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Self’s Assisted Treatment: Diagnosis or discernment (2nd Divine inFORMED FReEDOM)
Diagnosis or discernment, and treatment in the case of Adam and Eve
In the divine will and plan and the scientific discourse, Adam and Eve informed about the human health, life, and medicine differently from the discourse found in religions and modern quantitative science.... To read the entire introduction click here..
Divine Principles
Learned in the Bible, for healthy being in qualitative life, the divine principles are the original principles for the hygiene in human health, life, and medicine economy. Now, in given situation of life, helped in the modern science progress, it is given to mature in the religious approach of the case of Adam and Eve to better the human health, life, and medicine economy (coded as HLME) inherited from given context of life.... To read more about this introduction click here
1. A motivational knowledge information (coded as MKI)
2. A good intended initiative (coded as GII)
3. Conscientious probing interview question-answers (coded as CPIQ)
4. A divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem (coded as DPUNE)
5. A monogamy in marriage (coded as MM)
6. A human procreation or reproduction (coded as HPR)
7. A sexual intercourse act (coded as SIA)
8. Recognition of the divine presence and action (coded as RDPA)
9. A use of the divine graces and mercy (coded as UDGM)
10. An available human being (coded as AHB)’s free spirit
Divine informed freedom
To minimize cultural confusions, the Bible in its diverse versions becomes the modern reference for the relationship of the humanity in given nurturing ecosystem including God for defining human health and life.…To read more about this introduction click here…
1. A divine informed freedom in divine instructions
2. A divine informed freedom in good intended initiative allowed to use the goods of the nurturing ecosystem to experience healthy, happy, and qualitative life, as it pleased God in the beginning of the humanity. The Bible reported how to move from given situation of one’s human inherited self or being (coded as HISB) from given parental human culture to discover, experience, and own one’s human true self or being (coded as HTSB) in the divine image and likeness (coded as DIL), however given context of life (i.e., nurturing ecosystem). Directly informed by God Adam and Eve freely chose the unhealthy knowledge of the tree from the cunning serpent against the knowledge from God associated with the feeling of no shame that they already experienced before their temptation. Following their disobedience to the divine motivational knowledge information (coded as DMKI), the first human couple still displayed conscious divine informed freedom in good intended initiative (coded as GII) in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem including their humanity to remedy their feeling of shame in the knowledge of their nakedness. The perception of their consciousness of the divine informed freedom was that they hid at the sound of the steps of God, although they wore their made vestments. By them, God displayed his omniscience of the motivational rationale sustaining any human health psychology. By given conscientious probing interview question-answers (coded as CPIQ), God interrupted the silence in his relationship with his human creatures. With the rationale supporting Adam’s inherited silent freedom revealed in his answer to the divine probing interview question (coded as PIQ), God showed his approval of their initial initiative in medicinal treatment of their feeling. He still insisted to use their informing freedom for better conscientious remedy. Their informing freedom and the divine action to given intended initiative in the relationship with God allowed to define the notion of “good” in regard to “evil” and of the divine informed freedom. God made them animal vestments of which outcomes were beyond just covering their immediate nudity. As before their nakedness was no matter of shame in them, even in the divine presence, their intent to cover themselves in the aftermath of their new feeling of shame compared to their intent to be like God in consuming the divine forbidden fruit evidenced the “good” of their initiative. This intent to retrieve the no shame feeling was good as God helped them. The “no shame feeling” was also good as become now an induced experiential feeling (coded as IEF) through covering with vestments. Compared to the “no shame feeling”, the “shame feeling” was another induced experiential feeling that was “evil” like the support of its intent, which was seeking to be like God through eating the divine forbidden fruit against the divine order. the support of the intent causing the “shame feeling” was the human mind infestation by the cunning serpent that God did not want them to be like him. The feeling of shame was induced or linked to the animal infestation and the vegetal contamination. According to the divine predictions, without the divine approval, following the spiritual animal infestation (coded as SAI) and physical vegetal poisoning (coded as PVP), their first perception and feeling of “Good” (See, temptation) were in appearance, as due to the pretense of the evil intent. In addition, if not yet, other natural feelings were to be infested and induced. In predictions, after preventing them to perpetuate the evildoing by blocking the access to the tree of life, God made them be aware of how to remedy to their infested and contaminated perception and feeling in the knowledge of good and evil (coded as KGE) that was linked to the discovering of future inevitable feeling syndrome (coded as IFS) such as meditation, urge, stress, distress, pain, and suffering. In the developmental and nurturing process described in the Bible, inherent to any divine creation and especially his human creatures, the inevitable feeling syndrome allowed to move from the human inherited self or being to the human true self or being that allowed the feeling of being in the divine image like God. Although it was a fundamental element in the health life unit and process, the inevitable feeling syndrome was linked to the informing freedom in intended initiative for its relief feeling mode (coded as RFM). The divine interaction in the human informing freedom in good intended initiative allowed to define the divine informed freedom and treat the evil intended initiative and its resulting induced experiential feeling (coded as IEF). The first described human beings as the first human natural couple in the Bible allowed to identify the divine informed freedom that treated given evil intended initiative and its resulting induced experiential feelings. Adam’s silent freedom allowed him to find remedy to his inevitable feeling syndrome in the use of the goods of given nurturing ecosystem without specific recourse to God’s help, but, with the help of Eve and the other divine and non-human creatures. In an assumed analysis of given infused, spiritual, and behavioral science, Adam’s highlighted unconscious and informing choice of ignorance or indifference of God in freedom helped to reflect on a modern unconscious and informed choice (coded as UIC) of God in human health psychology in everyday and natural life. In the aftermath of their misfortune, Adam never felt guilty of a sin, as he never asked God vocally for nothing of what God gave him to help him. In his education-care, God allowed to observe Adam’s informing freedom of which outcomes were vulnerable to given evil pretense, temptation, mindset, sin, and wound. Minimizing the phenomenon of God, naturally benefiting from a given privileged individual situation of life, Adam allowed to believe or to be confused that he had a “good” sense of observation and he used it to discover that his feeling of shame lessened, if he covered themselves with fig leaves. He sensed that there was no need to involve God in his assumption. Unfortunately in his case, the phenomenon of God was obligatory in his existence and not a pretense. God drew him out of this assumption, confusion, or mindset by showing him better cover up of their shame with animal fur and skin. Adam deepened the reflection of his mind as a spiritual infused science (coded as SIS). Naturally, he sensed again that his wife’s anatomic difference could benefit him. He tried what became the infused behavioral science (coded as IBS) of sexual psychology. He discovered the health benefit of intercourse. Adam used the intercourse as a now known remedy to relieve given inevitable feeling syndrome. In his wellbeing feeling, he never expressed or minded, if his discovered health psychology, first, was a divine benediction or, second, pleased God. The author of the Genesis Book in the Bible never described Adam’s concern, sense, or feeling about his wife’s pregnancies. In spite of his involuntary participation, even in his wording and emotional reminiscence reflection of the divine operation, although an unconscious donor of cells to fabricate Eve, when he woke up with a wife on his side, he never mentioned a gratitude to God. Again, he became a parent father as an unconscious donor of half genetic material in intercourse and co-procreation, without his conscious knowledge, but, though with his voluntary participation. Cain and Abel were born of Eve to both of them. The silent freedom of Adam in intercourse yielded to the first described human natural family (coded as HNF) in the natural laboratory setting, different from the paradise laboratory setting. It seemed as if Adam’s attitude upset Eve in their couple lifestyle, when his selfish reflection brought all to himself in given ignorance or indifference in regard to God and his wife. In given insightful, spiritual, and behavioral science, Eve’s highlighted conscious and informing choice to recognize God in freedom helped to reflect on a modern conscious and informed choice (coded as CIC) of God in human health psychology of everyday and natural life. In the aftermath of their outing from the paradise setting, Adam accusing God and her made Eve felt guilty of their sin, as she was conscious that she was made by God to help Adam work and care for the divine creation. Cain’s birth gave the opportunity to perceive Eve’s voiced freedom different from Adam’s silent one in regard to God. As an infused spiritual and behavioral science in a monologue, Eve’s voiced reflection of her mind allowed to perceive, first, the divine presence and action to inform on the freedom that pleased him God, and second, the divine pleased health psychology in the human interaction with given nurturing ecosystem. Once become a child bearer parent and a mother, Eve sensed the divine presence and action in their discovered behavioral science of sexual psychology and in her maternal parenthood. The birth of Abel confirmed her perception of divine action in her maternity. Eve allowed to perceive the conscious divine informed freedom in good intended initiative that treated her evil infestation in intended initiative and its resulting induced experiential feeling such as shame feeling. Her attitudes and emotions were approved by God as manifested in her second child, as if there had been a spiritual genetic treatment. Later, as the first couple’s two children grew up, the author of the Genesis Book reported the interaction between God and them. With Cain, it was shown an education-care dialogue with God to help this first-born human child prevent a latent parental inherited sin and its consequences such as the following death of Abel, his young brother. Abel’s silent freedom in good intended initiative allowed to acknowledge the divine approval standard. God vocally expressed in a dialogue with Cain how to treat sin and please him God. Cain’s silent freedom allowed to perceive, first, God’s omniscience and omnipotence and, second, the divine graces and mercy despite mindset, sin, wound, evil pretense, temptation, and their consequences such as death. In a voiced freedom, Cain asked for God’s protection from future dangers as he felt that he became vulnerable by his committed sins. As his soul was wounded, although his spirit was still infested, Cain showed a behavioral science in health psychology as building physical protection. In the first described human natural family, the author of the Genesis Book allowed to perceive the divine informed freedom in good intended initiative as a tool for infused, spiritual, and behavioral science to improve human health psychology. As a perceived analysis of the truth study approach, the conscientious divine informed freedom in good intended initiative was a tool of infused, spiritual, and behavioral science to improve the human health psychology for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. According to the Bible, God had created Adam and Eve as well as their primary situation and context of life (coded as SCL) and allowed them a given freedom to obey to his divine instructions in the use of his created nurturing ecosystem, in and out of the paradise experimental setting. Since Adam’s voiced welcome of his wife until his voiced accusation of God and his wife in their misfortune, the conscious divine informed freedom in good intended initiative was silent and shown to having brought into Adam and Eve a given wellbeing described as no shame feeling. Later, having despised the divine instructions and eaten the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil linked to death had raised in both the shame feeling as they took conscience of their nakedness. In given learned, spiritual, and behavioral science, Adam’s highlighted unconscious and informing choice of ignorance or indifference of God in freedom helped to reflect on a given modern conscientious and informed choice (coded as CIC) of God in human health psychology of everyday and natural life. In the Bible, silent freedom and voiced freedom allowed to observe a given test of life and death (coded as TLD) or test of health and life issues (coded as THLI), which was, first, a given situation or conscientious specific event of life (coded as CSEL) as a given onset natural universal feelings (coded as ONUF). The onset natural universal feelings were sadness, anguish, dilemma, compassion, desire, fatigue, hunger, thirst, initial inevitable feeling syndrome, sorrow, and grief. The test of life and death or test of health and life issues was also, second, unsolved health and life questioning (coded as UHLQ) in modern unhealthy dynamics (coded as MUD) and self’s unhealthy dynamics (coded as SUD). As a tool, the divine informed freedom in good intended initiative displayed two properties of action. Those two properties of action were, first, a given spiritually oriented impact (coded as SOI) that allowed the good attitude formation (coded as GAF), the good emotional formation (coded as GEF), and the good behavioral formation (coded as GBF), They were also, second, a given biologically oriented impact (coded as BOI) that allowed the unconscious harmony of the health and the life (coded as UHHL). Infused in a dream, as observed in Adam, the unconscious harmony of the health and the life became subconscious, when sleeping. As in Eve, acknowledging it in training or learning it became conscious harmony of the health and the life (coded as CHHL). In reflection or a given human effort of good intended initiative, it was made conscientious harmony of the health and the life (coded as CHHL) and allowed to experience given relief feeling mode as induced experiential feelings. The infused and silent freedom of Adam and Eve in good intended initiative such as covering themselves with fig leaf vestments allowed in them less shame feeling as induced experiential feeling until they heard the sound of God’s presence. Adam and Eve allowed to perceive a fundamental element among the onset natural universal feelings as inevitable feeling syndrome composed of meditation, urge, stress, distress, pain, and suffering. This syndrome was linked to human informing freedom in intended initiative for its relief feeling mode as induced experiential feeling. Its relief feeling mode through human informing freedom in intended initiative to be qualified “good” needed God’s approval and intervention. The divine action or intervention in indicating and making for Adam and Eve animal vestments showed them that their intended initiative and relief feeling mode were good and needed improvement to be in quality and durability. The relief feeling mode of the inevitable feeling syndrome was already in the divine motivational knowledge information. As they got through the cunning serpent and the forbidden fruit without his approval the knowledge of good and evil linked to death, God also indicated how they would have done to prevent given sin and given evil pretense in the nurturing ecosystem. He made Adam and Eve hear him walking and questioning them on why they were hiding. He chased out the cunning serpent that induced and tempted the spirit and soul of Adam and Eve to sin. He put the angels to block the access to the tree of life in his paradise setting. In the monologue of Eve, the dialogue of Cain, and Abel’s silent informing freedom in good intended initiative, God allowed to diagnose or discern and treat the human informing freedom in intended initiative and relief feeling mode. Eve and Abel allowed to acknowledge the divine approval standard of the divine informed freedom in the inevitable feeling syndrome and its relief feeling mode. The divine approval standard of the relief feeling mode displayed induced experiential feelings as, first, given healthy universal feelings (coded as HUF) as peace, joy, wellness, justice, and belief, and, second, given human spiritual potential’s expressions (coded as HSPE) as faith, hope, love, trust, and freedom. This divine approval standard of the relief feeling mode associated with the divine informed freedom in good intended initiative was, first, related to the harmony of health and life in quality and durability and, second, without relationship with given alienation, shame, temptation, and death. Allowing the death of Abel by his brother Cain, although he had warned him, God showed that his divine informed freedom was beyond phenomena such as evil, temptation, and death. Alienation, shame, temptation, and death were related to sin, evil pretense, and the goods in the nurturing ecosystem of a natural laboratory setting, when a human being refused or ignored the recourse to God. Therefore, a tool of learned, spiritual, and behavioral science, the conscientious divine informed freedom in good intended initiative such as conscientious probing interview question-answers would be to improve the human health psychology for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. As in Eve, a standard of a process of monitoring and fulfillment (coded as PMF) of a healthy, happy, and qualitative life in conscientious probing interview question-answers led to perceive induced experiential feelings as peace, joy, wellness, justice, and belief, faith, hope, love, trust, and freedom in quality and durability… To be continued... What about you? (Test yourself: 1. What are your existential situations and contexts of life [coded as ESCL; Note that a context of life can be a setting of life]? 2. How do you feel your “self” [a. Spiritually {i.e., your spirit: intelligence and will; your soul: memory, imagination, and affection}; See, spiritually oriented impact {coded as SOI}];[b. Bodily {i.e., your physic and physiology}; See, biologically oriented impact{coded as BOI}]; and [c. In your context or setting {i.e., family, workplace, neighborhood, or belief structure or system: example church}? 3. How is your stand in the issue of life and death? 4. How do you feel in your lifestyle [a. Spiritual religious or non-religious]; [b. Religious traditional or non-traditional]; [c. Modern religious affiliated or non-religious-affiliated]; and [d. Married conventional or non-conventional; Single religious or non-religious; in union with no commitment]?) Email and send your story Acknowledging spiritual care and medicine (coded as SCM) allows the qualitative healthy dynamics (coded as QHD) personified by Jesus who harmlessly helps a willing human being (coded as WHB) silently experience the Healthy Happiness and Qualitative Life (coded as HHQL) in the presence and action of the Holy Spirit (coded as PAHS), treating one’s human inherited self or being (coded as HISB) to perceive and own one’s human true self or being (coded as HTSB). Learn through:Buy our books:WTGF Text Book (Please, help us with your donation (≥$1; ≥$30.00; ≥$80.00) for publishing, which will cost ≥ $ 8,000.00): Title: “Curing through the meditation of the Rosary mysteries: The story of George”“Work into the Triumph of God” with our store $17.00“Health Spirituality” with our store $15.00“Meditation-prayer as a healing complement for human spiritual and physical suffering” with our store Before leaving this page, allow us to thank you for your visit and time. We still expect your generosity to contribute to our research, because we believe that you are worthy as you want the world around you to be healthier and happier! Smile, feel HEALTHY feel HAPPY!
2. A divine informed freedom in good intended initiative allowed to use the goods of the nurturing ecosystem to experience healthy, happy, and qualitative life, as it pleased God in the beginning of the humanity. The Bible reported how to move from given situation of one’s human inherited self or being (coded as HISB) from given parental human culture to discover, experience, and own one’s human true self or being (coded as HTSB) in the divine image and likeness (coded as DIL), however given context of life (i.e., nurturing ecosystem). Directly informed by God Adam and Eve freely chose the unhealthy knowledge of the tree from the cunning serpent against the knowledge from God associated with the feeling of no shame that they already experienced before their temptation. Following their disobedience to the divine motivational knowledge information (coded as DMKI), the first human couple still displayed conscious divine informed freedom in good intended initiative (coded as GII) in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem including their humanity to remedy their feeling of shame in the knowledge of their nakedness. The perception of their consciousness of the divine informed freedom was that they hid at the sound of the steps of God, although they wore their made vestments. By them, God displayed his omniscience of the motivational rationale sustaining any human health psychology. By given conscientious probing interview question-answers (coded as CPIQ), God interrupted the silence in his relationship with his human creatures. With the rationale supporting Adam’s inherited silent freedom revealed in his answer to the divine probing interview question (coded as PIQ), God showed his approval of their initial initiative in medicinal treatment of their feeling. He still insisted to use their informing freedom for better conscientious remedy. Their informing freedom and the divine action to given intended initiative in the relationship with God allowed to define the notion of “good” in regard to “evil” and of the divine informed freedom. God made them animal vestments of which outcomes were beyond just covering their immediate nudity. As before their nakedness was no matter of shame in them, even in the divine presence, their intent to cover themselves in the aftermath of their new feeling of shame compared to their intent to be like God in consuming the divine forbidden fruit evidenced the “good” of their initiative. This intent to retrieve the no shame feeling was good as God helped them. The “no shame feeling” was also good as become now an induced experiential feeling (coded as IEF) through covering with vestments. Compared to the “no shame feeling”, the “shame feeling” was another induced experiential feeling that was “evil” like the support of its intent, which was seeking to be like God through eating the divine forbidden fruit against the divine order. the support of the intent causing the “shame feeling” was the human mind infestation by the cunning serpent that God did not want them to be like him. The feeling of shame was induced or linked to the animal infestation and the vegetal contamination. According to the divine predictions, without the divine approval, following the spiritual animal infestation (coded as SAI) and physical vegetal poisoning (coded as PVP), their first perception and feeling of “Good” (See, temptation) were in appearance, as due to the pretense of the evil intent. In addition, if not yet, other natural feelings were to be infested and induced. In predictions, after preventing them to perpetuate the evildoing by blocking the access to the tree of life, God made them be aware of how to remedy to their infested and contaminated perception and feeling in the knowledge of good and evil (coded as KGE) that was linked to the discovering of future inevitable feeling syndrome (coded as IFS) such as meditation, urge, stress, distress, pain, and suffering. In the developmental and nurturing process described in the Bible, inherent to any divine creation and especially his human creatures, the inevitable feeling syndrome allowed to move from the human inherited self or being to the human true self or being that allowed the feeling of being in the divine image like God. Although it was a fundamental element in the health life unit and process, the inevitable feeling syndrome was linked to the informing freedom in intended initiative for its relief feeling mode (coded as RFM). The divine interaction in the human informing freedom in good intended initiative allowed to define the divine informed freedom and treat the evil intended initiative and its resulting induced experiential feeling (coded as IEF). The first described human beings as the first human natural couple in the Bible allowed to identify the divine informed freedom that treated given evil intended initiative and its resulting induced experiential feelings. Adam’s silent freedom allowed him to find remedy to his inevitable feeling syndrome in the use of the goods of given nurturing ecosystem without specific recourse to God’s help, but, with the help of Eve and the other divine and non-human creatures. In an assumed analysis of given infused, spiritual, and behavioral science, Adam’s highlighted unconscious and informing choice of ignorance or indifference of God in freedom helped to reflect on a modern unconscious and informed choice (coded as UIC) of God in human health psychology in everyday and natural life. In the aftermath of their misfortune, Adam never felt guilty of a sin, as he never asked God vocally for nothing of what God gave him to help him. In his education-care, God allowed to observe Adam’s informing freedom of which outcomes were vulnerable to given evil pretense, temptation, mindset, sin, and wound. Minimizing the phenomenon of God, naturally benefiting from a given privileged individual situation of life, Adam allowed to believe or to be confused that he had a “good” sense of observation and he used it to discover that his feeling of shame lessened, if he covered themselves with fig leaves. He sensed that there was no need to involve God in his assumption. Unfortunately in his case, the phenomenon of God was obligatory in his existence and not a pretense. God drew him out of this assumption, confusion, or mindset by showing him better cover up of their shame with animal fur and skin. Adam deepened the reflection of his mind as a spiritual infused science (coded as SIS). Naturally, he sensed again that his wife’s anatomic difference could benefit him. He tried what became the infused behavioral science (coded as IBS) of sexual psychology. He discovered the health benefit of intercourse. Adam used the intercourse as a now known remedy to relieve given inevitable feeling syndrome. In his wellbeing feeling, he never expressed or minded, if his discovered health psychology, first, was a divine benediction or, second, pleased God. The author of the Genesis Book in the Bible never described Adam’s concern, sense, or feeling about his wife’s pregnancies. In spite of his involuntary participation, even in his wording and emotional reminiscence reflection of the divine operation, although an unconscious donor of cells to fabricate Eve, when he woke up with a wife on his side, he never mentioned a gratitude to God. Again, he became a parent father as an unconscious donor of half genetic material in intercourse and co-procreation, without his conscious knowledge, but, though with his voluntary participation. Cain and Abel were born of Eve to both of them. The silent freedom of Adam in intercourse yielded to the first described human natural family (coded as HNF) in the natural laboratory setting, different from the paradise laboratory setting. It seemed as if Adam’s attitude upset Eve in their couple lifestyle, when his selfish reflection brought all to himself in given ignorance or indifference in regard to God and his wife. In given insightful, spiritual, and behavioral science, Eve’s highlighted conscious and informing choice to recognize God in freedom helped to reflect on a modern conscious and informed choice (coded as CIC) of God in human health psychology of everyday and natural life. In the aftermath of their outing from the paradise setting, Adam accusing God and her made Eve felt guilty of their sin, as she was conscious that she was made by God to help Adam work and care for the divine creation. Cain’s birth gave the opportunity to perceive Eve’s voiced freedom different from Adam’s silent one in regard to God. As an infused spiritual and behavioral science in a monologue, Eve’s voiced reflection of her mind allowed to perceive, first, the divine presence and action to inform on the freedom that pleased him God, and second, the divine pleased health psychology in the human interaction with given nurturing ecosystem. Once become a child bearer parent and a mother, Eve sensed the divine presence and action in their discovered behavioral science of sexual psychology and in her maternal parenthood. The birth of Abel confirmed her perception of divine action in her maternity. Eve allowed to perceive the conscious divine informed freedom in good intended initiative that treated her evil infestation in intended initiative and its resulting induced experiential feeling such as shame feeling. Her attitudes and emotions were approved by God as manifested in her second child, as if there had been a spiritual genetic treatment. Later, as the first couple’s two children grew up, the author of the Genesis Book reported the interaction between God and them. With Cain, it was shown an education-care dialogue with God to help this first-born human child prevent a latent parental inherited sin and its consequences such as the following death of Abel, his young brother. Abel’s silent freedom in good intended initiative allowed to acknowledge the divine approval standard. God vocally expressed in a dialogue with Cain how to treat sin and please him God. Cain’s silent freedom allowed to perceive, first, God’s omniscience and omnipotence and, second, the divine graces and mercy despite mindset, sin, wound, evil pretense, temptation, and their consequences such as death. In a voiced freedom, Cain asked for God’s protection from future dangers as he felt that he became vulnerable by his committed sins. As his soul was wounded, although his spirit was still infested, Cain showed a behavioral science in health psychology as building physical protection. In the first described human natural family, the author of the Genesis Book allowed to perceive the divine informed freedom in good intended initiative as a tool for infused, spiritual, and behavioral science to improve human health psychology. As a perceived analysis of the truth study approach, the conscientious divine informed freedom in good intended initiative was a tool of infused, spiritual, and behavioral science to improve the human health psychology for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. According to the Bible, God had created Adam and Eve as well as their primary situation and context of life (coded as SCL) and allowed them a given freedom to obey to his divine instructions in the use of his created nurturing ecosystem, in and out of the paradise experimental setting. Since Adam’s voiced welcome of his wife until his voiced accusation of God and his wife in their misfortune, the conscious divine informed freedom in good intended initiative was silent and shown to having brought into Adam and Eve a given wellbeing described as no shame feeling. Later, having despised the divine instructions and eaten the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil linked to death had raised in both the shame feeling as they took conscience of their nakedness. In given learned, spiritual, and behavioral science, Adam’s highlighted unconscious and informing choice of ignorance or indifference of God in freedom helped to reflect on a given modern conscientious and informed choice (coded as CIC) of God in human health psychology of everyday and natural life. In the Bible, silent freedom and voiced freedom allowed to observe a given test of life and death (coded as TLD) or test of health and life issues (coded as THLI), which was, first, a given situation or conscientious specific event of life (coded as CSEL) as a given onset natural universal feelings (coded as ONUF). The onset natural universal feelings were sadness, anguish, dilemma, compassion, desire, fatigue, hunger, thirst, initial inevitable feeling syndrome, sorrow, and grief. The test of life and death or test of health and life issues was also, second, unsolved health and life questioning (coded as UHLQ) in modern unhealthy dynamics (coded as MUD) and self’s unhealthy dynamics (coded as SUD). As a tool, the divine informed freedom in good intended initiative displayed two properties of action. Those two properties of action were, first, a given spiritually oriented impact (coded as SOI) that allowed the good attitude formation (coded as GAF), the good emotional formation (coded as GEF), and the good behavioral formation (coded as GBF), They were also, second, a given biologically oriented impact (coded as BOI) that allowed the unconscious harmony of the health and the life (coded as UHHL). Infused in a dream, as observed in Adam, the unconscious harmony of the health and the life became subconscious, when sleeping. As in Eve, acknowledging it in training or learning it became conscious harmony of the health and the life (coded as CHHL). In reflection or a given human effort of good intended initiative, it was made conscientious harmony of the health and the life (coded as CHHL) and allowed to experience given relief feeling mode as induced experiential feelings. The infused and silent freedom of Adam and Eve in good intended initiative such as covering themselves with fig leaf vestments allowed in them less shame feeling as induced experiential feeling until they heard the sound of God’s presence. Adam and Eve allowed to perceive a fundamental element among the onset natural universal feelings as inevitable feeling syndrome composed of meditation, urge, stress, distress, pain, and suffering. This syndrome was linked to human informing freedom in intended initiative for its relief feeling mode as induced experiential feeling. Its relief feeling mode through human informing freedom in intended initiative to be qualified “good” needed God’s approval and intervention. The divine action or intervention in indicating and making for Adam and Eve animal vestments showed them that their intended initiative and relief feeling mode were good and needed improvement to be in quality and durability. The relief feeling mode of the inevitable feeling syndrome was already in the divine motivational knowledge information. As they got through the cunning serpent and the forbidden fruit without his approval the knowledge of good and evil linked to death, God also indicated how they would have done to prevent given sin and given evil pretense in the nurturing ecosystem. He made Adam and Eve hear him walking and questioning them on why they were hiding. He chased out the cunning serpent that induced and tempted the spirit and soul of Adam and Eve to sin. He put the angels to block the access to the tree of life in his paradise setting. In the monologue of Eve, the dialogue of Cain, and Abel’s silent informing freedom in good intended initiative, God allowed to diagnose or discern and treat the human informing freedom in intended initiative and relief feeling mode. Eve and Abel allowed to acknowledge the divine approval standard of the divine informed freedom in the inevitable feeling syndrome and its relief feeling mode. The divine approval standard of the relief feeling mode displayed induced experiential feelings as, first, given healthy universal feelings (coded as HUF) as peace, joy, wellness, justice, and belief, and, second, given human spiritual potential’s expressions (coded as HSPE) as faith, hope, love, trust, and freedom. This divine approval standard of the relief feeling mode associated with the divine informed freedom in good intended initiative was, first, related to the harmony of health and life in quality and durability and, second, without relationship with given alienation, shame, temptation, and death. Allowing the death of Abel by his brother Cain, although he had warned him, God showed that his divine informed freedom was beyond phenomena such as evil, temptation, and death. Alienation, shame, temptation, and death were related to sin, evil pretense, and the goods in the nurturing ecosystem of a natural laboratory setting, when a human being refused or ignored the recourse to God. Therefore, a tool of learned, spiritual, and behavioral science, the conscientious divine informed freedom in good intended initiative such as conscientious probing interview question-answers would be to improve the human health psychology for healthy, happy, and qualitative life. As in Eve, a standard of a process of monitoring and fulfillment (coded as PMF) of a healthy, happy, and qualitative life in conscientious probing interview question-answers led to perceive induced experiential feelings as peace, joy, wellness, justice, and belief, faith, hope, love, trust, and freedom in quality and durability… To be continued... What about you? (Test yourself: 1. What are your existential situations and contexts of life [coded as ESCL; Note that a context of life can be a setting of life]? 2. How do you feel your “self” [a. Spiritually {i.e., your spirit: intelligence and will; your soul: memory, imagination, and affection}; See, spiritually oriented impact {coded as SOI}];[b. Bodily {i.e., your physic and physiology}; See, biologically oriented impact{coded as BOI}]; and [c. In your context or setting {i.e., family, workplace, neighborhood, or belief structure or system: example church}? 3. How is your stand in the issue of life and death? 4. How do you feel in your lifestyle [a. Spiritual religious or non-religious]; [b. Religious traditional or non-traditional]; [c. Modern religious affiliated or non-religious-affiliated]; and [d. Married conventional or non-conventional; Single religious or non-religious; in union with no commitment]?) Email and send your story Acknowledging spiritual care and medicine (coded as SCM) allows the qualitative healthy dynamics (coded as QHD) personified by Jesus who harmlessly helps a willing human being (coded as WHB) silently experience the Healthy Happiness and Qualitative Life (coded as HHQL) in the presence and action of the Holy Spirit (coded as PAHS), treating one’s human inherited self or being (coded as HISB) to perceive and own one’s human true self or being (coded as HTSB). 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