WTG-Foundation Spiritual Care & Medicine, LLC
A Self’s Participation to live the wonders in spiritual care and medicine as compassionate Help in suffering to recover and experience better health, life, and medicine economy, using the WTGF Spiritual Psychomedicine Meditationprayer (coded as SPM*).

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Self’s Assisted Treatment
Diagnosis or Discernment
Health, life, and medicine economy
Attitude, Emotion, & Behavior Care
Spirit, Soul, Body Care
Unsolved Health & Life Questions
Education-care from the inconscience or unconsciousness through the subconscience to the conscience or conscientiousness
Natural Laboratory Setting
WTGF Spiritual Psychomedicine
Adult's Health
Conscientious Oxygenation Techniques
MeditationprayerExercise Techniques
Our Health, Life, & Medicine Approach
Welcome to the New Education-care Learning & Experience as spiritual care and medicine leading to concrete Healthy Happiness & Qualitative Life
First: Our health, life, and medicine approach is an education-care practice that helps acquire and improve a "good and healthy being" as "human wellbeing on earth". Counting with your "good will for an effective effort", it is not a duty, which allows us to:
1. Expect your facilitation of our help with a minimum payment to start (Fee corresponding to your contribution to our organization); purchase our "spiritual psychomedicine"of which "meditationprayer" form (There are different forms for any and different "situations"or "contexts" of life); and if a "guided session" (Know that you can do a session yourself, which makes it the "Self’s Assisted Treatment" [coded as SAT]) or servicing (Know that you can have our physical or virtual presence help), when wanted: 45 minutes and 15 minutes;
2. Emphasize a Spiritual Care and Medicine, which means, although trained and owning medical & philosophical degrees, in addition to our "spiritual psychomedicine", we accept not to prescribe a classic medicine but to attend and facilitate a patient’s participating cooperation or compliance with efficiency of a professional health and medical prescription (We assure the fundamental & basic needs, however, it takes);
3. Enhance and complete a Self’s potential (including faith in God) to experience and achieve Healthy Happiness (coded as HH) and Qualitative Life (coded as QL), essential complement but insufficient in classic health and medical approach in current facilities as clinics, hospitals, and counseling systems.
Second: We accept your immediate termination anytime you no longer need our service before the one-month-trial, which includes
1. The Seven Day’s Treatment (coded as SDT; seven consecutive days of a treatment session [Know that you can do a session yourself, which makes it the Self’s Assisted Treatment {coded as SAT}] or servicing [Know that you can have our physical or virtual presence help], which explains a minimum payment for 45 minutes and or 15 minutes),
2. Twenty Three Day’s Follow-Up (coded as TTDFU; after the initial explanation session or servicing, in the 23 following days we may contact you [i.e., at your convenience, email, fax, text, call, mail or visit] or you can contact us), and
3. The Seven Week Sessions (coded as SWS; instead of the seven consecutive days you choose one day in a week for seven treatment sessions [Know that you can do a session yourself, which makes it the Self’s Assisted Treatment {coded as SAT}] or servicing at your convenience [Know that you can have our physical or virtual presence {i.e., visit, mediat conference}]) help or guided { i.e., email, fax, text, call, mail} help, which explains a minimum pay or fee.
Third: Complementary Servicing for Religious Contribution:As a Biopsychomedical and Spiritual Approach, a qualitative science practice, first Discerning given Spiritual Suffering and given Physical Suffering, and second, offering a given Self’s Assisted Treatment (coded as SAT), which is based on Jesus’ religious spiritual model, the effectiveness of the servicing of the WTG-Foundation Spiritual Care & Medicine, LLC uses a faith-based religious spirituality as a Spiritual Psychomedicine in human spiritual sufferings and physical sufferings to help the individual and the families, first, find, experience, and retrieve the good of the faith in God personified in Jesus, and second, improve the inner self’s feeling, and better the communion with the modern science in the use of the goods of a given nurturing ecosystem as in a given situation and context of life or milieu of life. Conscientious that the human intricate problem (coded as HIP) is about the triad temptation, sin, and evil (coded as TSE), two logics show this effectiveness: The religious-related spirituality and the conventional modern science.
Our Specificty is that we implement the natural laboratory setting (coded as NLS) in the footstep of God revealed in Jesus as written in the Bible. We help better your situation and context of life (coded as SCL) at your convenience.
WTGF treatment approach is not religion, but integrated science to the faith in God revealed in Jesus, using Catholic Bible and Teaching. As in the Catholic Bible and Teaching (coded as CBT), like God since Adam and Eve or Mary and Joseph, WTGF is interested in human being (i.e., spirit, soul, and body [coded as SSB]) created in the divine image after his likeness (coded as DIL). Our access conditions are simple but engaging the individual’s self; to get our time and our attention, our client or partner may or is to experience WTGF treatment exclusively based on the Gospel of Jesus as in the Catholic Teaching: 1. Purchase our time through the purchase first of the WTGF treatment technique formula (coded as TTF) costing $30.00 per exercise form (this is symbolic referring to the cost of freedom reflecting on the fact that Jesus saved humanity concretely after his body arresting was sold to the religious authorities at thirty pieces of silver [See, Matthew 26:14-15; Mark 14:10-11; Luke 22:3-6; Ex 21:32; Zec 11:12-13]); 2. Respond freely to our research questionnaire (nothing or something interests WTGF) as witnessing of one’s try (i.e. email to wtgfscm@jesus-sat.org via www.jesus-sat.org); 3. Become oneself participant member of our WTG’s Foundation due to one’s own and authentic experience of Jesus, using one’s own purchased WTGF Meditationprayer technique (As one purchases our technique, one can use, sell, discard it, or get back it’s benefit) or promoting WTG-Foundation Spiritual Care & Medicine, LLC (i.e., buying one’s membership). WTGF recruits no one or discusses no one’s religion, belief, or approach, but invites anyone to join our membership if willing to experience Jesus in one’s self’s authentic feeling (coded as SAF; see, peace, joy, wellness, justice, belief, faith, hope, love, trust, and freedom) of healthy biologic change (coded as HBC) in one’s health, life, and medicine economy (coded as HLME).
Our servicING IS comprehensive
At the convenience and demand of the participant, we provide
(1) The Teaching, Listening, Treatment, and Guidance Service, using the Jesus’ Christology Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church to Help Experience Self’s Assisted Treatment: Diagnosis or Discernment
(2) The Eucharist ministry, as required, accepted, and approved by a Pastor or a Priest of a Catholic Parish.
(3) As a Healing Complement for Spiritual and Physical Suffering (coded as SPS), we offer training to experience our Meditationprayer Techniques (Form SAT Session minimum cost: self’s exercise; Form SAT Session with Assisting or Guided Session [coded as AGS] cost for 15 minutes [designed as Assisting or Guided Session Fifteen {coded as AGSF}] or for 45 minutes [Assisting or Guided Session Forty Five {coded as AGSFF}], Form SAT Session includes an Oxygenation Technique [coded as OT], a Meditationprayer Exercise [coded as ME], and Imagination Subconscience Stimulation [coded as ISS]) a. Choose and Purchase treatments and/or sessions. Each treatment consists in seven sessions (S1 to S7 [one’s choice if assisting [i.e., guided] or not] between 15 minutes and 45 minutes), and a follow up in the 8th or 30th day using conscientious probing interview question-answer (coded as CPIQ; using One-to One visit, email, fax, text, phone call, or mail; also available CPIQ (i.e., conscientious probing interview questionaire) email or chat session [15 minutes or 45 minutes]) following the first or initiative session. Each treatment can be in the form of seven day treatments (coded as SDT) or seven week session (coded as SWS) meditationprayer models (coded as MM). When there is assistance, the role of the assistant is to explain and train in how to proceed in given exercises, help, and listen to the Assisted.b. Exercise and note the number of times of an exercise in a day.c. Answer the interview questions, which may take 45 minutes (mental, verbal, or writing proceeding).
We offer Our WTGF Spiritual PsychomedicineThe healthy happiness and the qualitative life are products of the type of spirituality reflected in human lifestyles. Lifestyles model human spirit, soul, and body. Human spirit, soul, and inner body are ordinarily hidden to common conception, the same way as God is invisible for non-believers in him. They are easily vulnerable to our ordinary nurturing ecosystem (coded as ONE) through the pathway of the immaterial triad temptation, sin, and evil. This triad is not easily influenced by our technological medication progress, if not helped with something that matches its immaterial happening process. One of the reasons is that our human technology is their product and they are limited in our human body. In addition, for the reason that they are invisible, the human spirit and soul are complex in their use in ordinary health, life, and medicine care (coded as HLMC) to soothe and relieve human unhealthy being in the earthly life (coded as UBEL) due to unsolved health and life questioning (coded as UHLQ) of modern unhealthy dynamics (coded as MUD), given self’s unhealthy dynamics (coded as SUD). Those unhealthy dynamics (coded as UD) are the results of invisible spiritual phenomena (coded as ISP) depending on the above triad (See, evil pretense and sin, well known in religion and unknown in modern science). The study of religion and the Bible points out to given self's assisted treatment (coded as SAT) using spiritual psychomedicine meditationprayer (coded as SPM) as effiscient in the care of the limits of human spirit and soul as well as the limitation in our technology in the care of acute and chronic diseases (coded as ACD).
The WTGF Spiritual Psychomedicine Emphasizes a Spiritual Care and Medicine, which means, although trained and owning medical & philosophical degrees, in addition to our spiritual psychomedicine, we accept not to prescribe a classic medicine but to attend and facilitate a patient’s participating cooperation or compliance with efficiency of a professional health and medical prescription (We assure the fundamental needs, however, it takes).
As in the Bible, the first known human beings were healthy, naked but felt no shame, as long as they were using the goods of the nurturing ecosystem (coded as GNE) as it pleased their creator God. Beside the divine pleased use of the nurturing ecosystem (coded as DPUNE), God was the spiritual source of their invisible human spirit and soul only and reference as the spiritual nature phenomena (coded as SNP), the visible spiritual phenomena (coded as VSP), and the spiritual healthy dynamics (coded as SHD) for their health, life, and medicine economy (coded as HLME).
According to given conventional modern science (coded as CMS), for restoring given healthy being in the earthly life (coded as HBEL), the goods of the nurturing ecosystem are the only known source that allows to experience the healthy happiness and improve the qualitative life. Such statement raises unsolved health and life questioning in acute and chronic issues (coded as ACI) such as chronic inevitable feelling syndrome (coded as IFS) in human self’s unhealthy situations and contexts of life, although using prescribed goods of the nurturing ecosystem.
Our Spiritual Psychomedicine allows to rebuilt the brain role in our healthy life. The brain essentially needs and receives for its constitution and physiology information as instructions from outside and inside setting and goods (Example, glucose and oxygen) of the nurturing ecosystem.
Spirituality defined as mindsets of which derive given attitudes, emotions, and behaviors (coded as AEB) are products of human spirit (i.e., intelligence and will) and soul (i.e., memory, imagination, and affection) constituting the mind or culturally designed “spirit”, “tradition”, or “education” located or situated in a body that is the brain.
In given spirituality of the conventional modern science (See, psychology, medicine, sociology, human sciences), the brain as inner visible body and visible human being (coded as VHB) produces a microscopic fundamental element (coded as MFE) that defines each one of its partition. The microscopic fundamental element corresponds in conventional modern science to a “neurotransmitter”.
The production of a given neurotransmitter depends on the combination, fabric, or fusion of a given good of the nurturing ecosystem and the information from the human body (See, nervous system, neurons, nerves, sensitivity, and motivity). The information is defined as specifically, given inevitable feeling syndrome (coded as IFS), and, globally, given onset natural universal feelings (coded as ONUF).
The neurotransmitter final product of mindsets and mindset wounds determines the human situation of health and life in relation with given goods (i.e., healthy or unhealthy glucides, protides, lipids, nucleosides, inert elements such as minerals, air, and water) of given nurturing ecosystem. The inevitable feeling syndrome is defined by practical fundamental and immaterial elements (coded as FIE) of feeling that describe as meditation, urge, stress, distress, pain, and suffering. This syndrome explains given fundamental healthy feeling (coded as FHF) of the inner visible body and the visible human being or self (coded as VHBS).
The onset natural universal feeling describes sadness, anguish, dilemma, desire, compassion, initial inevitable feeling syndrome, sorrow, and grief. Those feelings directly depend on the nurturing ecosystem that shapes the human mindsets and their wounds. The human mindsets and their wounds in a human self’s feelings are subjected to human lifestyles in tradition, culture, religion, and conventional modern science.
Until now, in common sense mind, the only treatment of onset natural universal feelings is alcohol beverage, classic medicine, and outside goods of the nurturing ecosystem. This treatment led to unsolved health and life questioning, when facing chronic feeling and their complications. Our offer to you is to try our WTGF spiritual psychomedicine!