the induced experienced feelings as relief feeling mode, using conscientious divine informed freedom in conscientious probing interview question-answers allowed the healthy universal feelings (coded as HUF) as peace, joy, wellness, justice, and belief, and the human spiritual potential’s expression (coded as HSPE) as faith, hope, love, trust, and freedom… To be continued... What about you? (Test yourself: 1. What are your existential situations and contexts of life [coded as ESCL; Note that a context of life can be a setting of life]? 2. How do you feel your “self” [a. Spiritually {i.e., your spirit: intelligence and will; your soul: memory, imagination, and affection}; See, spiritually oriented impact {coded as SOI}];[b. Bodily {i.e., your physic and physiology}; See, biologically oriented impact{coded as BOI}]; and [c. In your context or setting {i.e., family, workplace, neighborhood, or belief structure or system: example church}? 3. How is your stand in the issue of life and death? 4. How do you feel in your lifestyle [a. Spiritual religious or non-religious]; [b. Religious traditional or non-traditional]; [c. Modern religious affiliated or non-religious-affiliated]; and [d. Married conventional or non-conventional; Single religious or non-religious; in union with no commitment]?) Email and send your story Acknowledging spiritual care and medicine (coded as SCM) allows the qualitative healthy dynamics (coded as QHD) personified by Jesus who harmlessly helps a willing human being (coded as WHB) silently experience the Healthy Happiness and Qualitative Life (coded as HHQL) in the presence and action of the Holy Spirit (coded as PAHS), treating one’s human inherited self or being (coded as HISB) to perceive and own one’s human true self or being (coded as HTSB). 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