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Self’s Assisted Treatment: Diagnosis or discernment (1st Divine inFORMED FReEDOM)
Diagnosis or discernment, and treatment in the case of Adam and Eve
In the divine will and plan and the scientific discourse, Adam and Eve informed about the human health, life, and medicine differently from the discourse found in religions and modern quantitative science.... To read the entire introduction click here..
Divine Principles
Learned in the Bible, for healthy being in qualitative life, the divine principles are the original principles for the hygiene in human health, life, and medicine economy. Now, in given situation of life, helped in the modern science progress, it is given to mature in the religious approach of the case of Adam and Eve to better the human health, life, and medicine economy (coded as HLME) inherited from given context of life.... To read more about this introduction click here
1. A motivational knowledge information (coded as MKI)
2. A good intended initiative (coded as GII)
3. Conscientious probing interview question-answers (coded as CPIQ)
4. A divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem (coded as DPUNE)
5. A monogamy in marriage (coded as MM)
6. A human procreation or reproduction (coded as HPR)
7. A sexual intercourse act (coded as SIA)
8. Recognition of the divine presence and action (coded as RDPA)
9. A use of the divine graces and mercy (coded as UDGM)
10. An available human being (coded as AHB)’s free spirit
Divine informed freedom
To minimize cultural confusions, the Bible in its diverse versions becomes the modern reference for the relationship of the humanity in given nurturing ecosystem including God for defining human health and life. Religious human beings had always referred to God in dealing with their limitations in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. As involved in the humanity process, being its biblical author, God revealed his pleased freedom in the human use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. In given situations and contexts of life (coded as SCL), in acknowledging the outcomes of the observance of divine principles as related to given diagnosis or discernment and treatment (coded as DDT), the divine informed freedom (coded as DIF) allowed to experience given healthy happiness and improve given qualitative life. Those situations and contexts of life allowed to define the test of life and death (coded as TLD) and the test of health and life issues (coded as THLI). In the present real world, in regard to given limitations in the inevitable and wonderful support of the current conventional science, this freedom made possible given conscientious and informed choice (coded as CIC) that had allowed to experience healthy happiness and qualitative life (coded as HHQL) and to define a standard of a process of monitoring and fulfillment (coded as PMF) of a diagnosis or discernment and a treatment, depending on a righteousness in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. The scale in this standard to measure the movement between a confusing feeling and an induced experiential feeling (coded as IEF) allowed to define a set of induced experiential feelings as the human spiritual potential’s expression or healthy universal feelings (coded as HUF) that were described as peace, joy, wellness, justice, belief, faith, hope, love, trust, and freedom.
1. A divine informed freedom in divine instructions allowed to differentiate it from else one in regard to given outcomes for human health and life as in the Bible. In the Bible, Adam was described as silent in his relationship with God, since he was offered for his help another human being made of him. As the animals and plants given to him for his help, he named the other human being in his likeness and the divine image, Eve, his wife. As Adam toward him, God also kept silence in his interaction with his human creature. As long as Adam and Eve complied with the divine motivational knowledge information (coded as DMKI), they lived in apparent good health in harmony with the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. Although, “The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame”. (Genesis 2: 25). Their use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem included the fruit of the tree of life. This apparent divine informed freedom in them, although naked and feeling no shame was challenged by a cunning snake and the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (coded as KGE) that was linked to inevitable earthly death. However was their choice, they were apparently free in the silence of God, unless they addressed him (See, no report of the relation from human beings toward God before their temptation and sin). In an assumed analysis of the truth study approach (coded as TSA), although he might hear the conversation between his wife and the cunning serpent, Adam remained silent about the divine accurate instructions in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. Accepting the animal and vegetal help against their previous own experience, they both chose and consented to disregard the divine version of the truth about the effects of the divine forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil linked to inevitable earthly death and even about the whole nurturing ecosystem. Their health psychology defining their attitudes, emotions, and behaviors dramatically changed, as they had listened to the serpent and ate the divine forbidden fruit. Their health and life altered, when both they consumed the fruit. They partially lost the natural divine informed freedom in divine instructions, as linked to the intrinsic divine graces and mercy (coded as IDGM). Their spirit matured to perceive their vulnerability of their body nakedness in their natural context in terms of good, evil, and death. Their soul matured to feel their shame and deceit. They sought to remedy to their feeling of shame, fear, and frustration. They made leafy vestments to cover their bodies. This treatment allowed to diagnose or discern an unhealthy being in their earthly life (coded as UBEL). This unhealthy being was an unconscious syndrome that always manifested in given mindset, sin, and wounds (coded as MSW), temptation and evil spirit (coded as TES), disease and illness (coded as DI), fear and frustration (coded as FF), indifference and ignorance (coded as II) and unhealthy happiness and mediocre life (coded as UHML). At the sound of the presence of God, they conscientiously showed an altered health psychology. God indicated and made for them animal vestments for durability and quality. God kept them away from the fruit of the tree of life. The natural divine informed freedom (coded as NDIF) in divine instucions allowed to prevent the unconscious syndrome disorder (coded as USD) as unhealthy being in their earthly life. As a perceived analysis of the truth study approach, the divine informed freedom in divine instructions allowed to diagnose, discern, or treat the unhealthy being in their earthly life. According to the Bible, the first experimental family related to God directly out of the divine paradise laboratory allowed to perceive diverse divine informed freedom in divine instructions in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. First, the first human being direct product of the will of God named all the other divine creatures (i.e., directly created by God) to help his human male creature not to be alone. Second, this first human being corresponded to the divine expectation in preferring God’s gift to him above the other species to be his better help as she was in his likeness. Both of them were naked and felt no shame. They became the first human natural couple. The first couple a male and a female were wanted by God in his will to help his first human creature. It revealed two different forms of divine informed freedom in divine instructions as it pleased God. Third, in the divine natural laboratory setting out of the paradise, discovering their body potential, the first human natural couple in marriage sexual intercourse became parents. The first human parents were the direct fabrics of God from the earthly mud as the first human beings in the divine image and likeness (coded as DIL). They reproduced themselves in a third human being and revealed the human procreation or reproduction. Their sexual intercourse act generated the first human natural family in the divine silence. Fourth, in the divine natural laboratory setting following the eviction of Adam and Eve from the divine paradise, their children became the first human heirs of parental privileged individual situations (coded as PIS). Those children differently reflected their own privileged individual situations related to their own divine informed freedom in divine instructions in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. The divine informed freedom of each member of the first human natural family allowed to perceive the divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem and the divine graces and mercy. Before the human original sin due to the temptation and evil pretense of the cunning serpent, Adam was passively silent in his relationship with God. He just used the ordinary goods of the nurturing ecosystem (See, ordinary and supplementary external divine graces and mercy) and the intrinsic divine graces and mercy. He never asked for nothing as supplementary external divine graces (coded as EDG) and mercy for evaluating the good and the evil as it pleased God. As long as he did not touch the dangerous divine forbidden fruit, he was apparently healthy and happy. As later he was contaminated through Eve’s unhealthy help, the silence in his freedom yielded aggravate given unconscious unhealthy being. He even showed as if siding with the cunning serpent as he accused God for his newly uncomforted situation, because of his wife. His divine informed freedom in divine instructions depended on Eve’s one. Differently from Adam, Eve showed an active meditation of her relationship with God, after her misfortune in an unhealthy dialogue with a serpent and following their ingestion of the unhealthy fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil linked to death. In a meditationprayer monologue praise of God she allowed to diagnose, discern, or treat an unconscious, conscious, healthy and unhealthy being in the earthly life. Recognizing the divine presence and action, she perceived a wonderful result of her active freedom in initiative of their sexual intercourse acts. Pregnant, she gave birth to a male child like her husband. In her verbal expression as become a parent giver of life, Eve revealed her conscience of the silent divine presence and action. Another male child was born to them and of her. Contrary to his parents and brother, in a healthy dialogue with God, first human child, Cain allowed to diagnose, discern, or treat a conscious unhealthy being in the earthly life. In unconscious divine informed freedom (coded as UDIF), second child, although silent, not wordy in expressing oneself but in gift, Abel let diagnose or discern an unconscious healthy being in the earthly life (coded as HBEL). Eve and Cain allowed to show that in the relationship with God shaped in a meditationprayer monologue praise (coded as MMP) or meditationprayer dialogue praise (coded as MDP), conscious divine informed freedom (coded as CDIF) in divine instructions allowed to diagnose, discern, or treat unhealthy being and experience healthy being associated with the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. Cain enjoyed the divine pleased privileged individual situation. He initiated the first healthy dialogue with God. Contrary to his mother, he misused his inherited divine informed freedom (coded as IDIF) in divine instructions to worsen his unhealthy being. He became the first human liar and the first human murderer. Differently from his father’s silence in the relationship with God, Abel’s active silence displayed inherited divine informed freedom in divine instructions linked to natural healthy being associated with the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. He allowed to discern or treat the divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem (See, supplementary external divine graces and mercy) and the intrinsic divine graces and mercy. As his father, Abel never expressed vocally his relationship with God, but his attitudes and gift met the divine approval. Unfortunately because of his divine pleased privileged individual situation, he became the first victim of the inevitable inherited death unless God allowed the eternal life differently than through the tree of life, which remained inaccessible in the divine paradise. The first experimental family allowed to define the divine informed freedom in divine instructions linked to the healthy being as a divine pleased privileged individual situation. The biblical report revealed the divine pleased privileged individual situations related to conscientious divine informed freedom in divine instructions. The divine instructions were clear as it follows: God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. The Lord God then took the man and settled him in the Garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it. The Lord God gave the man this order: You are free to eat from any of the trees of the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From that tree you shall not eat; when you eat from it you shall die. The Lord God said: It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body. The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame. (Genesis 1: 27; 2:15-18, 24-25) According to this biblical report, giving attention to God allowed a healthy, happy, and qualitative life, while disobeying the divine instructions condemned humankind to given mortality as it became hard to access eternally the tree of life. In silence or voicing, God still allowed enjoying the divine graces and mercy, which included humanity and the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. To define the divine informed freedom, the freedom of choice was between life in complying with the divine instructions in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem and life limited by inevitable death due to the ingestion of the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Before their conscientious choice of which life, Adam and Eve experienced unconscious divine informed freedom that yielded their divine pleased privileged individual situations: Although they “were both naked, yet they felt no shame” (Genesis 2:25). Tempted, they freely chose to ignore and neglect the divine instructions. Following their intake of the forbidden fruit and acknowledging the good and evil of their nakedness, their divine pleased privileged individual situations dramatically shifted in different feeling mode provoking in them another health psychology. They sought hiding their nudity. God put them out of the paradise to prevent them from reaching the fruit of tree of life related to God’s will and plan. Following their loss of the paradise laboratory setting, God never condemned them but cared for anyone in the first described family of Adam and Eve, when he was solicited in a way or another. As in the first described natural laboratory setting out of the paradise, through the family of Adam and Eve God allowed a willingly human being (coded as WHB) to perceive how he wanted to be pleased with one’s conscientiousness and consent to live a healthy, happy, and qualitative life (coded as HHQL). God showed in Adam how a person was healthy and happy as long as this one enjoyed a divine informed freedom in divine instructions. Since he accused God of his misfortune because of Eve the divine gift become his wife, anytime Adam was mentioned in the biblical report was that he had intercourse with her and a child was born. Although he was not described in relation with God, he freely chose to act in silence according to God’s predictions. Until his inevitable earthly death due to a definitive contamination as he accepted to eat the divine forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, he silently enjoyed a privileged individual situation and a divine informed freedom in divine instructions. As Eve was the initiator of the human misfortune, she endured the pain of the human reproduction and childbearing, but freely she vocally expressed her conscientious divine pleased privileged individual situation, when she became a parent mother of a male like his father. The outcome of her recognition of God’s merciful goodness, her second child was not only a male, but also freely pleased God in his offering to him. Through Eve God showed how he was pleased in a conscientious privileged individual situation and a conscientious divine informed freedom in divine instructions in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. Through the third human male Abel, he also indicated how he was favorable to a silent privileged individual situation and a conscientious divine informed freedom in divine instructions. Unfortunately the informed and inevitable earthly death was inherited as it first happened with Cain. Through the first child Cain’s fratricide, the younger brother Abel was also the first to be a victim of his brother’s sin and its wounds. Still God highlighted how he was concerned in a dialogue with him, God, when even a sinner like Cain he was asked a favor, using a conscientious privileged individual situation and a conscientious divine informed freedom in divine instructions. Although Cain was wandering away from God, hiding his triple sin (i.e., jealousy, murder, and lie) and building shelters, he was assured of the divine protection against any potential enemy of his life. In summary, the biblical report of the first described humanity in relationship with God made objective the relation between a healthy, happy, and qualitative life and a conscientious privileged individual situation, a conscientious divine informed freedom, conscientious divine instructions in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem, and a conscientious good intended initiative (coded as GII). To be continued.... What about you? (Test yourself: 1. What are your existential situations and contexts of life [coded as ESCL; Note that a context of life can be a setting of life]? 2. How do you feel your “self” [a. Spiritually {i.e., your spirit: intelligence and will; your soul: memory, imagination, and affection}; See, spiritually oriented impact {coded as SOI}];[b. Bodily {i.e., your physic and physiology}; See, biologically oriented impact{coded as BOI}]; and [c. In your context or setting {i.e., family, workplace, neighborhood, or belief structure or system: example church}? 3. How is your stand in the issue of life and death? 4. How do you feel in your lifestyle [a. Spiritual religious or non-religious]; [b. Religious traditional or non-traditional]; [c. Modern religious affiliated or non-religious-affiliated]; and [d. Married conventional or non-conventional; Single religious or non-religious; in union with no commitment]?) Email and send your story Acknowledging spiritual care and medicine (coded as SCM) allows the qualitative healthy dynamics (coded as QHD) personified by Jesus who harmlessly helps a willing human being (coded as WHB) silently experience the Healthy Happiness and Qualitative Life (coded as HHQL) in the presence and action of the Holy Spirit (coded as PAHS), treating one’s human inherited self or being (coded as HISB) to perceive and own one’s human true self or being (coded as HTSB). Learn through:Buy our books:WTGF Text Book (Please, help us with your donation (≥$1; ≥$30.00; ≥$80.00) for publishing, which will cost ≥ $ 8,000.00): Title: “Curing through the meditation of the Rosary mysteries: The story of George”“Work into the Triumph of God” with our store $17.00“Health Spirituality” with our store $15.00“Meditation-prayer as a healing complement for human spiritual and physical suffering” with our store Before leaving this page, allow us to thank you for your visit and time. We still expect your generosity to contribute to our research, because we believe that you are worthy as you want the world around you to be healthier and happier! Smile, feel HEALTHY feel HAPPY!
1. A divine informed freedom in divine instructions allowed to differentiate it from else one in regard to given outcomes for human health and life as in the Bible. In the Bible, Adam was described as silent in his relationship with God, since he was offered for his help another human being made of him. As the animals and plants given to him for his help, he named the other human being in his likeness and the divine image, Eve, his wife. As Adam toward him, God also kept silence in his interaction with his human creature. As long as Adam and Eve complied with the divine motivational knowledge information (coded as DMKI), they lived in apparent good health in harmony with the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. Although, “The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame”. (Genesis 2: 25). Their use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem included the fruit of the tree of life. This apparent divine informed freedom in them, although naked and feeling no shame was challenged by a cunning snake and the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (coded as KGE) that was linked to inevitable earthly death. However was their choice, they were apparently free in the silence of God, unless they addressed him (See, no report of the relation from human beings toward God before their temptation and sin). In an assumed analysis of the truth study approach (coded as TSA), although he might hear the conversation between his wife and the cunning serpent, Adam remained silent about the divine accurate instructions in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. Accepting the animal and vegetal help against their previous own experience, they both chose and consented to disregard the divine version of the truth about the effects of the divine forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil linked to inevitable earthly death and even about the whole nurturing ecosystem. Their health psychology defining their attitudes, emotions, and behaviors dramatically changed, as they had listened to the serpent and ate the divine forbidden fruit. Their health and life altered, when both they consumed the fruit. They partially lost the natural divine informed freedom in divine instructions, as linked to the intrinsic divine graces and mercy (coded as IDGM). Their spirit matured to perceive their vulnerability of their body nakedness in their natural context in terms of good, evil, and death. Their soul matured to feel their shame and deceit. They sought to remedy to their feeling of shame, fear, and frustration. They made leafy vestments to cover their bodies. This treatment allowed to diagnose or discern an unhealthy being in their earthly life (coded as UBEL). This unhealthy being was an unconscious syndrome that always manifested in given mindset, sin, and wounds (coded as MSW), temptation and evil spirit (coded as TES), disease and illness (coded as DI), fear and frustration (coded as FF), indifference and ignorance (coded as II) and unhealthy happiness and mediocre life (coded as UHML). At the sound of the presence of God, they conscientiously showed an altered health psychology. God indicated and made for them animal vestments for durability and quality. God kept them away from the fruit of the tree of life. The natural divine informed freedom (coded as NDIF) in divine instucions allowed to prevent the unconscious syndrome disorder (coded as USD) as unhealthy being in their earthly life. As a perceived analysis of the truth study approach, the divine informed freedom in divine instructions allowed to diagnose, discern, or treat the unhealthy being in their earthly life. According to the Bible, the first experimental family related to God directly out of the divine paradise laboratory allowed to perceive diverse divine informed freedom in divine instructions in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. First, the first human being direct product of the will of God named all the other divine creatures (i.e., directly created by God) to help his human male creature not to be alone. Second, this first human being corresponded to the divine expectation in preferring God’s gift to him above the other species to be his better help as she was in his likeness. Both of them were naked and felt no shame. They became the first human natural couple. The first couple a male and a female were wanted by God in his will to help his first human creature. It revealed two different forms of divine informed freedom in divine instructions as it pleased God. Third, in the divine natural laboratory setting out of the paradise, discovering their body potential, the first human natural couple in marriage sexual intercourse became parents. The first human parents were the direct fabrics of God from the earthly mud as the first human beings in the divine image and likeness (coded as DIL). They reproduced themselves in a third human being and revealed the human procreation or reproduction. Their sexual intercourse act generated the first human natural family in the divine silence. Fourth, in the divine natural laboratory setting following the eviction of Adam and Eve from the divine paradise, their children became the first human heirs of parental privileged individual situations (coded as PIS). Those children differently reflected their own privileged individual situations related to their own divine informed freedom in divine instructions in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. The divine informed freedom of each member of the first human natural family allowed to perceive the divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem and the divine graces and mercy. Before the human original sin due to the temptation and evil pretense of the cunning serpent, Adam was passively silent in his relationship with God. He just used the ordinary goods of the nurturing ecosystem (See, ordinary and supplementary external divine graces and mercy) and the intrinsic divine graces and mercy. He never asked for nothing as supplementary external divine graces (coded as EDG) and mercy for evaluating the good and the evil as it pleased God. As long as he did not touch the dangerous divine forbidden fruit, he was apparently healthy and happy. As later he was contaminated through Eve’s unhealthy help, the silence in his freedom yielded aggravate given unconscious unhealthy being. He even showed as if siding with the cunning serpent as he accused God for his newly uncomforted situation, because of his wife. His divine informed freedom in divine instructions depended on Eve’s one. Differently from Adam, Eve showed an active meditation of her relationship with God, after her misfortune in an unhealthy dialogue with a serpent and following their ingestion of the unhealthy fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil linked to death. In a meditationprayer monologue praise of God she allowed to diagnose, discern, or treat an unconscious, conscious, healthy and unhealthy being in the earthly life. Recognizing the divine presence and action, she perceived a wonderful result of her active freedom in initiative of their sexual intercourse acts. Pregnant, she gave birth to a male child like her husband. In her verbal expression as become a parent giver of life, Eve revealed her conscience of the silent divine presence and action. Another male child was born to them and of her. Contrary to his parents and brother, in a healthy dialogue with God, first human child, Cain allowed to diagnose, discern, or treat a conscious unhealthy being in the earthly life. In unconscious divine informed freedom (coded as UDIF), second child, although silent, not wordy in expressing oneself but in gift, Abel let diagnose or discern an unconscious healthy being in the earthly life (coded as HBEL). Eve and Cain allowed to show that in the relationship with God shaped in a meditationprayer monologue praise (coded as MMP) or meditationprayer dialogue praise (coded as MDP), conscious divine informed freedom (coded as CDIF) in divine instructions allowed to diagnose, discern, or treat unhealthy being and experience healthy being associated with the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. Cain enjoyed the divine pleased privileged individual situation. He initiated the first healthy dialogue with God. Contrary to his mother, he misused his inherited divine informed freedom (coded as IDIF) in divine instructions to worsen his unhealthy being. He became the first human liar and the first human murderer. Differently from his father’s silence in the relationship with God, Abel’s active silence displayed inherited divine informed freedom in divine instructions linked to natural healthy being associated with the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. He allowed to discern or treat the divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem (See, supplementary external divine graces and mercy) and the intrinsic divine graces and mercy. As his father, Abel never expressed vocally his relationship with God, but his attitudes and gift met the divine approval. Unfortunately because of his divine pleased privileged individual situation, he became the first victim of the inevitable inherited death unless God allowed the eternal life differently than through the tree of life, which remained inaccessible in the divine paradise. The first experimental family allowed to define the divine informed freedom in divine instructions linked to the healthy being as a divine pleased privileged individual situation. The biblical report revealed the divine pleased privileged individual situations related to conscientious divine informed freedom in divine instructions. The divine instructions were clear as it follows: God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. The Lord God then took the man and settled him in the Garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it. The Lord God gave the man this order: You are free to eat from any of the trees of the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From that tree you shall not eat; when you eat from it you shall die. The Lord God said: It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body. The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame. (Genesis 1: 27; 2:15-18, 24-25) According to this biblical report, giving attention to God allowed a healthy, happy, and qualitative life, while disobeying the divine instructions condemned humankind to given mortality as it became hard to access eternally the tree of life. In silence or voicing, God still allowed enjoying the divine graces and mercy, which included humanity and the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. To define the divine informed freedom, the freedom of choice was between life in complying with the divine instructions in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem and life limited by inevitable death due to the ingestion of the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Before their conscientious choice of which life, Adam and Eve experienced unconscious divine informed freedom that yielded their divine pleased privileged individual situations: Although they “were both naked, yet they felt no shame” (Genesis 2:25). Tempted, they freely chose to ignore and neglect the divine instructions. Following their intake of the forbidden fruit and acknowledging the good and evil of their nakedness, their divine pleased privileged individual situations dramatically shifted in different feeling mode provoking in them another health psychology. They sought hiding their nudity. God put them out of the paradise to prevent them from reaching the fruit of tree of life related to God’s will and plan. Following their loss of the paradise laboratory setting, God never condemned them but cared for anyone in the first described family of Adam and Eve, when he was solicited in a way or another. As in the first described natural laboratory setting out of the paradise, through the family of Adam and Eve God allowed a willingly human being (coded as WHB) to perceive how he wanted to be pleased with one’s conscientiousness and consent to live a healthy, happy, and qualitative life (coded as HHQL). God showed in Adam how a person was healthy and happy as long as this one enjoyed a divine informed freedom in divine instructions. Since he accused God of his misfortune because of Eve the divine gift become his wife, anytime Adam was mentioned in the biblical report was that he had intercourse with her and a child was born. Although he was not described in relation with God, he freely chose to act in silence according to God’s predictions. Until his inevitable earthly death due to a definitive contamination as he accepted to eat the divine forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, he silently enjoyed a privileged individual situation and a divine informed freedom in divine instructions. As Eve was the initiator of the human misfortune, she endured the pain of the human reproduction and childbearing, but freely she vocally expressed her conscientious divine pleased privileged individual situation, when she became a parent mother of a male like his father. The outcome of her recognition of God’s merciful goodness, her second child was not only a male, but also freely pleased God in his offering to him. Through Eve God showed how he was pleased in a conscientious privileged individual situation and a conscientious divine informed freedom in divine instructions in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem. Through the third human male Abel, he also indicated how he was favorable to a silent privileged individual situation and a conscientious divine informed freedom in divine instructions. Unfortunately the informed and inevitable earthly death was inherited as it first happened with Cain. Through the first child Cain’s fratricide, the younger brother Abel was also the first to be a victim of his brother’s sin and its wounds. Still God highlighted how he was concerned in a dialogue with him, God, when even a sinner like Cain he was asked a favor, using a conscientious privileged individual situation and a conscientious divine informed freedom in divine instructions. Although Cain was wandering away from God, hiding his triple sin (i.e., jealousy, murder, and lie) and building shelters, he was assured of the divine protection against any potential enemy of his life. In summary, the biblical report of the first described humanity in relationship with God made objective the relation between a healthy, happy, and qualitative life and a conscientious privileged individual situation, a conscientious divine informed freedom, conscientious divine instructions in the use of the goods of the nurturing ecosystem, and a conscientious good intended initiative (coded as GII). To be continued.... What about you? (Test yourself: 1. What are your existential situations and contexts of life [coded as ESCL; Note that a context of life can be a setting of life]? 2. How do you feel your “self” [a. Spiritually {i.e., your spirit: intelligence and will; your soul: memory, imagination, and affection}; See, spiritually oriented impact {coded as SOI}];[b. Bodily {i.e., your physic and physiology}; See, biologically oriented impact{coded as BOI}]; and [c. In your context or setting {i.e., family, workplace, neighborhood, or belief structure or system: example church}? 3. How is your stand in the issue of life and death? 4. How do you feel in your lifestyle [a. Spiritual religious or non-religious]; [b. Religious traditional or non-traditional]; [c. Modern religious affiliated or non-religious-affiliated]; and [d. Married conventional or non-conventional; Single religious or non-religious; in union with no commitment]?) Email and send your story Acknowledging spiritual care and medicine (coded as SCM) allows the qualitative healthy dynamics (coded as QHD) personified by Jesus who harmlessly helps a willing human being (coded as WHB) silently experience the Healthy Happiness and Qualitative Life (coded as HHQL) in the presence and action of the Holy Spirit (coded as PAHS), treating one’s human inherited self or being (coded as HISB) to perceive and own one’s human true self or being (coded as HTSB). Learn through:Buy our books:WTGF Text Book (Please, help us with your donation (≥$1; ≥$30.00; ≥$80.00) for publishing, which will cost ≥ $ 8,000.00): Title: “Curing through the meditation of the Rosary mysteries: The story of George”“Work into the Triumph of God” with our store $17.00“Health Spirituality” with our store $15.00“Meditation-prayer as a healing complement for human spiritual and physical suffering” with our store Before leaving this page, allow us to thank you for your visit and time. We still expect your generosity to contribute to our research, because we believe that you are worthy as you want the world around you to be healthier and happier! Smile, feel HEALTHY feel HAPPY!